
You don’t have to be angry, triggered, depressed or fed up in order to create change. When you make self-care a priority, your balance will help you remain clear and calm in the midst of trouble. It will also set a baseline energy in your experience that will make it easier to notice when something feels off, thus allowing you to address it in the early stages of development.

The human experience is a paradoxical one. We learn through emotion and yet often struggle to manage and express our emotions in healthy ways. By bringing Presence into your experience of the Now, you can become the observer. Notice how you feel in response to events in your life situation, world events or your vision of the future, and honor your feelings. Move as quickly as you can into the heart-driven knowledge that there is a blessing inherent in every situation.You are a child of light. You are safe, loved, supported and guided each and every step of the way. Recognize the importance of creating inner harmony and consciously acting from a space of personal integrity. As an old soul, your perception will likely be far different from that of the masses. This is a vital aspect of your spiritual growth. You can hold space while playing your role in the awakening consciousness of the planet.

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