I Am

What do you choose to say after the words, “I Am?”

“One thing is certain: Existence is overflowing. With everything it is luxurious. Poverty is man’s creation.”                       ~Osho~

Our words are powerful. Say something often enough and it becomes a core belief to which we subconsciously manage our lives. We then see that supposed ‘truth’ reflected in our experience and come to believe it even more. Many live in self-imposed prisons that their thoughts and words reinforce everyday.

We have infinite opportunities to create something beautiful. Ask someone close to you to observe the words you say and give them permission to quickly interrupt and bring your attention to anything negative or limiting. This provides an opening to purposely change to empowering, positive and motivating words. Awareness is the first step of transformation.

It may be surprising to realize how often you reinforce things you do not want to keep in your experience. The ego tricks us into believing that we must stay focused on the perceived problem in order to fix it; however, movement forward comes from focusing on solutions.

Today my intention is to live from the heart and speak with love.

Embrace your role


When you choose to live your truth, trust your intuition and embrace your role, life unfolds perfectly.

“The choices of role determine the nature of experience and perception, the part which the soul will play throughout it’s cycle.”

~from Michael – The Basic Teachings~

When we choose this planet as a playground, we select a role that remains unchanged throughout our many lifetimes. This provides us the opportunity to explore the many facets of being and facilitates karmic lessons.

There are seven roles:

  • Servers make up 30% of the population and are willing to tend to others’ needs
  • Priests comprise 5% of the population. They desire to propels others toward spiritual awakening
  • Artisans are 20% of the world’s population. They are eccentric, creative and bring new things to the physical plane
  • Sages seem more numerous than 8% because they are typically quite visible. They disseminate, inform and see themselves as truth-tellers, often being talkative and quick-witted
  • Warriors help life to function. They are they doers – strong-willed, focused and single minded. They compose 20% of the population
  • Kings are natural leaders and attract love and loyalty from those who follow them. They encompass only 1-2% of the population
  • Scholars are driven to accumulate knowledge. People go to them for information or an objective viewpoint. 15% percent of the population, they also are the ones who record life’s information in the Akashic Records

All these roles combine together to create the perfect tapestry of our collective awakening. When you live in alignment with your soul’s purpose, you bring something special to the world and have a greater impact than you may realize.

Today my intention is to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.  

Illumination is eternal


There is always something new to learn.

“Spirituality is not the practicing of any virtue; spirituality is the gaining of a new vision. Virtue follows that vision; it comes on its own accord. It is a natural by-product. When you start seeing, things start changing.” ~Osho~

To be fully present is to see the sacredness in your unique expression of life. As we grow and change, the world around us is transformed. There is no wrong way to evolve. Whatever path you choose has great value for your personal journey and you will draw in the perfect people and circumstances to assist you in this endeavor.

When things seem repetitive or boring, it may be that your energy is ready to shift. Moving to higher levels of consciousness calls upon us to leave the past behind in order to explore new ideas, circumstances and relationships.

Embracing the new can awaken new insights and bliss. Choose to rise beyond ideas of good and bad with the realization that opposites and contrasts are necessary for transformation. A joyful journey is less dependent upon the path, than on the traveler who travels upon it.

Today my intention is to be open to life.  

Your sacred dream

Life is not as serious as we often make it out to be.

“It is only in our thoughts that ideas, beliefs and problems become solid, dark and unyielding. Reality itself is moveable, light, ever-changing. In our minds we seem trapped, in reality we are utterly free.”~Ezra Bayda~

Your sacred dream should be one that brings new movement into your life experience. We write the script of our journey. Try this exercise which is taken from The Heart of the Shaman by Alberto Villoldo: Write a fairy tale that begins with “Once upon a time…” and include in it a prince or princess, a warrior (or warrioress), and a dragon.

Be playful and see where your imagination takes you. There will be messages within it from your subconscious. Observe what gifts and traps you discover. You may gain wonderful insight about where you are on your journey and what you can create next, as well as clarity about possible pitfalls that need to be cleared as you move forward.

You can choose to bring a new energy into your life’s story. Let your awareness awaken and inspire you. It will open a world of abundance, wisdom and empowerment. Be the change you wish to see.

Today my intention is to be a loving example of joy, growth and passion.  

Soul Mates

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Technically speaking, everyone with whom you’ve ever interacted throughout your many lifetimes is a soul mate.

“The spiritual practice of relationships is about working on ourselves only, freeing ourselves from the constricting grip of our own unhappiness. It is not the other person’s job to take our unhappiness away; our discomfort is our own responsibility. Attending to our own spiritual tasks – seeing our judgments, opinions, beliefs, demands, and staying present with the fears out of which they all arise – frees others to move toward us. Then, when they no longer feel the need to defend, they become more willing to take care of their job. Thus joy in relationships becomes possible.”~Ezra Bayda~

A common ego-based myth is that every person has one soul-mate – that perfect person who will make one’s life joyful and complete. This sets up an multi-leveled challenge. The moment that karmic lessons arise (and they most certainly do in almost every relationship), the ego can jump in and create dissatisfaction. One may believe that they’ve anchored in the wrong place, begin looking for that ‘perfect’ other, or pine away in loneliness thinking that they’ve missed their one chance for true love.

We seek the perfect relationships to assist us with our awakening. This means that we’ll often draw in someone that brings our own dysfunction to the surface. The awakening soul turns into the lesson rather than running from it.

Know that you are right where you need to be. Those who grace your life play supportive roles in your spiritual growth. As you heal old wounds, release limiting patterns and beliefs, and move into empowered self-love, your relationships will become easier and more supportive.

Today my intention is to love unconditionally, beginning with myself.

Life responds to you

You are a living, vibrant expression of the Divine.

“Awareness is the power that is concealed within the present moment. This is why we may also call it Presence.The ultimate purpose of human existence, which is to say, your purpose, is to bring that power into the world.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

Seek to bring a higher awareness into all that you do. Repeating patterns show where your thoughts are creating limitation in your experience and challenges are meant to bring your gifts to light. Embrace them, learn from them, and be a witness to the changes you are creating.

Everyone has those days where things seem out of kilter. Rather than fighting your way through it, take a moment to pause and observe with an open heart. You may discover that you need to take more time for yourself or that you are doing things in a way that is knocking you out of balance. If you are not operating from a space of enthusiasm, joy or acceptance, stop what you are doing and purposely shift your consciousness. Your lowest state of consciousness should be acceptance. Then even necessary or tedious tasks can become active aspects of your spiritual awakening.

Life is a reflection of your energy; therefore, if you want a peaceful and fulfilling experience, choose to ensure that your are bringing that mindset to your daily activities. This consistent mindfulness will then become your natural and empowered way of being.

Today my intention is to bring love, light and laughter into the world.

Conscious decisions

You are a master in the process of awakening.

“When we fight something, that thing stays with us. When we accept our problems …they lose power. So the secret to personal overcoming and healing is to accept yourself just as you are. Work within your reality, not someone else’s.” ~St. Germain~

Each of us is in the process of cultivating higher consciousness and the development of inner mastery is a unique journey. Cease comparing yourself to others’ ideas of perfection and instead, choose to see the perfection within yourself. When we are able to live without ego-driven interference, mastery is possible.

The place to begin is in this moment, with your life as it is. Set an intention to bring consciousness to your choices… all of your choices. See everything as an expression of your spiritual work – what you choose to eat, drink, read, how you choose to communicate, work, play, love. Ask, “Is this a habitual choice or something that is healing to my mind, body or spirit?”

These mindful pauses will bring you more deeply into the present moment. The ultimate goal is to appreciate the journey, love who you are and be at peace. How you get there is up to you.

Today my intention is to create a healthy balance in my life experience.  


Share your unique gifts.

“Philosophy is speculation, Zen is participation. Participate in the night leaving, participate in the evening coming, participate in the stars and participate in the clouds; make participation your lifestyle and the whole existence becomes such a joy, such an ecstasy. You could not have dreamed a better universe.”

You have a purpose: to live an awakening life of joy and empowerment. Each of us has something of value to contribute to the whole. Seek first to embrace your own light in such a way that you allow it to shine. Rather than trying to meet your perception of what the world needs, ask instead, “What do I have to offer?”

The synergy that is created together is far greater than the sum of its parts. Be willing to accept what is offered while allowing the energy of the Divine to flow through you into the beauty of the present moment.

You bring something beautiful to the world. All of existence celebrates your journey and your contributions. Cultivate your ability to be totally present in your response to life. Take one step at a time, giving the present moment your full attention and energy. This authenticity will bring a wonderful new dimension to your life experience.

Today my intention is to create an energy field that supports each person in my life to find his or her own light.

Learn by teaching

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Everyone and everything plays a role in our spiritual development.
“A true teacher wants nothing more than to see you stand on your own two feet.”
~Ezra Bayda~
On the Path of Transformation, solitary practice is an important part of our development. We learn to walk in our truth and find our unique way of being in the world.
Powerful too, is the heart-focused connection discovered within a group of like-minded individuals. The synergy created within group energy transforms and accelerates the growth of all those who are actively involved. When used consciously, group energy expands us into new dimensions and you can help to uplift and nourish the spiritual journey of others.
Meditate, chant and pray with those who resonate with your being. The combined intention and synergy has the power to lift the entire group into a new frequency. For those of you who are natural leaders, allow yourselves to participate without exercising control and receive the blessings generated by the group energy as well.
Our spiritual knowledge must be articulated in order to be fully incorporated into our experience. Thus, we discover the power of sharing with others. Each of us simultaneously plays both roles – student and master.
Balance your journey in the way that is best for you. Spend a healthy amount of time in solitude, connect with those who support your walk and share what you have learned. There are always new dimensions waiting to be discovered and the best is yet to come.
Today my intention is to be an authentic example of unconditional love and acceptance.

Saying “Yes” to life

Enjoy who you are and where you are. All is well.

“When I really love myself, everything in my life works.”
~ Louise Hay ~

This moment is your stepping stone to greater awareness and joy. Can you imagine? This is the moment you have longed and prepared for ever since you began your journey of awakening. It is here now… Will you say “Yes” to it?

When you look in the mirror, do you enjoy what you see? Do you recognize yourself as a vibrant, beautiful expression of the Divine? Let today be a conscious movement of kindness, appreciation and enchantment. When you recognize the sacred within yourself, you will see it reflected everywhere. Observe the impression you leave on other’s lives.

Celebrate today, don’t wait for something specific to unfold in your experience. Instead, create reasons to celebrate with your loving intention and blissful attitude. Consciously decide to view life with an open heart.

Today my intention is to love who I am and reward myself with thoughts of praise. I expect life to be safe and joyous.