Dream more

Worry is a waste of your precious energy.

“Mind always thinks in terms of purpose, profit, utility. When the mind disappears, action does not disappear, activity disappears – and there is a great difference between the two. Activity has utility; action is pure joy, pure beauty. You act not because something has to be achieved; you act because action is a dance, is a song. You act because you are so full of energy.”
Conscious action, when it arises within you, has its own vitality and quality of being. We can lose ourselves momentarily in this beautiful dimension of creativity and movement. The awakened soul sees the present moment as something to be fully experienced, and through that experience we commune with the Divine.

This is the moment of your transformation; there is no need to wait. Approach it in such a way that it enhances your life, brings a little more joy and find your bliss. Enlightenment is a unique experience – create your own rather than attempting to duplicate that of another. Creativity awakens your dignity and allows you to explore new facets of who you are.
Today my intention is to live in a way that makes me feel free.

I Am…

“I Am”… the two most powerful words in the universe.

“Change your view of the world to one of awe and bewilderment. Rather than looking for miracles, shift to seeing everything as miraculous… Live the mystery by beginning to perceive what average eyes fail to notice.”
~Wayne Dyer~
Know that your words are powerful. Whether spoken consciously or in jest, the words you speak determine what experiences are drawn to you. Notice especially what you consistently say after “I am” and purposely choose loving, positive and empowered words.

Expect life to be safe and joyous. Expect it to flow in a way that is perfect for your growth and see your experiences as an extension of your deepest beliefs. If there are things you wish to change, focus on the end result rather than the perceived problem. Let your thoughts, words and actions support the positive changes you are in the process of creating,

Above all, be kind to yourself. See your sojourn here as an adventure. Slow down and enjoy the present moment and all that it has to offer. Begin your transformation by saying things like, “I am right where I need to be. I am in the midst of healthy changes. I am adventurous/beautiful/joyful/abundant.” And so it is.
Today my intention is to be inspired, enchanted, peaceful and amazed. 

Love who you are

Live as if you had purposely chosen every aspect of your life.

“The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love and express love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe.”
~Deepak Chopra~
Far too many people carry the energy of self-hatred which creates a filter that warps all that they see. This is self induced torture. Unfortunately, this energy is compounded by the outward projection of hatred and judgment of others, often triggering others to return it in kind, and a loop of entrapment is created.

Self love, conversely, brings out laughter and the joy of being. It celebrates. It’s silly. It’s innocent and free and expansive. We purposely arranged every aspect of our life experience in order to facilitate the quickest spiritual awakening possible; therefore, embrace your quirkiness, for it is sacred.

What would life be like if there was nothing to complain about? How would you use all the excess energy that is no longer being wasted? There are no limitations. See how self-love and celebration transform the present moment. You are a spark of eternity having a unique physical experience. Celebrate it! We’ll be off on a new adventure soon enough.
Today my intention is to allow my joyful thoughts to create my joyful world.

Living with clarity and passion

Choose to live a harmonious, passionate life.

“Equivocal or vague principles, as a rule, will make of your life an undirected, uninspired, meaningless act. Know what you want, know what makes you feel good about your Self, know what brings you into harmony with others. These are your guidelines and principles.”
~R.L.Wing, from the I Ching~

Periodically examine your life experience to discover where you are limiting your joyfulness and positive expectations. Remember that you are here to thrive and to expand your consciousness. Any challenges that arise are providing opportunities to cultivate empowerment and lift your soul to new levels of understanding.

Each of us needs to observe any personal obstacles or behaviors and know that they can be overcome. Be clear and gentle with yourself and re-program your mind to see the love that resides at the core of all situations. Together, we walk the path of exploration and discovery, each life a thread interwoven in the tapestry of existence.

The layers of energy and insight that you are now experiencing can bring you to a place of clarity and passion. Seek to fill your life situation with circumstances, things and people that inspire your soul. Contemplate the perfection of the present moment and it will make itself known to you.
Today my intention is to celebrate the Now knowing that peacefulness and gratitude allow me to see more clearly.



Hold yourself to a higher standard.

“When somebody insults you, that is the moment to keep alert. When your wife looks at somebody else and you feel hurt, that is the moment to keep alert. When you are feeling sad, gloomy, depressed, when you feel the whole world is against you, that is the moment to be alert. When you are surrounded by a dark night, that is the moment to keep your light burning. And all these situations will prove helpful – they are meant for it.”

If used consciously, this can be a time of inspiration and growth. Everything depends upon how we view ourselves, how we conduct ourselves in the world, and our willingness to stand in our integrity. There may be times to step back, observe and take a few moments to breathe prior to taking action – these pauses allow us to bring a higher level of consciousness to our interactions.

Treat each person you meet as sacred. Offer them dignity and choose to remain mindful and balanced throughout your interaction. Yes, this calls upon you to bring the best version of yourself to your relationships. Most people, expecting dysfunction or judgment, will have to learn to adjust to your loving way of being. After moments of confusion, they will begin to feel the safe atmosphere which promotes growth and awareness.

Above all, cultivate your own sense of self-worth and continue to expand your consciousness in ways that bring a sense of joy and purpose to your life.
Today my intention is to remember that I am a spiritual being having a human experience. 


Choose to be inspired

Be the change you wish to see.

“You are complete already, a product of universal abundance, so relax and enjoy life… what you desire will show up with less effort and anxiety.”
~Wayne Dyer~
Conscious awareness is the key to addressing the daily bombardment of negative energy we face. There are lower vibrations that seek to keep us uninspired, fearful, believing in lack or simply living in conflict with what is. As we become more aware of this, we can purposely make choices that help us to rise above ego – being in the world, but not of it.

Examine your life for habits that are ego-based such as watching the news on a consistent basis or right before bed, choosing movies or tv shows filled with violence or sadness, participating in gossip, judgment or opinions and instead, choose something better for yourself. No matter at what level of consciousness you reside, there are many options to embrace that will align with your energy. That’s the beauty of our infinite universe. We can and do choose what we will experience.

It is absolutely possible to transcend violence through inspired spiritual energy. One does not need to hide from the world. Spiritual practice is not about sitting in meditation on a distant mountaintop. It is the joy of bringing light to where you are now.

Seek only to be the best version of yourself and you will be an inspiration. Make a commitment to fill your life with creativity, kindness and compassion – there is no greater gift that you can give the world.
Today my intention is to live an inspired life. My purpose is to awaken.

Live gently

Your experience is unique.

“There are three words that convey the secret of the art of living, the secret of all success and happiness: One With Life. Being one with life is being one with the Now. You then realize that you don’t live your life, but life lives you. Life is the dancer and you are the dance.”
~Eckhart Tolle~
To create peace in your experience, you must be at peace with the present moment. This begins now. There is no future moment in time when you will someday achieve enlightenment. Your enlightenment is here.

When you take responsibility for your own joy, your work, your awakening… you create a journey of freedom and discovery. There is no need to wait for a savior, for your life to fall together or a miraculous, transformative moment. This is the moment.

Let your spiritual practice be one of stepping into the flow of life rather than fighting against it. Be one with life. Observe the moments when you feel disappointed or frustrated for they will help you to see where you have created attachments and expectation. Living gently in the present moment will open your ability to be more peaceful and loving. This is how we change the world.
Today my intention is to approach my daily experience with light and awareness. All that I need is already here.

You are love

If you could see you as I see you… you’d know that you’re beautiful.

“We can come to see – to experience – that we are not broken, that we were never broken, and that we don’t need to be fixed.”
~Ezra Bayda~
It’s time to love yourself enough to drop limiting beliefs, to see yourself as sacred and to honor your path as a joyous, expansive expression of life. What if you had no demons to fight, no dysfunction to correct, no wounds to heal? How would you utilize all that energy? When you are fully aligned with the present moment, you are able to see the sparks of possibility.

Each day, begin with a verbal chakra balance. Touch each chakra, starting with the crown, and say the following:
Today I am willing to accept a miracle
Today I am willing to see clearly
Today I am willing to communicate effectively
Today I am willing to love unconditionally, beginning with myself
Today I am willing to project the aura of a goddess (or peace, kindness, etc)
Today I am willing to embrace my creativity, sensuality and passion
As I walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.
Make the conscious decision to see yourself through the eyes of love and then allow that love to extend outward.
Today my intention is to be open to whatever presents itself and offer my authentic being in return.

Spiritual maturity

Challenges awaken your potential.

“Before we enter the path, we see our experiences in terms of ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Upon truly entering the path, we see them only as opportunities to awaken.”
~Ezra Bayda~
Spiritual maturity is the realization of your true potential. The seeds planted by your life experiences have bloomed into something beautiful that brings light and joy to the world. The lessons learned from personal suffering foster greater compassion for others who are in the midst of their own challenges.

Your evolution should awaken an openness rather than protection, innocence rather than knowledge, the desire to learn rather than opine. Let your views and expression of life be gentle, kind and compassionate. See beyond others’ roles and egoic gesturing to the illumination of the soul.

Honor your journey as sacred and perfect and you will transcend all limitation. Infinite possibilities are waiting to be discovered and there are always new levels to explore. The birth of consciousness is arising within you.
Today my intention is to help create a world where it is safe to love one another.

The winds of heaven

Give space to those you love.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the
barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
Space in relationships creates a bond that transcends all else. Choosing to provide a space in which one can explore oneself, learn, make mistakes and grow demonstrates a higher level of trust.

When we cling, make demands or hold expectations, we stifle transformative growth for all involved. As your own wounds are healed you will experience the joy of being fully present with another. You will discover new facets of yourself while in their Presence. Love others in such a way that they feel safe, respected and appreciated.

The dance of love should be one that evolves as you evolve. There are infinite levels to explore. The more conscious you become, the greater your perception. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is. Open your heart and receive the gifts that await.
Today my intention is to live totally in the Now knowing that I am safe and secure and all is well in my world.