Living fully present

Immerse yourself completely in the art of listening.

That’s Right! Inner wisdom speaks in whispers

Becoming aware requires that we slow down and bring our full attention to the present moment. Any sound can be transformed into powerful spiritual practice. Whether pleasant or distracting, release any inner resistance to the noise. This will allow you to enter into the realm of inner stillness.

Pay attention to the gaps – the gaps between thoughts, breaths, words in a conversation, birdsong, space in music – and you’ll discover that is the most important aspect of our experience. Awareness of the gaps brings us into contact with the infinite, formless consciousness which resides in the background of life

True wisdom operates silently. In the stillness we can tap into new ideas, creativity and solutions. Slow down, stop the mind and allow.

Today my intention is to let stillness direct my words and actions.

Learning to love

Every path is unique.

That’s Right! When I find balance and harmony in my mind, I find it in my life

Love resides at the core of everything. This is why there are so many ways to awaken, various belief systems and approaches from which to choose, and why we must honor each path as sacred.

Find the things that give your life purpose and passion and devote your life to them. Seek others who uplift and support you along the way. Share your discoveries, for you may spark the light of awareness in another.

Whether you are aligned with prayer, forgiveness, meditation, healing, service, yoga, shamanism, conscious politics, teaching, art, laughter or music, simply find love within that approach. Let your soul’s work heal any wounds that you carry. The love you have for yourself determines how much love you are willing to receive and what you have to give.

There are always new levels to explore. The infinite facets of experience and awareness await discovery.

Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred.

The gifts of adversity

little_boy_happy.jpgConsider the gifts of adversity.

That’s Right! Everything in my experience is here to help me awaken. The gateways to wisdom and enlightenment are always open to me

Challenges allow us the opportunity to discover the best in us. In order to rise above, we must tap into our strengths, passion, patience, compassion and courage. When we choose to transform challenges into empowerment, we recognize the gifts that are inherent in every situation.

Be patient with the processes of your own growth. Love yourself enough to appreciate how far you have already come. Observe the support you have in your life and utilize it to the best of your ability.

Ram Dass said, “We’re all just walking each other home.” Whether someone walks with you for a moment or for a lifetime, be grateful for what you learn together. Seek peace in the maelstrom by bringing the peace within you to the surface.

In your willingness to grow and change, you create a space in which a transformation can occur. Know that you are loved, guided and supported each and every step of the way.

Today my intention is to love who I am and reward myself with thoughts of praise.

The first law of thermodynamics

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed. The amount of energy in the universe is constant.

That’s Right! Non-attachment allows me to enter into a vibrant state of inner peace

Life, and our experience in the world of form, is constantly transforming, changing, evolving. When we can reside within the flow of energy without resistance, we enter a state of grace, ease and lightness. Things that once seemed challenging begin to flow more easily. Because of non-attachment, we discover the ability to enjoy and appreciate whatever arrives and remain in a state of grace as the cycles ebb and flow.

“Having gone beyond the mind-made opposites, you become like a deep lake. The outer situation of your life, whatever happens there, is the surface of the lake. Sometimes calm, sometimes windy and rough, according to the cycles and seasons. Deep down, however, the lake is always undisturbed. You are the whole lake, not just the surface, and you are in touch with your own depth, which remains absolutely still.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

Today my intention is to bring stillness to the whirlwind of experience.

Honor your inner wisdom

You have chosen to be here Now. Rest assured – your soul knows exactly what it’s doing.
That’s Right! I bring an open heart to our meeting place

As souls participating in the raising of our collective consciousness, each of us plays a specific role. The intricate tapestry of karma and free will connects us all and each moment provides an opportunity to awaken.

The place to begin is acceptance. Drop any judgment that arises with the realization that each person is doing the very best that he or she can based upon their soul age, childhood imprints and level of consciousness. When we cease wishing that others be any different than they are, it opens the possibility of deeper communion between us.

And so, we lift one another up with kindness. We consistently work to release our own limiting thoughts and behaviors while  stepping into a space of empowerment.

All transformation begins within. Find your muse and live passionately. Doing so benefits us all in ways that might surprise you. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anyone with your unique way of being in the world.

Today my intention is to bring the best version of myself to the present moment.

Your soul’s purpose

All positive and fulfilling experiences are a reflection of the love you have for yourself.
That’s Right!

Your souls purpose is to awaken. That’s it – everything else is secondary. Those who have mastered self-love (agape) seem to find beauty everywhere. They view the world through a different filter and therefore have a different interpretation of life.

Notice any limiting thoughts that you may still carry, those deepest, darkest beliefs that enslave you. ….None of them are true. The human condition is to manage to our beliefs, albeit unconsciously. That’s the egos way of being able to say, “See, told you so. Here is another example…” and thus strengthen the energetic field around that belief.

Fortunately, each of us is equipped with the capability to shatter these barriers. The light of consciousness dispels the dark. The key is to purposely turn and face those fears so that your light shines upon them. The more aware you become, the easier it is to break free.

As you awaken, your interactions will become more empowered. Think of someone you admire. Their positive traits are a reflection of traits that you possess – that’s why you’re able to recognize them. With that in mind, bring those attributes to the surface and utilize them as often as you can. This is how you achieve self love and mastery.

Today my intention is to turn inward and nurture myself.

Bring light to the Now

Bring light to the present moment.
That’s Right! I am a channel for the light, love and laughter of the Divine

What type of energy do you bring to your interactions? In every situation we have an opportunity to bring the light of consciousness to the present moment, demonstrate compassion and sow seeds of kindness and acceptance.

Even when you are in solitude, your energy dictates the flow of experience you have with the Now. This is the moment of transformation. Use it to the best of your ability. Bring your spiritual awareness to your daily life. Let it flow through your thoughts, words and actions. This cultivates the beautiful aspects of your being that are ready to shine.

When you can be at peace wherever you are, it indicates that you have healed and released layers of old energy that no longer serves your growth. Emotional wounds are transformed into empowerment and joy becomes your natural state of being.

Each of us is a master in the process of awakening. Whatever experience arises is the one that is required for the next step of your growth.

Today my intention is to be the change I wish to see in the world.

Set yourself free

Set yourself free.
That’s Right! My experience is a reflection of my own thoughts, expectations and beliefs

Freedom begins in the mind. Look at your life situation and observe how often you are blocked by perceived limitation. We live in an infinite universe filled with potential. Fear, doubt, regret and worry prevent us from living vibrantly and expanding into empowerment.

What if you begin this morning with simple gratitude and a few moments of conscious breathing? Instead of planning out the whole day or focusing upon a problem, take one mindful and conscious step forward at a time. Bring love to each task you choose to complete. This will transform your day into a series of beautiful moments. Slow down and discover the miracles that abound all around you.

Allow yourself to see beyond the world of form. Sense the infinite energy flowing through the present moment. All of life will be transformed. As you change, your experiences will change.

Today my intention is to be here Now.


Be still.
That’s Right! I choose to be one with life

Be still. See through the incessant chatter of the mind. There is no need to solve any problem, to find the reasons why or fret about tomorrow. Step into the stillness of the present moment and allow life to unfold without any resistance.

You, as an empowered, infinite being, are here for a purpose. The journey is unique and each of us must ultimately walk it in our own way. The true mark of enlightenment is the ability to bring your spirituality and deeper awareness into the world of form. Then your conscious approach will enhance your life in miraculous ways.

The answers are already within you. In the stillness you can touch the Divine. Learn from all that you witness in your experience. Everything is here to aid you on your journey of awakening. Use it.

Today my intention is to see the sacred in everyone I meet.

Embrace life’s magic

spring equinoxNever doubt the power of kindness.

That’s Right! I choose to do my work with mastery


We can learn silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant and kindness from the unkind. Contrasts allow us to find our own integrity. When you interact with consciousness and intention, everything becomes a powerful aspect of your awakening.

Life’s magic unfolds in the simplest of things. A smile, loving action, compassionate listening or authentic acceptance and kindness can create a space in which a transformation can occur.
Take time to slow down and appreciate whatever unfolds in your experience today. Find the beauty in the present moment and transform it into a vibrant, enchanting way of being.

Today my intention is to live vibrantly.