Magical Monday

It’s Magical Monday!

Today is filled with limitless possibility… what would you like to create in your world? See how many sparks of passion you can flow into each moment. Whether your ideas are grand or small, the action is the same: set an intention, break out of a rut, try something new, be willing to receive and remember, whatever you send out into the Universe will return to you ten-fold… and you may be surprised at what miracles you set in motion.

It might be fun to light a candle which aligns your energy and intention, rearrange a room, make a new friend or try something you’ve never tried. Treat yourself with kindness, eat well, read something inspirational, play some music or create a vision board – simply focus on the end result of happiness and release any attachment to how it manifests in your experience.

Never underestimate the beauty of your own magnificence. Passion and smiles are infectious. Kind words and actions send ripples of love outward and no matter what you choose to do, you can achieve it.

Today my intention is to nurture myself – mind, body and soul.


Willingness is a high level vibration which awakens our ability to receive and is the gateway for our movement to higher levels of consciousness. Where judgement blocks one from authentic experience and growth, Willingness implies that we have released our resistance to the present moment and aligns us to a force of energy that creates ease and grace in our lives.

When things don’t flow well or frustration ensues, it is merely an indicator that we need to look within. Knowing that life is a reflection of our inner state of consciousness, we can utilize such moments to face whatever issue has come to the surface and be willing to learn and grow from the experience.

The opening of energy is directly related to the heart chakra. As we cultivate our ability to trust, receive, share, forgive, release and be less reactive, we become better able to bounce back from adversity and discover empowerment in new and exciting ways. Imagine yourself  at ease in the present moment. Celebrate how far you have come on your own journey knowing that the best is yet to come.

Today my intention is to accept myself and create peace in my mind and heart.

The tapestry of existence

Every journey is unique. As we learn to honor all paths as sacred, we discover the value of diversity and the gifts we have to offer to one another. Each life is a magnificent work of art that weaves its patterns in the tapestry of existence… and our role as interconnected beings is to live our own truth to the best of our ability. When there is too much “what if” activity in the mind, all creation stops… blocked by fear of the unknown. In order for transformation to happen we must be willing to go deep within. If there is pain, experience it without blame or self-pity and look for the gift that surely lies within each and every circumstance. Never underestimate the value of kindness and acceptance, especially when directed inward.

This moment has the potential to shift the momentum and nuances of your life to a new level of understanding. Awareness creates the space in which a transformation can occur and  beneath the worry and the hesitation lies a heart ready to love, a soul ready to expand and infinite possibilities to explore. Trust the processes of your awakening… with trust, something immense opens up. Life becomes filled with the Divine and creates a bridge to eternity. Joy’s greatest expression is in the sharing of your gifts, knowledge and love.

Today my intention is to be grateful and enthusiastic about life. I choose to release any limitations and look joyfully to the future that is unfolding.

Your unique potential

Many times the image that we have of ourselves comes not from our own direct experience but from the opinions and perceptions of others. The personality created by childhood programming or the limited worldview of cultural norms overshadows the individuality which would have blossomed naturally in an atmosphere of support and acceptance.

It’s time to recognize your unique strengths and embrace the facets of your authentic and unique nature. You can drop the beliefs and perceptions that you have inherited or accepted and awaken to your Divine potential.

Under the false personality of the ego lies a spirit completely dedicated to freedom – freedom of expression, expansion, transformation and infinite discovery.

Don’t look for outside verification of what is real, the answers are found within. When we focus on externals, we become mired in judgments that keep us trapped within the illusions of old habits and patterns.

It’s time to stop clinging to the past. Put down the burdens you carry with the understanding that it’s ok to outgrow beliefs and ideas which no longer serve your growth. By letting go, you will release any feelings of competition or comparison and simply enjoy being the beautiful person that you are.

Today my intention is to use my mind and thoughts to enhance my life.

The power of intention

Intention is the seed that creates our future. Whatever seeds we plant have the potential to grow when we create the conditions that support them. An old Chinese Buddhist text states, “From intention springs the deed, from the deed springs the habits. From the habits grow the character, from character develops destiny.”

Habits can be freeing (such as developing the ability to meditate, pray, balance oneself, forgive, etc.) or a form of imprisonment (…but that’s how I’ve always done things!). Through mindfulness we can choose our intentions moment by moment and transform our lives. When you find yourself blocked, set an intention to  be fully present with kindness and simply be. Often, we create frustration by trying too hard. Should that happen, take a step back and move into acceptance. From there, anything is possible.

By aligning your dedication with your highest intention and reaffirming it anew each day, you can chart the course of an amazing life.

Today my intention is to act with integrity, do my best and accept what is.

Listen to your higher guidance

Release your worries and allow the Universe to assist you on your journey. When you feel strongly that it’s time to focus and work hard on a particular project, do so. When you feel you need to step back, rest and rebalance, give yourself that opportunity as well. In this infinite playground of discovery, there is plenty of time to accomplish all that you desire without creating stress or havoc in your experience. Once you’ve set energy in motion with conscious thought and action, surrender the timing, the outcome and the “cursed hows” to the Divine.

Many find it difficult to hear and trust their our intuition. Pay attention to the moments when you find yourself offering loving advice to someone else. Often, your angels will send you one who will act as a sounding board for your inner wisdom – those brilliant messages are actually meant for you and it’s important to stop and listen to the guidance from your higher self.

Now is the time to integrate all the unique facets of your personality, skills and perception. This blend of energies creates a unified aspect of wholeness that is an integral part of your evolution and the journey of your awakening soul.

Today my intention is to remember that I can accomplish more than I ever thought possible. The Universe offers guidance and assistance in miraculous ways.

Multiple levels of consciousness

Everyone processes information based upon their own unique vibration. Life provides the backdrop and the events, and each of us views it through the filter created by our level of consciousness and personal frequency. This is what allows each of us to have a unique experience within the realm of infinite possibility. Where one sees limitation and frustration, another discovers opportunity and breakthrough. Neither approach is right or wrong (though some are certainly more pleasurable from a physical standpoint than others…) and both provide the experience that each soul utilizes to reflect where they are on the Path of Transformation while providing the necessary lessons that will allow evolution to the next level.

When we honor another’s path, we are purposefully choosing to remember that each of us is engaged in a unique dance of awakening. Love allows us to see the value in every journey while maintaining our own level of consciousness. From time to time you may encounter others who demand that you change, that you agree with their perception or attempt to drain your energy through conflict. Based upon where someone is energetically, they simply don’t know any better. By demanding that they understand and accept us, we are not accepting them as they are. The more advanced soul always has the responsibility to act from the highest level of consciousness that they can and many times that is simply a willingness to accept what is and release the need to be “right”… own your own stuff and reject the rest.

Today my intention is to act with integrity, do my best and accept what is.

The art of creation

Our ability to create is discovered when we desire to break free from the patterns, beliefs and experiences which no longer serve our growth. All transformation begins with a thought and expands outward from there. The important thing is to focus on the end result you desire and immediately live it to the best of your ability. What you visualize will come about, though the ego may jump in and attempt to sabotage the process with stories that plant doubt about your worthiness, how long it’ll take or even if you’ll like the outcome of the journey. Trust your initial inspiration, passion and desire and remember that the gentle voice of love is found within the stillness of your being.

Inner resistance is often an indicator that something big is about to change. The patterns that have guided you for a lifetime have played an important role in your soul’s development and while they can become comfortable, expansion is our goal and new facets are discovered each time we stretch beyond the known into the realm of new experience.

Truly life-changing ideas are rarely heralded by a blaze of trumpets… sometimes they are found in a simple thought that pivots our direction. How you approach the present moment is the key – is it merely a means to an end, or are you celebrating your existence and the journey of your soul? Allow joy to lead you.

Today my intention is to take one more conscious step forward.


Love is an open way of relating to others and shows us a reflection of our ability to love ourselves. Many people get caught up in the initial rush of attraction, sexuality and expectations and find themselves limited by their own judgment about what love is. Love is a transformation, it allows us to grow and change and honor the path of another as they change as well. Celebrate the journey and be grateful for those who walk it with you – whether for a moment or for a lifetime – remembering that each of us acts as a mirror for one another.

Those who grace our lives with their presence reflect hidden aspects of ourselves and support us in becoming whole. This authentic love is based in freedom, not holding cherished outcomes or projecting fear-based need. Each level of awakening takes us closer to Oneness. Any moment, any interaction can be transformed into an act of love and compassion. Begin within, being kind and gentle to yourself and you will find that love becomes a sharing of your light without fear.

This is the right time to be who you are and share your gifts… there is no such thing as the wrong time. There is nothing special you need to do, just be your authentic and unique self. You have an opportunity to share your love, your joy and your laughter.

Today my intention is to celebrate the life, love and laughter of the Universe and allow it to flow through me.

Trusting the process of awakening

You are perfection in the present moment. Each step of your journey has brought you here, Now, and you are right where you need to be. In the process of awakening to your true Divine nature, there is always enough time. Do not allow the stories of the ego to plant seeds of doubt regarding past mistakes, should haves, or self recrimination. Even when you find yourself repeating patterns that do not appear to serve your growth, know that they do serve a purpose – sometimes we need to receive information in several different ways before it is accepted completely.

It’s important to learn how to tap into your own strength while learning to flow with what life offers. This flexibility becomes a powerful aspect of your spiritual awakening, creativity and passion. In this ever-evolving world, the mystery of the Infinite continues to unfold, and our role is to grow in wisdom and faith. The love of the Divine is greater than any challenge and you have the potential to be the miracle you seek.

Today my intention is to allow wisdom, love and joy to light my way. I trust the process of my awakening.