Find your bliss

Metaphysical Art 1

This is the moment of your transformation.

“Wherever you feel that life is growing, celebrate it, love it, welcome it, and a great transformation will happen to you. If life is revered in all its forms, you become more alive. ”

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in this moment – no anger or frustration, no problem, desire or regret. If this were your last moment, how would you spend it? Would you keep old antagonisms alive or want to hug those you love and appreciate one more sunset? Petty differences would become meaningless.

You can choose to put down any baggage that you carry. Once you realize that loving celebration leads to enlightenment, you’ll discover that there is no need to postpone your joy. Live as if each moment were your last because the next is not certain. Find your bliss here and now and choose to embrace it. The choice to be blissful will change your experience of life.

It is said that Zen is the acceptance of the ordinary existence with all your heart. There is no desire for anything to be different than it is and the mundane becomes sacred.

Today my intention is to allow gratitude to open my heart. This is the moment of transformation.

Everything is interconnected


What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all.

“There is nobody who is in any way different from you. Once you understand yourself you have understood the whole humanity. In that very understanding a great vision arises in which we are all brothers and sisters and we are all in the same boat. ”

Your state of consciousness matters. Imagine yourself as a pure power source that constantly emits waves of energy outward. Whether spending time alone or interacting with others, you are affecting the world.

This is why your spiritual journey is so profound. As your joy increases, it overflows and lifts others. Living in a state of grace determines how you treat yourself and the world around you. Your actions and choices touch life in a way that is unique and powerful.

We share our breath, our dreams, our resources and the planet. In every moment, observe your interactions and notice if they are in alignment with all that you wish to create. Consistently will bring greater balance to your life experience. Treat yourself with great care. Be kind to the planet, animals, trees and each other. Your life is your message.

Today my intention is to see all of life as my mirror.

Expanding consciousness

There is always something new to discover.

“The progression of the evolution of consciousness is accelerated by the combination of intention plus attention.”
~David R. Hawkins~ 

When interacting with others, it’s helpful to determine and understand the level of consciousness from which they experience life. One cannot expect someone in the grip of fear to suddenly make the jump to acceptance; although, it can happen, spiritual evolution is typically a step by step process.

Those who vibrate under 200 can be exhausting. You may find yourself head-achy or tired after spending time around them. They create high amounts of drama in order to feed off the energy of others (psychic vampirism). Don’t judge them for this because they haven’t reached a place in their development where they can tap into the energy of the Divine and do not know that healthier approaches to life are possible. However, you can negate this drain by purposely taking yourself to the highest level of consciousness possible while operating from a space of detached compassion and kindness.

No matter your level of consciousness, always seek to raise your vibration to the next level. You’ll discover that the higher you go, the easier things become. The journey of awakening uses contrasts in the world of form to advance spiritual evolution. This paradox opens a world of love and possibility.

Today my intention is to allow love to operate in all my relationships.

What else is possible?

Learn to live in the realm of infinite possibility.

“All choices are open to human beings. The more conscious a person becomes, the more his choices will lead him to happiness; the more unconscious he is, the closer he will move towards misery.”

On life’s journey one may often the find the voice of ego saying, “What if I fail?” What if you do fail? Will you not learn something incredibly valuable? That little voice of fear almost never jumps to the other end of the spectrum… “What if it turns out perfectly?”

And yet, all possibilities exist simultaneously. When you allow only one idea to repeat, energy flows along that line of possibility and, if permitted long enough, blocks all other possibilities.

One way to open the flow is to ask yourself, “What else is possible?” See how many different outcomes you can imagine, from the worst to the best and everything in between. This shifts the energy from feeding your greatest fears and diffuses it until a shift in consciousness can occur.

When you move into the higher levels of consciousness – willingness, acceptance, love, peace, joy and enlightenment – your inner light, passion and intention become transformative and your thoughts will reflect positive expectation. Every situation offers an opportunity to succeed or to learn; either way, grace is the foundation for your experience.

Today my intention is to be willing to accept a miracle.

The art of detachment

Attachment and desire create suffering.

“To create nothingness in you is the goal of meditation, but this nothingness has nothing to do with the negative idea. It is full, abundantly full. It is so full that it starts overflowing. Buddha has defined this nothingness as overflowing compassion.”

Nothingness is infinite. It is not limited by demands or expectation, nor is it apathy. The goal of awakening is to be a joyous expression of the Divine without preconceived ideas or limitation.

When things are removed – attachments, ideas, mental demands – all that remains is pure consciousness. Passion is then transformed into compassion. The formless art of detachment teaches us to become deeply immersed in life with gratitude, joy and wonder.

Without thought, we are able to receive. Detachment allows the experience at hand to penetrate us fully. That is how we are able to put it down and walk forward without any mental baggage. You can choose to be free from the mechanisms of the mind by being here now, completely, joyfully, trusting in the process of your awakening.

Today my intention is to be a pure channel for the love, light and laughter of the Universe.

Magic, dreams and possibilities

Road in magic dark forest

You are loved, supported and guided each and every step of the way.

“The trick is remembering that at all times for more is happening on your behalf than your physical senses will ever reveal…Like right now.”
~The Universe~ 

Wholeness is coming home to yourself. Spirituality is meant to bring magic back into your life. There are many paths to awakening – choose the one that brings you the greatest joy, and then support others in their joy.

When life becomes a drudgery, judgment arises. Self-criticism and frustration block us from recognizing the beauty that surrounds us. It’s important to keep playfulness in your outlook and experience. Laughter enriches the soul and is a powerful expression of the Divine.

Find awakening in your life as it is, for you are right where you need to be. Acceptance draws in the circumstances, experiences and  synchronicities that are in alignment with your joyful, expectant, optimistic attitude.

Today my intention is to let love live through me.


Conscious breathing helps to bring you fully into the present moment.

“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I recognize my body as a good friend. Each cell in my body has Divine Intelligence. I listen to what it tells me and know that its advice is valid.”
~Louise Hay~ 
Part of the awakened spiritual experience is to consciously work in cooperation with your physical body. It is the vehicle through which you experience life and is a sacred expression of the Divine. Learn to tune in and observe what you are feeling. Any pain or tension has a message. You may be releasing old toxins, have an imbalance in your energy field or feeling a wound from a past life that may be bleeding through into this lifetime (sometimes experienced as a pain without cause or an “incurable” disease).

Conscious breathing can allow you to access your inner wisdom. Once you sit with whatever you’re experiencing and listen to the messages of the heart, you may be surprised to discover the gift that is being offered.

What becomes possible when you pay attention? Everything. See your life as a constant dialog with the Divine.

Today my intention is to remember that when I find harmony and balance in my mind, I find it in my life.

Cultivating patience

Everything unfolds in the perfect way at the perfect time.

“A life of equanimity and appreciation is lived in the immediacy of the present – not in the mind.”
~Ezra Bayda~ 
The ego demands that things move quickly. It seeks something to fix, to create, to resist. If no challenges are present, it will conjure one in order to keep the mind alive and busy. Ultimately, this constant mental activity blocks one’s ability to be at peace in the present moment.

We live in an infinite universe. This planet, and the experiences it offers, is the very beginning of a long journey of awakening. Choose to enjoy it. Cultivating patience strengthens your capacity to relate to life from the higher levels of consciousness rather than the ego-driven desire of false personality.

Pause for a moment and feel whatever it is that you’re feeling right now. Draw your attention inward. Are you at ease? Take the moments in life that require patience – waiting in line, sitting in traffic, expecting a return text or email – and transform them into powerful aspects of your spiritual work.

Today my intention is to be open to whatever life offers. Every moment and experience supports my journey of awakening.

All of life is a call to love

Love transforms.

“Behind attachments is freedom. Behind fear, love. Behind desire, the quiet joy of being.”
~Ezra Bayda~ 

As an awakening master, you have the ability to observe life from a higher state of consciousness. Practice looking for ways to express love. Challenging people and circumstances can sometimes take more conscious effort; however, the rewards are immeasurable. They allow you to cultivate facets of your soul that would otherwise remain fallow.

Be thankful for everything in your life – the joys and the sorrows – gratitude brings a new quality of empowerment to your life experience. Mastery calls upon us to be living examples of the potential of love. Your Presence has the ability to awaken the Presence in others. This is a gift that you can give those who grace your life.

Today my intention is to constantly find new ways of looking at my world. I choose to see beauty everywhere.

Healthy relationships

Your relationships are a reflection of your state of consciousness.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

The Celtic Vows of Friendship can be utilized to ensure that you are approaching your interactions with an open heart. Relationships offer us the opportunity to cultivate the ability to love. Each of us is responsible for our own joy; therefore, honor yourself by bringing mindfulness to your interactions.

The gifts that life has to offer are often beyond our understanding. We broaden our view by bringing an open heart to our meeting places. When you are able to drop preconceived ideas and attachments, the world opens.

If you had no fear, no doubt, no regret, how would you interact with those you love? The Divine seeks only to express itself through you. The gift of grace awaits those who can drop all seriousness and judgment and immerse themselves within the love, light and laughter of the Universe.

Today my intention is to play and find the joy of living…