New levels to explore

In this infinite universe, new levels wait to be explored.
That’s Right! The gateways of wisdom are always open to me

Every day offers new opportunities to show love and kindness. When we dance through the present moment with the desire to evolve, we are more apt to recognize new ways to explore myriad nuances of being.

No matter how far we have come, we are still at the beginning. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is and allow your life to be your message. Joy is expansive – it opens greater understanding and compassion. We block this movement of awakening when we attempt to protect the heart from pain.

Karmic experience is complete when we’ve experienced both the beauty and the challenge in a given situation, and finally come to a place of acceptance and loving neutrality. Remind yourself that love, the authentic, eternal, unconditional love of the Divine, resides at the core of everything.

Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred.

The truth lies within

The answers you seek are within you.
That’s Right! All that I need is already here

The language of the heart speaks in gentle whispers. It often comes once, creates a positive flow of energy and, if allowed to flourish, propels life into inspired and healthy directions.

The ego, on the other hand, is repetitive, fearful and clamors loudly to be heard. It can be easy for the instinctive and supportive messages of the heart to become lost in the cacophony of thought.

You have the means to transcend ego. The ability to recognize intuition and inner knowledge will grow stronger with use. Practice trusting your initial instincts so you become aware of the energy connected to Truth. This will help you to adjust course more easily when required.

Fear and anxiety are destructive flows of energy. They emerge from the illusions created by excessive thought and seeking fulfillment outside of ourselves. Travel inward. Listen to the love that flows through you – it comes directly from the Divine.

Today my intention is to be the change I wish to see.

The conscious life

Everything plays a role in your spiritual awakening.
That’s Right! I am willing to see clearly

Give yourself a gift today. Choose to consciously walk through each moment with the expectation that every interaction has something beautiful to offer – a gift, lesson or insight. Notice how often “unawareness” finds a way to creep back in and simply observe the flow of these two movements of energy in your experience.

Awareness is the key. Whether you are noticing the mechanisms of the ego or witnessing the expansion of your soul, you are becoming more conscious.

Shine the light of consciousness upon everything in your experience and it will be transformed into something that inspires you to rise above. Begin with gratitude and, as the poet Rumi says, “Open your eyes, fall in love, stay there.”

Today my intention is to embrace whatever the journey has to offer.

Higher consciousness

The higher your consciousness, the greater your perception.
That’s Right! There are always new levels to explore

The enlightened person has the ability to interpret life from many different perspectives. As your vibration increases, new viewpoints become available. Reactivity is an automated reaction that is driven by the ego. Observe these initial responses to the challenges in your life. It’s likely that you’ll notice the intensity and duration decrease as you awaken.

Periodically bring your awareness to your own state of consciousness. Are you fully present? Can your purposely shift your thoughts in ways that are empowering? How often do you show yourself love and compassion?

Consider this: the person who challenges you the most on the physical plane loves you the most on the spiritual plane. They are willing to risk losing your love and affection in this life to aid you in your soul’s growth… and there is no greater gift than playing a role that stimulates awakening.

Today my intention is to remember that we are all just walking one another home.

Creating joy

Happiness comes from within
That’s Right! I am responsible for my own joy

Our thoughts create our reality. Plant seeds of kindness and gratitude and nurture them with intentions that support empowerment, growth and transformation. Consider any negative thoughts to be weeds which must be removed quickly before they multiply and take over the garden of your creation.

You have the strength and ability to manifest joy in your experience Now. This moment is the gateway to transformation. No matter what your circumstance, remember that happiness comes from within. Find it in the little things and expand it outward.

Whatever is unfolding in the field of Now is exactly what your soul requires for your awakening. Intensity, peacefulness, solitude or throngs of activity – all are a manifestation of the Divine. Bring the highest version of yourself to the present moment. Life will respond to you.

Today my intention is to celebrate the journey.

Act without expectation

All pain is self inflicted.
That’s Right! I hold no cherished outcome

The degree of attachment we have to an outcome determines the level of disappointment we feel when things don’t go as planned. This is one barometer we can use to measure how much we have grown as well as what remains to be healed.

When you choose to consciously live fully present, two things occur: your history, and the baggage that goes along with it, becomes less important and you learn to joyfully embrace what is.

Living (and acting) without expectation cultivates the ability to move into acceptance more easily. We learn to allow people to be who they are. Challenges are transformed into opportunities and we discover empowerment.

You can create the life of your dreams. Honor your path by acting with integrity, doing your best and accepting what is. Everything else will fall into place.

Today my intention is to choose love.

Highest good

Keep going…
That’s Right! I am a lifetime student of love

Everything in your experience has a purpose. You are on a journey of awakening to your true infinite nature and the ultimate goal is unconditional love – for both the self and for others.

Enlightenment is a process. It begins with a growing awareness that there is more to our experience than meets the eye. The soul prompts us to delve into life more deeply, searching for answers, seeking to heal and raising our level of consciousness.

Any pain, frustration, blockages or perceived missteps are created by limited vision. They simply indicate that there is something more to learn and it’s important to remember that you are loved, guided and supported each and every step of the way.

In the end, this is what awaits: peace, joy, bliss, enchantment, awareness, gratitude, wisdom and love.
Keep going….

Today my intention is to honor the processes of my awakening.

The power of love

spa_concept_zen_rocks.jpgSoul-based love creates a space where transformation can occur.
That’s Right! I am not subject to disappointment

Ego-driven love is filled with fear. The mind doesn’t feel fulfilled or complete so it attaches to another person and, for a time, gets a glimpse of communion. Relationships will always act as your greatest teachers. They eventually bring old wounds to the surface and then the ego says “You’re not who I thought you were!” or “You’ve changed.” …and we begin to play the roles required for one another’s growth.

To experience healthy, supportive relationships, one must begin within. The amount of love we have for ourselves determines the amount of love we are willing to receive. As we mature spiritually, we no longer expect someone else to be anything different than who they are. We enter into authentic communion – accepting, supportive, fearless, empowered. The person on the receiving end of such energy feels free to grow. Together you walk the path of transformation and your love simply lights the way.

Today my intention is to be the change I wish to see in the world.

Your unique journey

Allow yourself to be led by love.
That’s Right! I am a reflection of the love, light and laughter of the Universe

You bring something unique and sacred to the world of form and it can only be fully expressed when you choose to live from the heart. Whether you seek to touch one life or many, realize that you do make a difference.

There has never been, nor will there ever be someone with your unique energy and way of being in the world. When you allow yourself to be led by love, the Divine takes you by the hand and guides you down new paths of experience. You naturally share your gifts by living authentically.

With each challenge that you rise above, new facets of your infinite nature are discovered. You life becomes your message and thus, the world is transformed.

Today my intention is to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity. Everything unfolds perfectly, in the perfect way at the perfect time.

Inner peace

You are the master of your own experience.
That’s Right! Peace begins with me

It’s important to remember that you are responsible for your own joy. When you seek fulfillment outside of yourself, you choose to give away your power. Then happiness becomes measured by expectation, attachment to outcomes and reliant upon other people’s choices.

When gratitude, mindfulness, joy and peace come from within, we gain mastery over our own experience. Now life becomes a journey of discovery and adventure. We bring a different energy to the present moment – one that is empowered and aligned with life itself.

This is what is means to take responsibility for your own joy. It’s a choice that you make again and again throughout your journey. Should you notice any form of discontent arise in your experience, observe your thoughts.When you shine the light of consciousness on the ego, it loses it’s momentum and you are able to create a space where a transformation can occur.

Today my intention is to bring mindfulness to my journey. I am grateful for this moment of perfection.