Become a conscious listener

Prayer is talking to the Divine. Meditation is listening to the Divine.

Be still. Explore the depths of your own inner silence to the point where it meets the silence of the Universe.

Become a conscious listener. Choose to be fully present with life… still, silent and alert. Many people around you may find this uncomfortable because they are used to being bombarded with energy, noise and information, some actually reveling in the chaos. Seek out those who resonate with your stillness or spend some time alone.

This active listening opens a portal to higher realms of information. The insights and wisdom you receive will help you as you navigate through life.

“Time changes, the world goes on changing, but the experience of silence, the joy of it, remains the same. That is the only thing you can rely upon, the only thing that never dies. It is the only thing that you can call your very being.” ~Osho~

Today my intention is to observe the antics of the mind without judgment. Liberation awaits.

Saying Yes to life

Enrich your life experience by shaking up the status quo.

“Every decision I make is the right one for me.”
~Louise Hay~

Create an experiment of “Yes” in your life. Whether for a day, a week or longer, make a conscious decision to say yes. This doesn’t mean blindly using this approach with everything. There’s nothing to be gained by taking actions that are harmful; however, you can say yes to things that take you out of your comfort zone. You can face your fears or move into acceptance around something that you have resisted.

You may discover pieces of yourself that are waiting to shine. You may find joy where you used to experience frustration. You’ll begin making choices that demonstrate self love and courage. Bring a sense of child-like innocence and adventure into the dark corners of your life.

Discomfort is part of the process of change. Challenge yourself to clearly observe ideas that you typically avoid. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is. The mission: to become awake to who you truly are and embrace what is with an open heart.

Today my intention is to remember that every moment presents a wonderful new opportunity to become more of who I am.

You are right where you need to be

To truly awaken is to experience oneness in the world of difference.

“I relax, and recognize my self worth.”
~Louise Hay~

The path of awakening is an inward journey to truth. Through our experiences we discover hidden aspects of our strength and wisdom. Patterns repeat until they are no longer required, and as we release ourselves from the bondage of self-judgment and criticism, the love, light and laughter of the Universe begins to express itself through us.

Accelerate this process by accepting yourself as you are. Know that you are doing the best you can and as you learn, you will do even better. Do not allow others’ stories to determine your joy. Simply choose to be responsible for your own state of consciousness in the present moment.

“The more we practice with our own struggles and relate to them as our vehicle to awakening, the less we will judge our struggles as defects. Likewise in relationships: the more we can remember that others also have the wish to learn from their struggles, the less we will judge others as defective when we see them caught in their distress.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Today my intention is to grow beyond my family’s limitations and live for myself. It is my turn now.

Love is the destination, life is the journey.

Love it the destination, life is the journey.
When I find harmony in my mind, I find it reflected in my life.
Seek love in every situation. The awakened soul has the ability, through expanded perception, to view life differently while consciously choosing to find the way back to peace through detachment, forgiveness, compassion kindness and joy.

The human experience teaches through opposites. Through resistance we learn the value of acceptance. Hatred teaches us the power of love. Lack opens the door to understanding abundance. Loss helps us to discover true value. Beyond these polar opposites is the space in which they occur – the space of infinite possibility.

You can measure how far you’ve come by observing the intensity of your emotional responses to life. Healthy neutrality and compassion indicate that you’ve released your triggers around a given situation. Reactionary actions or emotions, re-living the story or seeking others to agree with you and support your perception indicates that there are still aspects of the lesson or imbalance to address.

Everyone is playing a role in your awakening. Honor those who grace your life by bringing the best version of yourself to the present moment.

Today my intention is to learn all that I can from every experience.

Creating a sacred space

Consider your home a sacred space.

That’s Right! I fill my life with love, laughter, music and joy

It’s important to remember to tend to the energetic health of your home space. Any emotions that we experience emit powerful vibrations that remain behind; therefore, focus upon being conscious of what you create or allow around you. Setting intentions, smudging, playing music that makes you feel peaceful or lighting candles to shift the energy can have a dramatic impact.

At least once a month, open a few windows or doors and cleanse the space with white sage, lavender/sage spray or pure tones saying, “Negativity out! Only love, joy and beauty remain.” The heavy or unbalanced energy will dissipate and you’ll create a lighter, empowered energy that will effect all who enter your space. This can be used at home, work or in your car.

Remember that what you see and experience is only about 1% of what is truly happening around you. There is much more to life than meets the eye and cleansing your space is a great way to access your own strength and consciously step into your role as a co-creator. Be the peace you wish to see in the world.

Today my intention is to create a space of peace, power, growth and transformation.


Energy expands whatever it focuses upon.

That’s Right! I begin and end my day with gratitude and joy

Your state of mind has a vital impact on the flow and interpretation of your life experiences. As spiritual practice, gratitude has a two-pronged effect: it declares to the Universe your willingness to be responsible for your own joy and it raises your vibration to a higher level of consciousness.

The tendency of many is to wake thinking about all that needs to be accomplished, watch the news (which feeds ego-generated fear or judgment) or rush to be somewhere on time. If the day begins chaotically, it can be challenging to find a state of balance when you need it most. When you choose to provide yourself with a few minutes of quiet and focus on gratitude and joy first thing upon awakening, you create a peaceful yet empowered momentum that opens the realm of infinite possibility.

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. Your thoughts determine the flow of your life.

Today my intention is to be willing to accept a miracle.

Be the change

All transformation begins within. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

That’s Right! Peace begins with me. I know the point of power is always in the present moment

If you feel that anything is lacking in your experience, bring the driving force of an empowered co-creator to the present moment by purposely generating that particular energy. Life is your reflection. When you notice a trait that seems to be missing or exaggerated, it’s an indicator that your soul is getting ready to work on cultivating change.

Consciously bring the aspects that you wish to see into your own expression of life. If you desire to feel safe, drop all judgment so that others feel safe with you. When tired of gossip, speak with kindness. Should you notice others acting out angrily or with impatience, slow down and be fully present. Your light is where transformation begins.

It is safe for you to travel beyond the limitations of your parents programming, society’s perceptions and the fears of the past. You are here on this planet to assist with the awakening of our collective consciousness. This can only be done by bringing the light of the Divine into every circumstance and situation.

Today my intention is to radiate warmth and love.


When we insist that others accept us as we are, we are not accepting them as they are.

That’s Right! I can be the change I wish to see in the world

Each of us is responsible for our own state of consciousness. When we witness dysfunction or drama in the world around us, it’s a reminder to look within for any imbalance that we may carry. Anytime we project an opinion or blame, the ego is distracting our ability to see clearly.

Oneness calls upon us to remember that we are all here to awaken. If you observe unconsciousness, help those around you by being a loving example. Act without expectation or attachment and plant seeds of healing with each interaction.

What you fight, you strengthen. Therefore, flow like water. Listen. Drop any defenses. Act with integrity. These choices provide the possibility of awakening rather than becoming mired in any negativity that may be thrown your way. Be love and create the space in which a transformation can occur.
Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred.


Act without expectation

All pain is self inflicted.
That’s Right! I hold no cherished outcome

The degree of attachment we have to an outcome determines the level of disappointment we feel when things don’t go as planned. This is one barometer we can use to measure how much we have grown as well as what remains to be healed.

When you choose to consciously live fully present, two things occur: your history, and the baggage that goes along with it, becomes less important and you learn to joyfully embrace what is.

Living (and acting) without expectation cultivates the ability to move into acceptance more easily. We learn to allow people to be who they are. Challenges are transformed into opportunities and we discover empowerment.

You can create the life of your dreams. Honor your path by acting with integrity, doing your best and accepting what is. Everything else will fall into place.

Today my intention is to choose love.

The Celtic Vows of Friendship

I honor your path

I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place

I drink from your well

I hold no cherished outcome

I will not negotiate by withholding

I am not subject to disappointment

Mindfulness is being fully present without judgment or expectation.

That’s Right! My life’s purpose is to awaken      

When you can approach the present moment without fear, you have arrived. The Celtic Vows of Friendship are guidelines that apply to every relationship and situation. Observe your inner state of consciousness as you make your daily decisions.

When you disagree with someone’s decision, can you still honor their path? If you’ve been hurt, are you mindful enough to act from the heart or do you find yourself putting up walls of protection? Are you fully present and engaged in your interactions?

Most people attach expectation to everything they do. It’s fine to have preferences, but when those preferences solidify into requirements, suffering ensues. Even something as simple as sending a text carries immense opportunity for spiritual growth. Attachment creates pain in our experience; whereas, openness allows life to be as it is without limitation.

Love is giving – giving based in kindness, freedom and compassion without expectation. Anytime disappointment arises, go within and examine where you attached to a particular outcome. Awareness creates change, and as you change, the world around you is transformed.

Today my intention is to honor the process of my awakening. I am grateful for all the relationships of my life and see them as teachers who have graced my path.