Opening to life

Life is about being open to experience, vulnerable and willing to expand into joy from wherever you are with what you have.

I am willing to greet life with open arms and an open heart.
Fear, judgment, limiting beliefs and doubt can keep us from opening ourselves to whatever life has to offer. Each moment is about experience. Every situation has something to teach, and we have the responsibility to greet life with open arms.
Those who remain stuck in old mindsets miss the joy of discovering their own beauty. When you interact with those who struggle with repeating patterns, hold them in your mind with love and compassion. Everyone is on the same path – the Path of Transformation. Whether we awaken in this particular lifetime or one yet to come, it’s important to remember that awakening and joy will definitely come.
This infinite Universe will continue to offer opportunities to discover love – again and again – until each one of us steps into enlightenment.
Today my intention is to love unconditionally remembering that we are here to help one another along the way.

Take one more step

What are you dreaming into being?

“I am willing to grow and change. Every moment presents a wonderful new opportunity to become more of who I am.” 
~Louise Hay~
Everything on your path is an opportunity to awaken. All that’s required is taking one conscious step forward. Let the momentum of enthusiasm, joy and acceptance inform whatever actions you choose to take, but above all else, take one more step and breathe one more breath into the heart.

Rather than being driven by the need of security, consider asking, “What do I have to offer?” No one else has your unique way of being in the world. Your energy creates an impact and you are an active player in our collective transformation. When you live from the heart, you create a space in which change can occur.

This moment, think about what you would like to create in your experience. Then, choose one simple action that you can joyfully embrace and see where you are led.
Today my intention is to find joy and satisfaction in all that I choose to do.

Soul groups

Celebrate those who grace your life.

“With my loving attitude, I help to create a world where it is safe for us to love each other.” 
~Louise Hay~
“The extent to which you are willing to be supported is an indication of your prosperity in the various areas of your life: career/productivity; familial relationships; relationships with friends; and spirituality. It is also a measure of your self-agape.”
~From Michael, The Basic Teachings~

In order for people to know and understand you, you must be willing to be open and vulnerable. Intimacy allows us to truly connect with with another. Younger souls believe they must be completely self-reliant. Old souls have learned the value of giving and receiving support.

Celebrate those who grace your life. Chances are that you have been playing together for lifetimes, utilizing many differing roles to assist in the collective journey of awakening. As Rumi wrote. “We are all just walking each other home.”
Today my intention is to be grateful for all the people and circumstances that have led me to this moment.

Look within

The people in your life always do the best they can based upon their imprinting, soul age and level of consciousness… and so do you.

“I use my Inner Wisdom to run the business of my life.” 
~Louise Hay~
All that you need is already within you.

Some people spend years searching for answers. Their library is filled with spiritual tomes and they can list names of various teachers with whom they have worked. Yet many have never stilled the mind and taken the time to discover their own inner wisdom.
The spiritually awakened soul has no need of rules or structure. He or she lives by an internal code of conduct that cannot be swayed by trends or weakened by misunderstandings. The light of compassion shines through into every area of their experience.
You have the ability to choose how you will walk through the world. See those who are in the midst of awakening as your students and honor the path they travel as an integral part of their souls journey.
Be the change you wish to see in the world. Share your light and gifts whenever possible and let your life be your message.
Today my intention is to remember that we are One.

The pathway of surrender

Know thyself.

“Every bridge I cross brings me to a higher level of fulfillment.” 
~Louise Hay~
When feelings arise, it’s helpful to observe them and experience them without trying to make things different. Rather than trying to change the feeling, focus on releasing the energy behind the feeling without self-judgment. Resistance keeps the energy alive while acceptance frees you from it.

Fear is always based upon the survival programs of the mind. When you have achieved a healthy, authentic place of surrender, you’ll feel lighter, at ease and safe.

Transformation is a process. Often we seem to revisit areas we thought long healed as we strip away layer after layer of energy. This is necessary to reach the core of any issue. Never doubt the progress you are making. Even when faced with familiar or repetitive circumstances, the fact that you are conscious in the present moment is an indicator that you are bringing a higher awareness to your life situation.
Today my intention is to stay present. When I let go and allow, everything in my life works.

Nourish others

Fear wants us to believe that there’s not enough. Love teaches that the more we give, the more we receive.

“I rejoice in others’ successes, knowing that there is plenty for us all.” 
~Louise Hay~
Celebrate others’ successes as if they are your own. This reinforces the energy of abundance in the world and opens you to receive. The moment that jealousy or resentment enters the picture, all flow ceases.

Look inward to that which is eternal rather than seeking validation from external sources. Infinite possibilities await discovery. Limitless potential is at your disposal. Life is your canvas – what will you create there?

When you drop opinions and judgment, you can relax into your deepest truths and see life on earth for what it is… a place to explore the nuances of awakening. The seeds of consciousness that you have planted will grow. Be patient and gentle with yourself.
Today my intention is to enjoy the process of growth. I watch as all life flourishes and supports itself by giving.

Be still

Learn how to be still, open, expectant and willing to receive.
“The answers within me come to my awareness with ease.” 
~Louise Hay~
Create an unbounded gratitude for whatever life brings. As you release all that hinders your ability to receive – attachment, thought, demands, drama – you become a pure receptive portal for Divine energy.
“Sensitivity, intuition and compassion are the qualities that shine forth now, dissolving all the obstacles that keep us separate from each other and from the whole.”
Listening is one way to still the mind. After your daily gratitude, stand and listen to the myriad sounds of the day as it awakens. The “Yin” of experience is an art. As we cultivate our Yin ability, we discover the empowerment that is found in stillness, in willingness and acceptance.
Periodically, spread your arms wide overhead, palms up, opening the crown chakra and visualize energy flowing into you from the Divine. Just be and receive and breathe. Let this light infuse your entire being.
Today my intention is to release all control to the Universe. I am at peace with myself and with life.

Those who challenge you…

There is always something new to learn.

“I release the need to blame anyone. I accept the people around me as they are.” 
~Louise Hay~
We learn the most when we are in the midst of a challenge. In moments of soul seeking and discovery, we find ourselves exploring places we would never purposely enter on our own. Those who play adversarial roles on the physical plane have the greatest love for you on the soul level. They are willing to risk losing your good will and friendship in this lifetime in order to assist in your soul’s purpose – to awaken.

Take a moment today to think of every difficult situation you’ve experienced. Make a list of the lesson you learned or the gift you received from each encounter. Mentally thank the person for the role they have played in your soul’s awakening. This process transforms anger and resentment into forgiveness and freedom.

I utilize this prayerful approach when doing healing work. Visualize each color flowing around you like a cocoon, adding layers of light and protection:

“I draw down the healing pink energy of unconditional love, offering forgiveness to anyone who has ever harmed me, knowingly or unknowingly, in all times, places, spaces and dimensions. Thank you for the role you have played in my growth.

I  draw down the purple energy of humility, asking forgiveness from all those whom I have ever harmed, knowingly or unknowingly, in all times, places, spaces and dimensions. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your soul’s growth.

I am willing to receive the blue light of emotional healing, on every level, wherever it is required. I feel it flow now into every aspect of my being, into every cell, thought, dream or memory. Thank you.”
Today my intention is to remember that all things, regardless of how they appear, work toward our highest good. Always.

Love breathes life into the heart


Love… An inspired form of giving, love breathes life into the heart and brings grace to the soul.

“My heart is opening wider. Love flows from me and to me in ever-increasing amounts. I feel great. People love being around me.” 
~Louise Hay~
Healing occurs when we drop ideas, beliefs and conceptual understanding and move fully into the experience of the present moment. Feeling the Now, rather than thinking or worrying in the midst of it, aligns us with the mysterious and infinite nature of life.

Soul-inspired love creates a sense of freedom. Love yourself enough to release behavior that no longer serves you and be willing to receive the joys that life has to offer. Extend that freedom outward, releasing all demands and desire to control. Create a sacred space within your experiences.

“Honoring the paradox of our true nature, we can laugh with wisdom and tenderly care for the precious days we are given.”
~Jack Kornfield~

You can be a source of great kindness, compassion, grace and safety. The greatest gift that you can give another is acceptance.
Today my intention is to remember that each moment is a new beginning.

Life’s teachers

I am a lifetime student of love.

“I take full responsibility for every aspect of my life.” 
~Louise Hay~
It can often be challenging to see ourselves clearly. To help us with this, beautiful souls enter our lives or publicly step foot on life’s stage and act in a way that benefits our growth. All that you see is a reflection of your inner state of consciousness as well as our collective consciousness. Teachers and circumstances will remain until we’ve learned from them.

“If you spot it, you got it!”
~Collin Tipping~

Observe what you notice in the world around you. What inspires? What triggers? When you are willing to learn, messages are found everywhere. The depth of your response indicates the intensity of the spiritual work in which you are engaged.

If you desire change in your experience, you must first create change within yourself. Challenging situations contain gifts that are waiting to be discovered. Consider what you have already tried and then consciously choose to view the situation in a new way. You may find yourself experimenting with differing approaches until the energy shifts and movement occurs.
Today my intention is to handle all my experiences with wisdom, love and ease.