The magic of new beginnings

Taking a leap into the unknown accelerates your inner growth.

“Change can be scary, but you know what’s scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing.”
~Mandy Hale~
What happens when you venture into the unknown? You discover aspects of yourself that have long laid dormant, that seek expression. Your soul begins to shine with an inner light. Fear brings your attention to the present moment while courageousness allows you to move forward anyway.
When we work without a road map, we allow room for the Universe to surprise us. The ego’s desire to plan and prepare prior to taking risks only blocks us from the miracles that will inevitably be drawn into our experience.
Choose to see everything merely as an opportunity to expand who you are. Never fear failure for it also has great beauty to share, and indeed, failure leads us to levels of potential that can never be discovered when things are flowing effortlessly.
Allow yourself to trust the processes of life. You are safe, loved and supported each and every step of the way.
Today my intention is to view life as a journey into new dimensions of insight and experience.

The path of awakening

Know that you are capable of handling all your experiences with wisdom, humor and grace.

“The willingness to simply rest in the physical experience of your life is the key to spiritual transformation.”
~Ezra Bayda

Everything in your life experience provides an opportunity to grow. The physical world is a canvas and upon it, you can create whatever you wish.
You may discover that each time you focus on addressing a particular area of your healing, you begin to see the pattern of it everywhere. For instance: you seek to cultivate stronger self-esteem. All of a sudden it may feel that you’re under attack – others are unkind, demand too much from you or have no empathy for your feelings. These frustrations are not obstacles on your path – they are your path. The only way to address them is to go within, know your value and seek to address each situation with grace and empowerment in order to rise above. This is the process of growth.
Begin with daily efforts to be more aware. Bring a willingness to see clearly and consistently practice, practice, practice – everywhere you can. Your awareness alters and transforms the experience until one day you notice that you are handling situations that previously disrupted your joy… and handling them very well. You have set yourself free from an old pattern of conditioning into an arena of unlimited possibility.
Today my intention is to remember that awareness heals.



Your spiritual awakening is a miracle in motion.

“What happens when we slow down and pay attention? Everything! Innumerable delights are right at hand.”
~Ezra Bayda

The awakened spirit sees things differently. A new perspective opens the doors of perception and once seen, cannot be lost. Remember this when you spend time with others who are trapped by limited points of view – we must sometimes be willing to take them by the hand and simply show them a different way to be.

In the face of opposition, bring a quiet humility. Demonstrate love to those who seek to blame. Seek to bring a sense of stillness to your interactions. Make the choice to see through the mechanisms of the ego so that you can create a space in which a transformation can occur.

You are supported and protected on your journey – always. When we welcome the changes and challenges that life has to offer, we approach our experiences with ease and grace.
Everything and everyone plays a role in your soul’s growth; therefore, all should be valued as sacred aspects of the Divine. Those who challenge you the most on the physical plane, love you the most on the spiritual plane. They prompt you to explore aspects of yourself you would not seek out on your own.
Today my intention is to embrace what is. I am thrilled to be a part of the adventures that life has to offer.

Take one conscious step

The action you take today plants the seed of tomorrows experience.

“Every goal is possible from here. This is particularly applicable to problems that seem overwhelming. When you change the way you think about them, your new and unique perspective will cause the enormity of the things before you to diminish.”
~Wayne Dyer

No matter what you wish to accomplish, it can be achieved by taking action in the present moment. Baby steps spark miracles. Your intention and action send energy in motion that sets the stage for tomorrows experience.

Just for today, ensure that all of your actions support your intention. Some things before you may seem small and inconsequential; however, that is where profound change begins.

Don’t worry about the end result. Do your best here and now and the future will take care of itself. Know that you are capable of creating a life that is easy and joyful. Taking conscious action when things are small helps them seem more manageable and doesn’t allow the imbalance or problem to become overwhelming.

By recognizing the need for positive action and movement and setting your empowered and miraculous energy in motion, you will begin to cultivate inner mastery.
Today my intention is to live in harmony with the Tao.

Self transformation

Choose to see beyond the mind’s interpretation of good and bad fortune.

“Your life itself is the perfect place to personalize your ability to live untroubled by good or bad fortune, for you have the opportunity at every stage to see wholeness.”
~Wayne Dyer

The ebb and flow of life moves us through various experiences that accelerate our spiritual growth. When things seem to go wrong, when changed is forced upon us, we explore places we would not choose to go on our own. These unexplored facets of personality require the light of consciousness to shine upon them. Bring everything out into view. When you have nothing to hide and nothing to fear, life becomes easy.

Learn to live in harmony with your true nature. Feel fulfilled by being a living example of joy and balance and grace. Give silently. Act without expectation. Be deeply rooted in the present moment. This peaceful presence allows us to be the change we wish to see in the world.
Today my intention is to send loving kindness to all – we are collectively engaged in a global awakening.


Acceptance of love

Seek to live in a world of wonder.

“In your very celebration you will find that you have yourself become a buddha. And when I say celebration, I mean become more and more sensitive to everything. In life, dance should not be just a part. The whole of life should become a dance; it should be a dance. You can go for a walk and dance…”

Everything that unfolds in our life experience is a projection of our beliefs. This is why many different people can share an experience yet come away with wildly different interpretations of it. Each of us translates life through the filter of our level of consciousness.

All the unconscious frequencies – Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Desire, Anger and Pride – create prisons for the soul having that experience. Thankfully, when one experiences an awakening, they discover that the prison was never locked.
Conscious frequencies –   Courage, Neutrality, Willingness, Acceptance, Reason, Love, Joy, Peace and Enlightenment – allow us to view life differently. Have compassion for those who are still trapped within the prisons of the mind.

Celebrate life. Celebrate your unique journey and way of being in the world. Let the silent and beautiful expression of the Divine fill you with awe. The Tao te Ching speaks of being grateful for the 10,000 things. I believe this was Lao Tzu’s way of saying that there are always many, many things for which we can be grateful. There are countless reasons to dance in celebration.

Today my intention is to move ever closer to happiness.

Stillness speaks

Inner stillness is the true essence of your Being.

“When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.”
~Eckhart Tolle

Practice being in stillness. When things are quiet, stop and take a moment to actively listen to the silence. It will awaken your inner peace. Nature provides wonderful opportunities to connect with the present moment through stillness – let your awareness rest upon a flower, a tree, a stone, and allow them to teach you.

In the midst a cacophony, stillness can be accessed by dropping your resistance to the noise. Your acceptance is another gateway into stillness. As you practice being at peace with what is, you’ll discover a new depth of perception and serenity. This is where your inner wisdom will arise.

We have two aspects of experience – our true infinite nature and the egoic self of personality. When you step into stillness you’ll discover the difference between these two expressions of your life situation. When we drop thought we are able to see more clearly. Observe how often you can bring that inner awareness to your experiences.
Today my intention is to allow stillness to direct my words and actions.

Collective love

See everyone you meet as a spiritual work in progress. We are One.

“As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.”
~Eckhart Tolle

We are collectively engaged in a process of growth that is taking us deeper into the shadows of the human condition. In order to utilize the experiences of life to facilitate spiritual awakening, we must make a concerted effort to honor the process itself as sacred.

David Hawkins teaches that one person vibrating at the level of 300 (between Neutrality and Willingness) counterbalances 90,000 people who reside at the lower levels of  unconsciousness. The key is to approach dysfunction from the level of love. Have compassion for others’ suffering and help them to see how often it is self-inflicted while demonstrating a practical example of what optimistic, conscious living looks like.

You make a difference and your light adds a unique nuance of energy and potential to the planet. Seek only to bring the best version of yourself to your daily interactions and you will see the difference. This is the moment of transformation.

Today my intention is to remember that love resides at the core of everything. 

You are never alone

The entire universe supports your journey.

“Accept yourself, allow your unconscious to be revealed to you. This is how each human being is. By knowing it, you become a different kind of human being. By accepting it, cherishing it, you bring a revolution to your life. And when you look at others with that understanding, you will not find strangers; you will find all are friends.”

People often build walls around themselves because they seek safety or protection. They close off ideas and experiences and create a static world that is understandable to them – perhaps not a joyful world, but one they believe they can navigate.

Enlightenment is the removal of the enclosures that we have built. Yes, this process can be messy and challenging but it is absolutely necessary if one is to attain freedom. Do not fear your own shadow – it is not the truth of who you are. Look inside with love and compassion with the knowledge that your light will transform all that it shines upon.
Embrace life, commune with it. See it for the awakener it is meant to be. There are no enemies – only opportunities to shed things you no longer require. Tend to your own state of consciousness by releasing anger and blame and choosing to observe what is. Utilize it in your quest for enlightenment.

Today my intention is to act with integrity, do my best and accept what is.


Be led by joy.

“We unnecessarily go on seeking advice from the outside when existence is ready to speak to us from the innermost core of our being. It is already there, but we never listen to that still, small voice.”

We experience harmony when we live authentically. With no one to please and nothing to prove, we can discover the joy of being. This passion for life allows each of us to thrive in our own unique way.
Don’t wait for life to fall into place before you choose to be happy. Create happiness in your experience and life will rise up to meet you there. When you feel off balance, observe your thoughts, words and actions to determine where you are in-congruent. Without self-criticism, simply notice and make the appropriate adjustments as required.
Everything you experience is a living, vibrant and ongoing aspect of your communication with the Divine. Listen to your body, observe what repeats in your life situation and know that the world will reflect what you need to see. Heed the messages of love, remembering that sometime they lie hidden in the unlikeliest of places… and finally, be led by joy.

Today my intention is to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.