Fall madly in love with life

Live each moment as if you are madly in love with life.

That’s Right! My perception of the world is a direct reflection of my level of consciousness

Falling in love seems to bring out the best in us. It inspires us to dance through life with an open heart seeing beauty everywhere. Love prompts us to be more willing to interact with one another and extend kindness without fear of rejection.

Falling madly in love with life refers to a state of mind. It is not dependent upon a particular person or situation, rather it is the expression of our self-love projected outward. If you are inspired by nature, immerse yourself within it. Allow the majesty of the earth to awaken passion within you. If music lifts your soul higher, purposely surround yourself with song. If fulfilling work or a beautiful home bring happiness, let yourself be inspired. Find the things that feed the flames of joy in your experience and make them a priority in your life.

Your role as a conscious co-creator is to be responsible for your own joy in the present moment; therefore, loving yourself is imperative – it prompts you to make choices that enchant and delight.

Today my intention is to look at life through the eyes of love.

The opportunity to love

The purpose of our time on this planet is to learn the healing power of unconditional love

That’s Right! I am a lifetime student of love

Transformation occurs when one is willing to consciously choose a friendly, kind and forgiving approach to life. Willingness and Gratitude are the gateways to higher levels of consciousness. As awakening souls, we strive to experience a love that is unflappable, unconditional and empowering.

Love, experienced without the ego’s interference, does not fluctuate based upon external factors. It becomes a way of being and relating to the world. It lifts others and changes the energy in our interactions.

When vibrating at this high frequency, barriers dissolve. We learn how to view challenging situations in a different manner, see the gift and open to new paradigms when required.

Something greater is awaiting you and there are always new levels to explore. You are far more than the content of your life – you are life itself.

Today my intention is to bring an open heart to our meeting place.

Life is a journey of discovery

path of light
Walk forward, allowing yourself to be drawn by a sense of wonder into the unknown.

That’s Right! With faith even the smallest things in life can become the greatest adventures

When you learn to trust the processes of your awakening, it becomes easier to experience life as an adventure. Leaving behind the need for plans and a mapped out future, we explore with the exhilarating freedom which comes from being open and vulnerable.

Discovering your inner truth comes through experience. Nothing is guaranteed, but the search helps us to grow. Allow yourself to be insecure, to face adversity and accept the challenges that the unknown has to offer.

Any limitations in your experience are self-imposed. Life is here to offer whatever is needed in order for you to explore your unlimited potential. Taking one step at a time, giving your complete attention to the Now, can bring new passion, creativity and clarity to all that you do.

Today my intention is to experience life without expectation or demands.


“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
~ Rumi

That’s Right! I am gentle with myself as I grow and change

The transformative power of compassion is awakened when we choose to truly hear one another. Being fully present calls upon us to drop our preconceived ideas, cease out internal commentary and listen with the heart.

All of us are from the same source of energy and are aligned in the soul’s desire to awaken. The only difference between us is one’s soul age and level of consciousness.

Infant souls are in the process of simply learning to survive. They live close to the earth and often have belief systems that are deeply aligned with nature.

Baby souls seek to learn through following. They desire strict rules and restrictions and have not yet learned how to expand ideas or beliefs.

Young souls are concerned with power, control, greed and money. They learn through identity with the physical plane.

Mature souls have discovered that there is more to life than power and seek to expand through compassion. They want to heal their families, the community and the planet.

Old souls have lived many, many lifetimes and have the ability to see from a higher perspective. They seek Oneness with the Divine and with all life. Their role is to teach by example.

All of these soul ages and perceptions weave the tapestry of life and each has a part to play in the awakening consciousness of which we are all a part. Cultivate an understanding of where you are in the spectrum of awakening and do your best to live in alignment with your role on the planet.

Today my intention is to remember that as I change, the world around me is transformed.

Living in harmony

Live in harmony with all of life.

That’s Right! I honor this moment as sacred

Your purpose is to discover your passion, to create a life that brings fulfillment and to be the change you wish to see in the world. Some may wonder how they can devote so much energy to their spiritual journey while still needing to navigate the many ups and downs of life. One can bring conscious awareness to any task and create an empowered moment of connection with the Divine.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Therefore, understand that everything is an important aspect of your spiritual journey. What we choose to do doesn’t matter as much as how we choose to do it. The awakened soul brings a sense of awareness to the present moment. If you meditate or chant for an hour a day yet lose your sense of peace when faced with issues regarding business, money, politics or the environment, how is it transforming your life?

You level of consciousness can be measured by the amount of peace you bring to your experiences. Seek to find the flow of life’s energy and move into it with acceptance. This will create a sense of ease and grace throughout your day that will become the foundation of your journey.
Today my intention is to allow my life to be an ever-expanding conversation with the Divine.

Focus on possibilities

This moment is filled with infinite possibilities. What will you create?


That’s Right! When I find harmony and balance in my mind, I find it in my life


Be willing to try something new today. Experimenting with the unknown often brings out wonderful aspects of the Self that have been lying dormant. It’s time to explore the vastness of your being.

“Everyone feels fear. But giving in to fear is what makes our lives narrow and dark. Fear-based action is the source of all conflict; fearful response, the root of all sorrow. Fear is what prevents intimacy and undermines love. But we’re often now aware of how fear drives so much of what we do. There is often fear behind what we call kindness, fear in ambition, in depression, and always fear in anger. Every time we give in to fear we lose our life. In fear we imagine a terrible future, and in this imagining we create a terrible present. We bring upon ourselves the very misery that we are desperately trying to push away. The secret to living with fearful feelings is saying yes to the objects of fear – not being swallowed by them, but welcoming them as invitations to move toward freedom.” ~ Ezra Bayda

Courage is the ability to walk forward in spite of any fears that arise. In this moment, you have an opportunity to see yourself differently, to respond to whatever unfolds with conscious intention and make choices that spark passion and harmony in your life.

Today my intention is to be awake, to rise above self-imposed limitation and walk forward in faith.

Dream bravely


Open your consciousness to all the wonderful possibilities of life.


That’s Right! I am safe in the world. I am comfortable with change and growth


When faced with a challenge, one of the first responses is to ask “Why?” The mind seeks certainty, meaning and logic in order to navigate through difficult moments. But the answers we create are simply projections of our own beliefs. Life is far more complex and everything is interconnected in ways that are often beyond our ability to consciously understand. The answers may elude the rational mind even as we focus on staying present. Learn to stand in your strength even in the face of the unknown.

Spiritual practice has little to do with concrete explanations. Inner wisdom comes from experiencing the Now as it is, with all it’s complexity and obscurity. Only by being fully present is Oneness experienced.

There is no need to have definitive answers because we live in a world of infinite potential. Break the limiting pattern of resisting what is and recognize how your perceptions can expand through self-observation. See yourself as a timeless expression of the Divine.
Today my intention is to see myself as a magnificent being who is wise and beautiful.


Energy expands whatever it focuses upon.

That’s Right! I begin and end my day with gratitude and joy

Your state of mind has a vital impact on the flow and interpretation of your life experiences. As spiritual practice, gratitude has a two-pronged effect: it declares to the Universe your willingness to be responsible for your own joy and it raises your vibration to a higher level of consciousness.

The tendency of many is to wake thinking about all that needs to be accomplished, watch the news (which feeds ego-generated fear or judgment) or rush to be somewhere on time. If the day begins chaotically, it can be challenging to find a state of balance when you need it most. When you choose to provide yourself with a few minutes of quiet and focus on gratitude and joy first thing upon awakening, you create a peaceful yet empowered momentum that opens the realm of infinite possibility.

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. Your thoughts determine the flow of your life.

Today my intention is to be willing to accept a miracle.


Reactivity is a habit. In every moment you have a choice: to give away your power or respond to life with mindfulness.

That’s Right! I am responsible for my own joy

Your path is to reside in life exactly as it is without labeling the moment or getting lost in inner commentary. Clarity comes from staying present. Confusion is created when old scripts replay, blurring your perception of events as they unfold.

Awareness is the first step of transformation. It’s important to remember that everything offers you an opportunity to awaken. Quiet the mind and welcome life as your teacher. Observe yourself and your responses. Chances are you’ll discover aspects that have changed dramatically as a result of your conscious choices and you’ll recognize any old patterns that are ready to shift.

Be compassionate with yourself as you grow and change. Spiritual awakening is a process that is often subtle. Consistent practice helps cultivate the skills that allow you to navigate the myriad nuances of life. One measure of expanding consciousness is the amount of peace in your experience.

Today my intention is to live from the heart.


Spiritual awakening is a constant process of forgiveness. As long as there is still one person, government entity, business or circumstance that you can’t forgive, there is still work to be done.

That’s Right! I release the need to blame. I accept the people around me as they are

What if you chose to find one thing to appreciate about each person who has ever been a challenge in your life? What if you chose only to speak about that positive thing when prompted to discuss him or her. What do you think would happen?

Life is a blend of dark and light. The contrasts we experience provide insight and wisdom we could never access if everything was one dimensional. Everything is multi-faceted; therefore, there is always an opportunity to find the good, assimilate the lesson or cultivate new strength, no matter what the circumstance.

Love who you are at this moment. Remember that you are a culmination of all that you have experienced. Everything and everyone has played a specific role in your awakening. When we overcome the addiction to blame we create a space in which we experience connectedness and Oneness with all life.

Today my intention is remember that my interpretation of the world is a reflection of my state of consciousness.