The art of awakening

How much ease and grace are you experiencing in this moment?

That’s Right! I can be the change I wish to see in the world

Be a loving presence in the present moment. Whatever unfolds, seek to find the stillness of limitless potential in the situation. When others erupt in chaos, bringing their fears or dysfunction to their interactions, you may discover that your role is to hold the frequency of peace. Neutrality and compassion in the face of anger is a powerful response.

Kindness and acceptance are trademarks of the awakening soul. You have chosen to be here during this amazing time of transition for a specific purpose. Discover your strength by living in your own integrity. Create beauty wherever you can. You may find others drawn to you as you teach by example.

This world is a dance of light and dark, a journey of contrasts. Within the flow of life,we shed outmoded beliefs and break free from limiting patterns of behavior. All that remains is the loving presence of the Divine expressing itself through you.

Today my intention is to consciously choose compassion, kindness and peace as a response whenever possible… it is always possible.

Live your bliss

Consciously choose what energies you wish to enhance in your experience. Live your bliss.

That’s Right! I am grateful for the many blessings in my life

Let your life be your message. There is no need to explain your point of view or get others to agree with your approach. Simply choose to bring the light of consciousness to every situation. Those who are ready to explore new dimensions of awareness will be drawn to you.

When specifically asked about your beliefs, do share. You’ll discover that articulation helps to anchor certain concepts and the role of teacher may lift you to higher levels. We are here to learn from one another and the greatest gift you can give is authenticity.

This is the moment of transformation. Release what no longer serves you, celebrate the joys that surround you, be willing to learn something new and honor your journey as sacred.

Today my intention is to be loving, peaceful and supportive in every situation.

The interconnectedness of all things

“The deeper interconnectedness of all things and events implies that the mental labels of “good” and “bad” are ultimately illusionary.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

That’s Right! Everything works toward our highest good. I trust the processes of my awakening

Now is the time to become aware of the hidden harmony of life. There is a sacredness, a higher order than our limited perception can easily recognize. The spiritual seeker learns how to see beyond what is presented in physical form and becomes a conscious participant. This is the path of wholeness.

Become the observer. Notice the inner voice that seeks to opine, judge or label and, in that awareness, discover that you are no longer trapped by it’s limited discourse. Without thought, give something around you your complete attention for a few minutes. Notice every detail of it without commentary. See how often that voice comes in with it’s own conclusions and instead, allow yourself to be fully present.

Underneath the busyness of the mind lies the sacred space of limitless potential. The more you access it, the greater depth you’ll create in your own experience.

Today my intention is to flow easily with new experiences and new opportunities.

The willingness to change

You are a unique, ever evolving expression of the Divine.

That’s Right! Every moment presents a wonderful opportunity to become more of who I am

Rather than seeking wisdom, drop the need to form and cherish opinions. Wisdom will then present itself. When you live beyond the mechanisms of the ego, Divine truths emerge naturally.

You are the light of consciousness. At this point on the path of awakening, you may be noticing when the ego arises more easily than in times past. The mind will tell you that you ‘should’ be more evolved by now, that an awakened being would be more loving or more conscious; however, that is just another story created by the ego. When you notice an imbalance and seek to adjust your thoughts or actions, you are actually becoming more conscious.

Higher vibration questions to pose in moments of challenge or indecision are “How can I bring love to this situation?” or “What attribute is this person reflecting to me?” Both approaches send the focus within and release all need to blame. Every experience that you have is perfect for your growth.

Today my intention is to be willing to grow and change. I am a lifetime student of love.

New possibilities

Peace is complete acceptance of what is.

That’s Right! I turn every experience into an opportunity

As we evolve, our energy expands into higher levels of consciousness. Without the restraints created by limiting belief, we face our challenges with a courage that others may not understand. Old souls see the world differently. Seek your own path knowing that your passion for inner growth will lead you exactly where you need to be.

“Observe the masses, and do the opposite.” ~ Walt Disney

There is great value in trying new things. The act of stepping into the unknown heightens your senses and brings your awareness fully into the present moment. Awakening calls upon us to break free of habitual tendencies.

Spiritual practice is about opening to life. Anyone can create peaceful moments in meditative silence. Our role is to bring that energy into the world. You can be a source of light in the darkness.

Today my intention is to express myself creatively in ways that are deeply fulfilling to me.

All that you seek is within you

The answers you seek are within you.

That’s Right! I am willing to release old beliefs that no longer serve me

Use “Why?” as a mantra for going inward. You have the ability to access an inner wisdom that is infinite, complete and consistent. Every experience plays it’s part in your spiritual growth and when a situation sparks your desire for greater understanding, honor it as a teacher.

Release the need to blame. Life is as it is, and how we choose to experience it says a great deal about our level of consciousness. Every step you take brings you closer to enlightenment.

When you bring joy and ease to your expression of life, you’ll discover that it’s easy to go with the flow and naturally create a space in which a transformation can occur. You deserve to enjoy life. Accept the gifts that come your way with gratitude and joy.

Today my intention is to remember that there is always something new to learn.

Live, love, laugh

Joy never diminishes when shared.

That’s Right! I create a home that is filled with loving energy and laughter

Celebrate the journey of your soul. Each moment is filled with an abundance of messages from the Divine and gratitude opens the heart to receive.

Drop all expectation and attachment to specific outcomes and instead be the loving, witnessing Presence to whatever unfolds in your experience. Allow your choices to be led by joy and you’ll discover a world filled with passion and limitless potential.

Be kind and gentle with yourself as you grow and change. The dance of awakening calls upon us to open the heart and become one with life itself. Together we are creating a world where it is safe to love one another.

Today my intention is to honor this moment as sacred.

Be here Now

Zen is doing one thing at a time with your full attention and consciousness awareness

That’s Right! Divine peace and love surround me and dwell in me. I trust the process of life.

The incremental steps we take toward enlightenment transform our very way of being.  Life is a dance of light and dark, giving and receiving, the contrasts bringing out the inherent beauty within every situation. Each of us make unique contributions to the wholeness of existence and together we create something far more beautiful than the sum of it’s parts.

You participation in life nourishes you as well as those around you. Be fully present. Do one thing at a time and give your whole heart to it. In order to recognize the joy that is found in the present moment, we must escape the limiting perceptions of the mind.

All that you seek is already within you. Embrace what is with enthusiasm, passion or acceptance and take one more conscious step forward. Allow your inner wisdom to guide your life. Relax, and recognize your value as an awakening master.

Today my intention is to live in total harmony with my environment: the sun, the moon, the wind, the rain and the earth.

Life responds to you

In every moment we are dreaming life into being.

That’s Right! I am creating a life filled with courage and grace

Each of us plays a significant role in the awakening consciousness of the planet. You have chosen to be here now for a specific purpose and your energy brings something beautiful to the world that only you can provide.

Your thoughts, enlightened action and state of being have tremendous impact. All transformation begins within and as we learn the power of conscious intention, we share that vibrant light and energy with those who grace our lives. You are setting changes in motion.

Create a sense of inner peace and grace as the foundation for your daily experience. Interactions will reflect your loving energy and send ripples of healing throughout the Universe.

It’s important to remember that everyone has his or her own journey of spiritual awakening. When we choose to honor each path as sacred, our focus turns only to practicing truth and authenticity in the present moment.

Today my intention is to allow the love, light and laughter of the Divine to work through me.

Beyond what we see

The physical world represents 1% of all that is happening on an energetic level.

That’s Right! There is more to life than meets the eye

Don’t be fooled by appearances. Often, the energy of a situation is the opposite of how it appears. The unexpected disappointment transforms into a life changing breakthrough, the betrayal solidifies a relationship, a stranger offers genuine friendship or a rejection can open new potential.

Trust the processes of your life. Your inner guidance has access to vast knowledge and may lead you directly into karmic situations as part of your spiritual growth. Always choose to seek the gift in a challenge and one will be presented to you.

True wisdom comes from exploring the unknown. See beyond what the physical world presents to the energy that underlies a given situation. One form of spiritual practice is to consciously release the need to form an opinion or be reactive. Observe, feel, experience without commentary, be present… this will open your ability to see clearly.

The next time you face something that triggers a reactive response in you, turn it around and immediately find a way to view it as the opposite of how it appears. See what happens.

Today my intention is to remember that I am surrounded by love. All is well.