Manifesting change

There is nothing to be gained from making life more difficult than it needs to be. Struggle does eventually provide insight and additional lessons; however, the pathway is traversed more quickly when we simply make the necessary changes, try new things and take one more step forward. If you wish to manifest change within your

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Chaos and breakthroughs

The challenges that we face help us to enter the unknown parts of ourselves in order to grow in peace, gain greater understanding of our skills and talents and create transformation in our lives. Honor the lessons which emerge from the darkest beginnings knowing that from the chaos, new facets are being brought to light.

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Creating change in our lives

Imagine the changes that you can create in your experience if you choose to begin right now. Release procrastination, the \”shoulds\”, old fears and take one conscious step forward. You can create the life of your dreams. Begin by understanding how powerful you are… life is not meant to be a struggle, but in our

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Integration and wholeness

Acceptance of the dualities of life brings about the integration of apparent opposites. Night doesn\’t oppose day, dark doesn\’t suppress the light; rather, they work together to create a balance of contrast that represents wholeness. Seek to integrate the various aspects of your personality. Like the myriad facets of a beautiful diamond, your energy shimmers with

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