Cultivating compassion

Compassion is a necessary component of enlightenment.

“In some people anxiety is obvious. Others may appear calm and at ease with life, yet still be scared to death – of intimacy, of criticism, of loss, of something. Just because fear in others is not obvious doesn’t mean it’s not there. The fear may be hidden, but it is just as powerful and just as frightening. Recalling this can foster compassion.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The two most powerful tools of enlightenment are meditation and mindfulness. There is nothing more important than learning how to still the mind. If you struggle with sitting and meditating for hours at a time, choose instead to spend quiet moments just enjoying the Now. Sit in nature and listen, watch, be. Let your senses focus on any repetitive or rhythmical sounds. See the beauty which surrounds you.

When you are focused on listening, the mind stops. The resulting sense of connection and well-being allow you to experience the truest aspects of who you are. In the stillness, anything is possible but nothing seems necessary.

It’s interesting that the word mindfulness actually refers to being present and aware and not thinking. When you create stillness in your own experience, it becomes possible to have more compassion for others, and for yourself as well. Strive to allow your expression of life to come from this quiet and loving place.

Today my intention is to remember that all pain and dysfunction is caused by fear. When I operate from love, I create a space where transformation is possible.

Being at ease with the unknown

The Buddha has defined nothingness as overflowing compassion.

“Ultimately we need to understand that spiritual life isn’t about being safe, secure or comfortable. It’s not that we won’t sometimes feel secure in the course of our spiritual practice; we surely will. Yet there is a fundamental security that develops from many years of practice – though it is a far cry from the immediate comfort we may now crave.”
~Ezra Bayda~

To quiet the mind is to become comfortable with the unknown. There’s no need to plan out every step of your existence. The awakened soul operates on faith, adventure and discovery while leaving enough space in their experience for miracles to unfold.

Many people believe that if they have a plan they’ll be safe or they’ll succeed. Yet, no matter how many contingencies they anticipate, life will always present something unexpected. There is great joy in learning how to negotiate the unknown with grace. When we do not limit life by attaching to outcomes, we open ourselves to infinite possibility.

Today my intention is to remember that all the unknowns of life are simply spaces filled with shimmering possibility.

I am conscious

Your beliefs, thoughts and words shape your reality.

“I rise above all limitations. I am Divinely guided and inspired.”
~Louise Hay~

Pay attention to your words, for they have the power to shape your experiences. Someone who constantly says, “I’m a procrastinator”, “I’m always late”, “I can’t….” or “I’ll never be able to…” strengthens the limiting mindsets that dictate how they walk through life.

Begin with “I Am Conscious.” Set a tone of awareness in your experience and reclaim your Divine birthright. You are here to thrive, to be joyful and to rise above limitation. Your conscious intent has the ability to transform any situation into one of empowerment.

Consider using the examples above and practicing with a different word each day. Journal your experiences. You may be surprised to discover how powerful you truly are.

Today my intention is to release any old beliefs, mental scripts, words or actions that do not bring joy to my experience.

Living an empowered, magical life

You can create the life of your dreams.

“Life is the game of games, the ultimate game. It has tremendous meaning if your take it as a game and you don’t become too serious about it. If you remain simple and innocent, the game is going to impart many things to you.”

When you view your life experience as a game, you’ll discover that each situation has the opportunity to teach you something new about yourself and your abilities. Bring awareness to your daily journey while reminding yourself that many things are possible. Patterns repeat until we have mastered that skill level. Then we begin to explore the next experience.

The fundamental component of mastery is trusting the process of your awakening. The more aware you become, the more possibilities are available to you. You begin to break free from belief in limitation and expand in a way that seems magical to the uninitiated; however, it is simply living in alignment with your true nature.

The higher your state of consciousness, the easier things flow. As you discover that you are one with existence itself, fear dissipates and freedom brings openness and joy to the journey.

Today my intention is to remember not to take my thoughts too seriously.

Nothing is lacking

What is your definition of contentment? Abundance? Success?

“Just go on enjoying, enjoying whatever becomes available. If success is there, enjoy it. If failure is there, enjoy it – because failure brings a few enjoyments that no success can ever bring. Success also brings a few joys that no failure can ever bring.”

Once I overheard a conversation regarding suicide. One voice lamented, “I just don’t understand, he was so successful.” I interpreted this to mean that the person in question perhaps had incredible wealth or business success; however, success has nothing to do with titles, acquisitions or relationships. It is only achieved through a peaceful and contented frame of mind.

Some people set and achieve grand goals. This is wonderful if experienced with openness and excitement, gratitude and fulfillment. What often occurs is an immediate formation of a new goal once the first is achieved. The mind is always seeking, doing, achieving and reaching – never satisfied. Is this success or simply endless striving?

Conversely, someone completely at ease with the present moment may seem simple or unmotivated, especially in our busy world. They remember to pause in appreciation of the beauty of the day or express kindness to another. They seem unfazed by worry and peaceful in the present moment.

There are infinite ways to experience life. No matter what path you choose, live it fully and with an open heart. Celebrate the joy of being alive. Work, play, rest and love with equal passion. Be content.

Today my intention is to honor my path as sacred. I am a living expression of the life, love and laughter of the Divine.

Our thoughts shape our experiences

If you choose to be unhappy, there is nothing in the world that will bring you happiness. Conversely, if you choose to be happy, no one can take that away from you.

“Allow life to enter you. Become more open and vulnerable, feel more, sense, more. Small things filled with such wonders are lying all around.”

Don’t wait for life to fall into place before you choose to celebrate the joy of your existence. One does not need to be perfect to dance with happiness, nor does your bank account need to have a specific amount. You can be in solitude or surrounded by family, and yet… life is filled with wonder.

You are a master in the process of awakening – already whole and complete, able to receive and ready to expand. Once you choose to be happy, life is viewed and experienced from the higher levels of consciousness. It overflows from within and is no longer affected by outside factors.

Rather than being ruled by the mind, learn to utilize it as the helpful tool that it can be. Happiness is a choice that we make over and over until it becomes our natural and effortless way of being.

Today my intention is to celebrate, be grateful, share, love, and dance.


The obstacle is the path

When faced with a challenge, choose to see it as a gift that will bring you greater understanding.

“Clinging to notions of how life ought to be, of what you want, of what you hate, always leads to suffering.”

~Ezra Bayda~ 
All of life has an ebb and flow that is natural and necessary. And yet, we have a tendency to believe that any problems that arise are obstacles on the journey or indicators that we’ve done something wrong. Everything in your experiences happens for you, not to you. There is no judgment, no punishment – only opportunities to discover the many facets of love and empowerment.

The inner critic may repeat a script that lays blame for any challenges at your feet; however, as an awakened spirit, you have the ability to see beyond these limiting beliefs to the joyful possibility of great breakthrough and transformation.

When fear arises, see how quickly you can change your thinking. Don’t expect life to always be easy and perfect, but do expect that you have the necessary skills to navigate whatever comes your way. Be present to life. Everything plays an important role on your journey of discovery. Testing periods are an opportunity to see our enlightenment and spiritual skills in action. Remember, you are loved and supported each and every step of the way.

Today my intention is to live a life of spiritual practice.

Practice stillness

Turn off the television, the radio, the mind and listen.

“What is required to truly open to life is dropping the harshness of the judgmental mind.”
~Ezra Bayda~ 
Give yourself moments of purposeful stillness throughout the day. The human condition typically creates a tremendous amount of busyness that seems purposeful but in reality, distracts us from accessing our inner wisdom.

When we listen intently and without commentary, the mind pauses. The world is playing a beautiful symphony and it’s important to slow down and appreciate all that is has to offer.

Notice the beat of your heart and the sound of your breath as it flows through the body. Remember that you are vibrant and alive, part of the whole and become a loving witness to the perfection of it all.

Go inward. Insight awaits discovery. Feel the expansion of your spirit as it fills all the empty spaces.

Today my intention is to be still.

Authentic love


Authentic love has no opposite.

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”
~Ezra Bayda~ 

Ego-driven love creates a life filled with ups and downs. It makes demands, wishes the person would change, fulfill a particular need or pines with longing. Soul-driven love is expansive. It demands nothing, it celebrates and supports. It gives for the joy of giving.

Relationships can often trigger our greatest fears. Not getting what the ego desires motivates us to seek answers and awaken. As we heal our emotional wounds and strip away limiting beliefs and patterns, authentic love becomes possible. Your expression of the Divine transforms your life situations into loving spiritual practice.

Everything is an opportunity to awaken. Make a gentle, consistent effort to allow life to be as it is. Be steadfastly kind and perceptive. Realize that drama keeps you from living a genuine life and purposely choose the transformative path of freedom.

Today my intention is to remember that I am a living expression of the love, light and laughter of the Universe.

Fill your life with light

The light of consciousness transforms all that it is shined upon.

“Just a little bit of understanding can bring a tremendous revolution in your life. ”

Relationships provide countless opportunities to grow. They allow us to put our new spiritual insights and ideas into action. We act as mirrors for one another and, knowing this, you can bring light to any situation by going inward, living your soul’s truth and rising above the voice of ego.

Conscious surrender is empowering. It is born of acceptance and creates a space in which a transformation can occur. Fill your life with so much light that being in your presence helps others to see more clearly. This means that you will consistently choose compassion rather than moving into drama. Your words reflect positive expectation and kindness.

Learn how to live without creating attachments to specific outcomes. Having preferences is wonderful, for they allow you to have a unique life experience that is fulfilling and expansive; however, when preferences crystallize into requirements, you create suffering in your experience. Be willing to trust the processing of your awakening. Your light can change the world.

Today my intention is to be an authentic example of kindness, acceptance and unconditional love.