Let your life be your message

You are a living expression of the Universe in ecstatic motion.

“Let your life be your message.” ~Mahatma Ghandi~

Your journey is unique and the world is changed by your sojourn here. After years of meditation, gratitude, workshops, books, teachers and experiences, your life becomes the interpretation of what you have truly learned.

Many people get caught in the trappings of a particular belief system. The ego loves to have labels and will often immediately jump into judgment or limited expectations of others based upon preconceived ideas. You can step out of limitation by living your life in a way that is unfailingly kind, open, aware and joyful. Others will respond to your awakened expression of life.

All old souls have a karmic agreement to teach a certain number of people prior to evolving off the planet. The easiest way to fulfill that is through  inspired actions and conscious behavior. While this calls upon us to be authentic and mindful, it also helps us to firmly anchor our beliefs through consistent practice, and thus, your life has beautiful meaning.

The joy of being

Choose to create joy where you are.

“Opening yourself to the emerging consciousness and bringing its light into this world becomes the primary purpose of your life.” ~Eckhart Tolle~

Our inner purpose is to awaken. While our outer purpose can change many times in the course of a lifetime, the idea is to align the two purposes together in a way that is unique, vibrant and joyful.

When you find your passion, allow it to infuse your choices and experiences in a way that uplifts your spirit. Personal responsibility calls upon us to bring a conscious awareness to our decisions. We cannot control the events of life but we can control how we choose to respond to them.

Imagine how your experience would be transformed if you dropped the need to achieve perfection. Rather than striving for some future goal, you may discover the perfection that is inherent in the present moment. As souls in the process of discovering our mastery and potential, each experience simply helps us to become more awake, more conscious and thus, more joyful.

The shimmering pulse of life

We live in a world of limitless possibility.

“Looking with a mind that’s awake reveals the shimmering pulse of life. Looking with a mind full of thoughts reveals only your thoughts.” ~Ezra Bayda~

We all have filters through which we interpret our experiences and the world around us. As we move to higher levels of consciousness, we expand our vision and begin to see more possibilities.

In the exploration of infinity, it’s important to remember that no matter how much we have learned or how far we have come, we are still at the beginning of a miraculous journey. The human experience is one of perceived separation. We spend lifetimes feeling lost and misunderstood. Awakening is the experience of Oneness in a world of difference.

This is the moment of transformation. Will you use it or hide in the illusion of comfort and security? When we discover the truth of who we are, we’ll realize that there is no one special to be. Truly seeing the sacred light of consciousness in ourselves and in one another removes all the trappings of limited ego-based goals and beliefs. Know thyself… and discover that all you need is already here

Today my intention is to celebrate the journey with gratitude. 

The process of awakening

We are all masters in the process of awakening.

“When are self-imposed prison walls come down, all that remains is the connectedness that we are.” ~Ezra Bayda~

Use every relationship and situation you encounter to observe what you are reflecting into the world. Almost all of the difficulties we experience come from wanting others to be different than they are; however, if their energy or actions are meant to help us to awaken, they are doing exactly what they need to be doing.

When we begin to judge or attempt to change others, we miss a valuable opportunity for self-transformation. Always turn your attention inward and simply examine what is occurring. This humility will expand your consciousness in ways that may surprise you. Honor the process of awakening by tending to your own state of consciousness while allowing others the space they need to attend to their own.

We are help to help one another and to support one another. In the process we will come to realize that we are all One.

Today my intention is to let my life be my message.

Be led by love

Be led by love… always.

Silence the angry man with love. Silence the ill-natured man with kindness. Silence the miser with generosity. Silence the liar with truth. ~Buddha~

Whenever the ego prompt us to react in the same old way, the appropriate action (or non-action) for an awakening master is typically the opposite. Strive to bring more loving energy to the planet. Your choices spark energy that can unfold in miraculous ways. We have chosen to be here Now for a specific purpose.

This is the gift of Presence. A calm mind and conscious behavior has much greater long-term impact than the immediate intensity for which the mind clamors.

No matter how you choose to express yourself during this tenure on the planet, choose to infuse love into the most challenging of experiences and be the change that you wish to see.

Today my intention is to be kind. 

Be still

The mind distracts us from the truth of the present moment.

“All healing requires an openness to universal energies and the ability to “step down” these energies to the physical plane, so that the physical body benefits… [through silence] there is a subconscious submission to fate, a loving gift of the self to the spirit of life.” ~Vicki Noble~

Be still. Quiet the mind and go within. No matter what is unfolding in your life situation, you have the ability to be at peace. Use all that you are experiencing to facilitate the next phase of your spiritual awakening. Silence is the key.

We are so conditioned to think our way through challenges that we can momentarily forget we are divine beings who are guided, loved and supported each and every step of the way. In those moments of feeling lost or overwhelmed, the first instinct is to dwell on the “coulda/woulda/shoulda” of regret.

The truth lies in the feelings of the heart. Go within and simply be. Open to the light of the universe, and there you will discover the insight and peace you desire. Know that you are right where you need to be and the experience you are having holds the key to your enlightenment.

Today my intention is to honor this moment as sacred.

Loving relationships


Create a space in which a transformation can occur.

“The profound feeling of love allows you to experience a true sensation of inner peace, connection and harmony both with yourself and your significant other. Sharing good and bad times, being able to support each other without being judged or criticized, gives you both strength and comfort and can help lift you towards your highest spiritual vibration.” ~David James Lees~

Life’s ultimate goal is to reach a place where you are at peace with yourself and therefore able to give and receive the gifts of love without ego involvement. You can transform your experiences through the honest expression of your Presence.

Healthy love offers support, patience, compassion and space. Ego-driven love demands that others must behave in a way that makes us feel whole. As we vacillate between the two states of being, we may discover aspects of ourselves that require our focus. Our relationships consistently provide an opportunity to grow.

When we create harmony within our relationships, we begin to discover who we truly are in the presence of the other. Our multifaceted experience is transformed through the exploration of friendships, partnership, lovers, parenting and active participation with our soul group.

Bring conscious presence into your relationships by giving those you love the space they need to grow and thrive. See your connection as a sacred, living expression of Divine love as you walk in beauty and honor the perfection of the journey.

Today my intention is to be grateful for those who grace my life.

Facing your shadow


Our triggers are an indicator of potential insight and healing that is ready to unfold.

“Experiencing the disappointment of not getting what we want, of not having our expectations met, often triggers out most painful and unhealed emotions.” ~Ezra Bayda~

Notice, observe and come face to face with your own fears when they arise. When we find ourselves taking a lot about situations that are upsetting, sharing opinions repeatedly or reliving a past experience, it’s important to go deeper into the story.

Old conditioning tends to repeat itself. If we are awake enough to witness this as it occurs, we can create an opportunity to learn from it. We may leave our fears behind and move into compassion. We may choose to see the situation or the person as a potential healing angel and this higher insight changes the way we respond to life.

Everything you experience is an outward expression of your awakening. Intense emotions such as anger and fear hold the key to healthier self-expression. Regret points the way to self-forgiveness. Disappointment shows us how we have attached to a particular outcome.

As you heal old wounds, you’ll experience less triggers in your life situation. The result is a peaceful, empowered response to life. Your healthy neutrality becomes an indicator of a balanced mind and spirit.

Today my intention is to embrace my challenges as teachers. I am safe.

Your life is a gift to the world

When contemplating our life’s purpose, the one question we don’t ask often enough is “What do I have to offer?”

“The heart has reasons of which the mind knows nothing.” ~Pascal~

When you find your joy, you bring something to the world that wasn’t there before. Sharing your gifts, talents, insights and passion can inspire others to do the same. The way to true contentment is found within the innermost wisdom of the heart.

If you seek clarity about your path, begin by staying fully present with the anxiety that arises rather than “trying to figure it out.” Instead of thinking, be present with what you are experiencing. Go deeper within. Insights usually occur as a flash of inspiration or heart-driven knowledge that elicits a deep calmness. Rather than trying we begin to do.

When you can give from the heart without attachment, joy becomes present in your expression of life. Not everyone is called upon to be a teacher or charity worker; however, your joyful presence is your gift to the world. No matter what your occupation, bring a high level of consciousness to your interactions with others. By creating an energy of peacefulness and cooperation, you are sharing your gifts.

Today my intention is to remember that true fulfillment comes from the sharing of my unique gifts.

Embrace the uncertainty

We limit life with our mind-made expectations.

“Fear is non acceptance of uncertainty. If we accept that uncertainty, it becomes adventure.” ~Rumi~

We humans have limited perception by divine design. The unknowable aspects of life allows us to cultivate the art of surrender. At some point, we discover that things actually flow better when we do not attempt to control the outside world. Instead, we learn to place our focus on the inner and listen to the language of the soul.

The higher your state of consciousness, the easier life flows. If you are immersed in struggle, see if you can take a step back from the situation and allow it to be what it is. Consciously choose to release all attachment and become the observer. This process opens the doors of perception and sets you free from any self-made prisons.

Don’t wait for your life to fall into place before you choose to be joyful. Instead, choose to be joyful now and life will reflect your joy to you in beautiful and surprising ways.

Today my intention is to embrace the adventure of life.