We are all masters in the process of awakening.
“When are self-imposed prison walls come down, all that remains is the connectedness that we are.” ~Ezra Bayda~
Use every relationship and situation you encounter to observe what you are reflecting into the world. Almost all of the difficulties we experience come from wanting others to be different than they are; however, if their energy or actions are meant to help us to awaken, they are doing exactly what they need to be doing.
When we begin to judge or attempt to change others, we miss a valuable opportunity for self-transformation. Always turn your attention inward and simply examine what is occurring. This humility will expand your consciousness in ways that may surprise you. Honor the process of awakening by tending to your own state of consciousness while allowing others the space they need to attend to their own.
We are help to help one another and to support one another. In the process we will come to realize that we are all One.
Today my intention is to let my life be my message.