Those who challenge you…

There is always something new to learn.

“I release the need to blame anyone. I accept the people around me as they are.” 
~Louise Hay~
We learn the most when we are in the midst of a challenge. In moments of soul seeking and discovery, we find ourselves exploring places we would never purposely enter on our own. Those who play adversarial roles on the physical plane have the greatest love for you on the soul level. They are willing to risk losing your good will and friendship in this lifetime in order to assist in your soul’s purpose – to awaken.

Take a moment today to think of every difficult situation you’ve experienced. Make a list of the lesson you learned or the gift you received from each encounter. Mentally thank the person for the role they have played in your soul’s awakening. This process transforms anger and resentment into forgiveness and freedom.

I utilize this prayerful approach when doing healing work. Visualize each color flowing around you like a cocoon, adding layers of light and protection:

“I draw down the healing pink energy of unconditional love, offering forgiveness to anyone who has ever harmed me, knowingly or unknowingly, in all times, places, spaces and dimensions. Thank you for the role you have played in my growth.

I  draw down the purple energy of humility, asking forgiveness from all those whom I have ever harmed, knowingly or unknowingly, in all times, places, spaces and dimensions. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your soul’s growth.

I am willing to receive the blue light of emotional healing, on every level, wherever it is required. I feel it flow now into every aspect of my being, into every cell, thought, dream or memory. Thank you.”
Today my intention is to remember that all things, regardless of how they appear, work toward our highest good. Always.

Love breathes life into the heart


Love… An inspired form of giving, love breathes life into the heart and brings grace to the soul.

“My heart is opening wider. Love flows from me and to me in ever-increasing amounts. I feel great. People love being around me.” 
~Louise Hay~
Healing occurs when we drop ideas, beliefs and conceptual understanding and move fully into the experience of the present moment. Feeling the Now, rather than thinking or worrying in the midst of it, aligns us with the mysterious and infinite nature of life.

Soul-inspired love creates a sense of freedom. Love yourself enough to release behavior that no longer serves you and be willing to receive the joys that life has to offer. Extend that freedom outward, releasing all demands and desire to control. Create a sacred space within your experiences.

“Honoring the paradox of our true nature, we can laugh with wisdom and tenderly care for the precious days we are given.”
~Jack Kornfield~

You can be a source of great kindness, compassion, grace and safety. The greatest gift that you can give another is acceptance.
Today my intention is to remember that each moment is a new beginning.

Life’s teachers

I am a lifetime student of love.

“I take full responsibility for every aspect of my life.” 
~Louise Hay~
It can often be challenging to see ourselves clearly. To help us with this, beautiful souls enter our lives or publicly step foot on life’s stage and act in a way that benefits our growth. All that you see is a reflection of your inner state of consciousness as well as our collective consciousness. Teachers and circumstances will remain until we’ve learned from them.

“If you spot it, you got it!”
~Collin Tipping~

Observe what you notice in the world around you. What inspires? What triggers? When you are willing to learn, messages are found everywhere. The depth of your response indicates the intensity of the spiritual work in which you are engaged.

If you desire change in your experience, you must first create change within yourself. Challenging situations contain gifts that are waiting to be discovered. Consider what you have already tried and then consciously choose to view the situation in a new way. You may find yourself experimenting with differing approaches until the energy shifts and movement occurs.
Today my intention is to handle all my experiences with wisdom, love and ease.  

Daily gratitude

Honor this moment as sacred.

“I now accept and appreciate the abundant life the Universe offers me.” 
~Louise Hay~
The Tao Te Ching teaches us to live in harmony with the world of 10,000 things. Willingness and appreciation allow us enter this realm with an open heart. Humility changes the way that we relate to the world and to one another. In the 39th verse (written 2500 years ago), Lao-tzu says, in part:

“When man interferes with the Tao,
the sky becomes filthy,
the earth becomes depleted,
the equilibrium crumbles,
creatures become extinct.

Therefore, nobility is rooted in humility;
loftiness is based on lowliness.
This is why noble people refer to themselves
as alone, lacking, and unworthy…

…Playing one’s part
in accordance with the universe
is true humility.”

We must make our decisions based upon the idea that we are all interconnected. The concepts of daily gratitude and Oneness cultivate a loving relationship with the planet and inspires this heart-based connection to inform your actions.

“If you put your heart against the earth with me, in serving every creature,
our Beloved will enter you from our sacred realm and we will be,
we will be so happy.”

Today my intention is to love without judgment, act without expectation and give the best of myself.

Honor all paths as sacred

Honor all paths as sacred
“We are all doing the best we can with the understanding, knowledge, and awareness that we have.” 
~Louise Hay~

The very first of the Celtic Vows of Friendship is “I honor your path.” When we enter into our relationships with this idea providing the foundation for our interactions, it allows us to truly learn from one another. As we mature in spiritual experience we begin to see more clearly, broadening our perception and bringing greater compassion to our interpretation of the present moment.

Your purpose is to awaken. Your passions, joy and approach are unique and that is as it should be. Seek only to explore, love and learn for you are an exquisite work of art in progress. So, while honoring all paths as sacred, begin with your own and extend outward from there.
Today my intention is to be kind and gentle with myself as I grow and change.   

Inner mastery

How are you choosing to experience this moment?
“I see only harmony around me at all times. I am always safe and secure.” 
~Louise Hay~
The only thing over which you have complete control is how you respond to life. Life is at it is; however, our thoughts determine the level of joy, enthusiasm, frustration or anger we ultimately experience. Notice where your thoughts take you and simply change course when required.

Consider the experience created when one dwells only upon a perceived problem. The thoughts add layers of energy, repeating and repeating until something triggers an explosion of frustration or anger or the person self medicates in some way.

Conversely, another person may approach a similar problem in a more conscious manner. It begins the same with some level of frustration or discomfort arising; however, this person notices the issue, observes their initial response and immediately sets their mind toward possible solutions or ways to create balance as they learn from the situation.

You have the power to experience life in any way that you choose. If stuck in a repetitive pattern, break free by doing things differently. Focus upon what you would like to create rather than what you feel is blocking you. Seek joy in the present moment. Let your thoughts and actions open a new world of possibilities.

Today my intention is to see this moment as a sweet, new beginning. 

Live well

Celebrate those who grace your life with their presence.

“I am gentle, kind and patient with myself. Those around me reflect this tender care.” 
~Louise Hay~
It is helpful to connect with heart-centered groups that improve the quality of our lives. As we each walk our unique path of awakening, we draw in the people, circumstances and lessons that best support our growth. Be willing to connect with like minded people – group work can lift us up and support us in ways that can be extremely powerful. If you normally are a leader, purposely step back and allow yourself be nourished as well. This balance of energy is helpful to all involved. Pray, chant, meditate or simply create a quiet space together.

There is love all around you. Embrace it as you open as a channel for light and laughter to fill your experience. Awakening is an ongoing process and there is always something new to discover.

“When contemplating what our life’s work might be, we are often driven by our attachment to security. Perhaps the one question we don’t ask often enough is “What do I have to offer?”
~Ezra Bayda~
Today my intention is to be open to new understanding and insights.  


Your life is your message

Truth always makes itself known.

“I release all control to the Universe. I am at peace with myself and with life.” 
~Louise Hay~
Ego-driven pride eventually teaches us the beauty of humility. During the beginning stages of growth, it’s natural to achieve, amass, market oneself and determine our value based upon outward indicators of success. With the ebb and flow of life’s energy, there are certainly times of abundance and times of loss. Each serves a purpose in the soul’s development.

As we evolve, the outward indicators become less important. They still arrive in our experience but since our confidence, purpose and joy now come from within, they merely enhance our playfulness and fulfillment rather than define it. The old souls definition of success is far different from that of a young or mature soul.

Know that life will present all that you require at the perfect time. Be willing to observe and receive. Mastery is demonstrated by our unhurried, trusting attitude. Learn to appreciate all phases of experience by remembering that “This too, shall pass.” Inner peace comes from living a centered, balanced life. This healthy confidence, ease and grace will shine like a beacon in the darkness.
Today my intention is to release any feeling of competition of comparison. I simply do me best and enjoy being me.  

Life begins where fear ends

Celebrate the joy of being alive.

“I expect life to be safe and joyous. I attract all that is good.” 
~Louise Hay~

Fear paralyzes. It tells us that nothing will change no matter what we do and creates a mind full of “what ifs?” that weigh us down. The postponement of movement leaves us feeling incomplete and stuck; however, this moment, you can decide to move wherever life leads you with the knowledge that you are loved, supported and guided each and every step of the way. Take a risk. Drop the stories of the mind and see what waits to be discovered.

On the other side of fear is a playful courageousness that inspires, uplifts and frees us from self-imposed bondage. It can be reached by participating fully in the present moment. Let yourself shine. Trust. Honor the processes of your awakening… whatever they may be.
“Play as if you have nowhere to go and a lifetime to get there.”
~Freddie Gruber~
Today my intention is to remember that every moment is a new beginning.

Entering the mystery

When you view life as a mystery, new doors will open for you.

“I rise above all limitations. I am Divinely guided and inspired.” 
~Louise Hay~
Another word for mind is “maya” which is a Hindu expression for illusion. Those who are trapped in thought become lost in the mire of projection, seeing only what they are programmed to see. The only thing that transforms this prison is silence. Pay attention to your thoughts and you’ll notice that they are all ideas that have been passed down from others.

The mind is not reality; it is a limited interpretation of experience. Once you lock into an idea, you block all other possibility. Seeing life as a mystery implies that it cannot be solved or understood. We learn to become open, receptive and clear. Thoughts come and go, but the stillness of your eternal being always remains.

Freedom comes from cultivating an awareness of your ability to create joy in your experience. Allow life to happen by simply being present for what arises in the present moment.

“If you understand it, the world is a great device to make you more conscious. Your enemy is your friend, and the curses are blessings, and the misfortunes can be turned into fortunes. It depends only on one thing: if you know the key of awareness.”
Today my intention is to remember that honesty is living without pretense. I have nothing to prove and everything to discover.