We are masters in the process of awakening

Today is a blank slate – you can create whatever you wish. Certainly, some situations and opportunities may be ongoing; however, you have the ability to choose how you approach whatever is offered. If you desire change in your life, begin now. Be conscious of the words you use. Greet the day (however it is presented) with love and quiet expectation. Be conscious of how you respond to others and bring an unprotected heart to your meeting place.
Should you interact with someone who is wrapped up in judgment or negativity, realize that they simply don’t know any better. These are learned behaviors, and it’s likely that the imprinting occurred in childhood… long before the moment you are currently witnessing. But we can choose to sow seeds of kindness. We have the option to engage in negativity or bring new energy and light to the situation. Every moment offers an opportunity to discover something new.
The limitless potential and capabilities of each of us are still in the process of being discovered and even the most unconscious person is also a divine being of light and infinite goodness. One’s spiritual beauty is often unrecognized by the conscious self and is a work which is always in progress. Awakening, being, discovering… liberating. You are a master in the process of awakening.
Today my intention is to choose joy. With each breath, I draw in the light, love and laughter of the universe. I honor this moment as sacred.

The power of living from the heart

Yesterday, duck came to visit. He momentarily landed in the yard (seemingly to rest a moment) only to quickly be chased away by my not-so-zen doggies. As a creature who is at ease in the water, duck teaches us to be comfortable with our emotions. The highs and low of emotional responses are the epitome of our human experience.

Many people struggle due to their repressed emotions. No matter what type of baggage someone may carry, it seems to get triggered by the most innocuous of interactions. After a sudden storm of emotional reaction and intensity, both parties are left wondering just what happened.

It’s important to nurture yourself and create a sense of comfort within your own environment as well as with others of like mind. The energy of duck helps us to align with beauty and grace as we swim through the waters of emotional experience. Feel your feelings and process through them in healthy ways – this will help you to walk in a state of higher consciousness instead of reaction.

Ducks, after a squabble, will briefly shake their bodies, flap their winds and swim away calmly. This teaches us the power of release.

Today my intention is to honor the awakening which is experienced through an authentic connection to the present moment. I choose to live from the heart.

Ego-free communication

One of the greatest skills that you can develop is the ability to engage in ego-free communication. Many people are so engrossed in their own stories that they miss an opportunity to truly connect, never realizing that the reason they feel unheard is because they are not taking the time to listen themselves.
When entering into a conversation do your best to be as present and conscious as you can be. If you have an agenda or a specific idea to get across, notice that, but be willing to flow with what is offered without attaching to a particular outcome. When you need to define your boundaries, do so in a clear and kind manner – the other person may not hear or understand (remember, they too are prone to listening through the filters of the ego) and ultimately it’s up to you to ensure that you do not allow others to cross those lines.
Be the change you wish to see. If you want to ensure that your interactions are authentic, be clear within yourself first. You may discover that without the ego’s manipulations, you learn something new about the other person’s life situation, perception or challenges… which was actually the true purpose behind the need to connect in the present moment.
  • Choose not to take things too personal – two unique worlds are momentarily connecting and you may be talking from two significantly different vibrational frequencies
  • Recognize that there is no right or wrong, only various perceptions. The ego equates “winning an argument” with living or dying and it suddenly becomes the more important thing in the world to get the other person to agree with you or understand your perception.
  • Meet the other person where they are. Even if you sincerely disagree, the more you become entrenched in an idea or perception, the more their ego will engage. Instead, listen with an open heart. One approach is to say something like, “I never thought of it in that way before” – this neutrality creates a space for authentic and healthy interactions. Then, you can offer your insight if it feels appropriate in an easy and open manner.
If you choose to see every interaction as an opportunity to learn something, that willingness will be felt by those around you. Imagine a world where no one gets triggered by the actions or words of another… it begins with you.
Today my intention is to be an authentic example of compassion and unconditional love.

Your divine purpose

You have a divine purpose and are now called upon to follow your hearts passion. Old souls often feel that they don’t fit in and that can sometimes be challenging; however, that uniqueness is a gift. You’ll find empowerment when you unplug from mass consciousness and release any beliefs, expectations or thoughts that do not support your spiritual journey. It becomes easier to live your truth when you are aligned with your soul’s purpose.
Those who discover their unique way of being in the world are an inspiration for those around them. Old souls teach by example by sharing their gifts. Embrace the challenges that have helped you to discover your strengths and know that you are right where you need to be.
Periodically observe how far you have come on the journey and the growth you have experienced thus far. Each moment contains limitless possibilities and the way is open before you. As your soul awakens, you’ll discover new ways of being aligned with your truth and will respond differently to the events of your life.
Certainly there can be times when the ego gets a foothold and we may temporarily forget our divinity – this too, is part of the human experience and is a vital aspect of developing the art of compassion. By healing ourselves, we learn how to see through one another’s unconsciousness, rise above reactivity and connect soul to soul in the present moment. Never underestimate the power of acceptance and kindness.
Today my intention is to be a loving reflection. Sharing brings me freedom.

Mindfulness and transformation

The way to elicit positive change and transformation is mindfulness. Make inner peace and balanced health your first priority – quiet the mind, meditate, and spend a few moments completely free of distractions each day.

When we focus on making conscious choices and make an effort to only use words which support our intentions and desires, we set the stage for a shift in consciousness. Everything is energy and has a collective impact upon your personal vibration.

If mindfulness is something which gets lost in the busy and changeable world of your existence, start small. Choose one hour to be completely mindful in all that you do – in your work, while cleaning  house, preparing dinner or petting your dog – choose to be fully present. Any activity can be used as part of your spiritual practice. As you become well versed in mindfulness, extend the time longer and longer throughout your day.

There is nothing new you need to add to your store of knowledge. Mindfulness is simply a removal of the distractions and negativity that block you from connecting to your source. You can do this now, there is nothing to be gained by waiting.

Today my intention is to remember that I am the awareness of the Universe. I choose to allow love to flow through me into every aspect of my life.

The source of your power…

Expanding consciousness has no limitation. We begin to see past the trappings of the mind and connect to the Divine in our own unique way. This can be challenging for those who are unused to walking forward in confidence without a map; however, this constant act of awakening allows you to advance ever closer to your goals.

The more you can detach from outcomes, the more awareness you exercise regarding the mechanisms of the ego. It transforms from a controlling power in your experience to the spiritual helper it is meant to be. Clarity is available for you now – accept this beautiful gift and share it with others.

Last night some angels came to visit. When I stepped outside for my moments of gratitude, I sensed them bathing in the moonlight while joyfully weaving layers of miracles and energy in the early morning hours. From a human perception, we come from the unknown and move into the unknown. Our consciousness is infinite – much more than what we see, touch, hear, feel and sense – and something far greater emerges as we awaken to our inner potential. This journey is significantly different for each of us and we are surrounded by loving guidance (albeit often undetected) every step of the way.

Beyond any conflict, fear, judgment or confusion is the source of your power. Find ways to integrate the apparent dualities within yourself and discover something entirely new. You are here to find your own inspiration and truth and live it authentically. The blending of opposites creates a beautiful tapestry with weaving of exquisite design and you are the creator of that experience. Ask yourself how you can step into your truth today. What do you have to offer? How can you allow your love to shine?

Today my intention is to honor all the aspects of my growth – to live, celebrate, imagine and accept the miracles which await.

The dance of awakening knowledge

Your life is a dance of awakening knowledge. Open yourself to new perceptions and shift to higher levels of awareness in order to receive the messages of love that await. No matter how much we learn, in an infinite Universe we are consistently finding ways to remove the veils which block our ability to see the big picture.

New pieces of information can change your perception dramatically, and that’s part of the process. Higher points of view offer the greatest opportunity to understand all the implications of the nuances in your life. The spiritual seeker learns to raise their frequency yet be at home within the paradox of changing perception.

This is why observation is key. Be patient while your life situation unfolds. Seek peace within the present moment and learn all that you can. In the dance of awakening you will develop the grace and ease you desire. Then, any necessary action (or non action) will make itself known with clarity, opportunity and resolution.

Life is rarely as serious as our minds make it out to be and as we discover new perceptions, we find new opportunities to play. Celebrate the joy of your journey. Open to the promise of new discoveries and know that something beautiful awaits… When we release the burdens of the heart, the playful soul emerges and walks into the light.

Today my intention is to align my energy with the light, love and laughter of the Universe.

The magnificence of creation

There is magnificence in creation… When we open to the spark of inspiration which clears passageways of new energy, we begin to learn new aspects of our strength. Whether the goal is to heal family relationships, try a new recipe, engage in higher studies or write the first line of a poem, the power of creation is born in courage.

Energetically, courage is the dividing line between immobility and empowerment. We must be willing to take a risk and allow ourselves to be vulnerable. The terminator between light and dark is a line which we all must cross in order to discover our abilities.

Courage is the onset of empowerment – how will you know what you are capable of accomplishing if you don’t try? The moment of transformation begins with taking full responsibility for your choices and actions. In this manner, no outside force can deter you from your happiness. You will no longer give away your energy to those who vibrate at a lower frequency. Instead, all movement will begin within and extend outward into define your experience.

By setting intentions and successful practice, self-honesty and empowerment will become second nature. You will discover the courage required to transcend any obstacle and create a healthy foundation in your life.

Tonight’s full moon is a perfect opportunity to set a new intention and open yourself to the powers of inspiration, courage and creation. Align with love, take a risk and discover your own magnificence!

Today my intention is to think big, to expand into new realms and let my life be a playful expression of the Divine.

The world is our reflection

The world is our reflection. At any given moment, you can measure how much you have evolved by witnessing your response to the people and events you encounter in your day to day life.  Circumstances, whether blissful or challenging, are fluid and it’s important to develop an inner sense of connectedness, peace and balance in order to ride the waves of experience with ease.

The ego will often attach great significance to the highs and lows – feeling extreme joy in times of abundance and frustration or sadness during times of challenge. We don’t tend to notice the mechanisms of the ego when things are going well; however, every “high” must be followed by a proportionate “low”.  You are infinitely greater than the events of your life.

Likewise, the intensity of our response to the unconsciousness in others reveals what aspects of growth still require our attention. Whenever you experience a strong negative reaction to someone, it is because the projection you see is showing you an aspect of yourself which still requires to be healed or balanced. Consistently observe, go within and do your own work. The next time you run into the same situation you may notice that your energy around that issue has become more neutral. Thus, they have lovingly provided you a reflection which verifies your soul’s growth.

Choose to see beneath the habitual layers of reality to the power and depth of the present moment. The ego will often respond to the Now seeing it only as a means to an end, an obstacle or an enemy… but there is greater depth to you and what your soul wishes to accomplish. Through acceptance, we are freed from imprisonment and able to step into limitless possibility.

Today my intention is to accept whatever life offers with the knowledge that every moment contains a gift. I choose to expand into love.

This moment is sacred… love the journey

There is perfection in this moment and you are right where you are supposed to be. The Divine seeks always to aid, uplift, awaken, expand and guide you on your unique Path of Transformation. It is time to learn how to flow with what life offers. This ease and flexibility allows you to enter advanced states of spirituality and in doing so, you become a conduit for healing and inspiration. Old souls have great impact when teaching others by example.

For many, this movement into acceptance is challenging. They cling and fret every step of the way, only to discover that things fall into place perfectly in the end. Only then do they finally choose to move into a state of happiness and trust. Picture the amount of stress created throughout the process and how it affected their experience, health, relationships and joy. Valuable energy is wasted feeding fear and tension when the destination becomes more important than the journey.

This moment is sacred. Will you live it consciously or waste it?

I sat pondering the slight difference in the spelling of sacred and scared. Could it be that there’s only a slight movement required to move from fear to empowerment? From a numerological standpoint, the energy of the two words is identical; however, one is vibrating in the positive pole and one in the negative.

Likewise with dog and god. Same energy – different polarity. Both have the capability to teach unconditional love and remain faithful and fully present in the Now; however, I’ve never heard of war or enslavement brought about as a result of someone’s loyalty to their dog or its breed… but I digress.

Consider that a slight shift can alter everything within your experience. Most likely you’ll discover that it’s something as subtle as a change in perception or the movement from the negative pole into the positive. Your journey is blessed and supported by the Divine.

Today my intention is to love the journey. I am embarked upon the path of liberation, discovering freedom from fear and new ways to trust.