Month: October 2014

  • The tapestry of our creation

    Things have a way of falling into place perfectly when we get ourselves out of the way. With our intention and actions, we set energy in motion and it can sometimes be amazing to witness what unfolds. You have many gifts to share, and that sharing (done with an open heart) should happen effortlessly.

    Everything is a doorway to the Divine. Gather your inner courage and trust in the process of your awakening. You\’ll find that the light of consciousness transforms all that is within or around you.

    When we recognize the common source of our humanity and experiences, it allows us to join together in a synchronistic dance of gratitude. There are wonderful things to discover when we drop our fear and combine the knowledge and riches that each of us contribute to the whole.

    Today my intention is to remember that we are one… all linked together in the exquisite tapestry of our creation. In celebration we meet infinite possibility.

  • Harm none, know thyself

    Harm none, know thyself… Taught in various spiritual and philosophical systems throughout history, these simple premises have been handed down throughout the generations. All cultures share similar teachings wrapped in the flavor of their experience and yet, for anyone who has observed history, the one thing that replays is the harm that mankind does to itself, one another and the environment. Harm is always based in a lack of understanding, imbalance or fear.

    The evolution of our species began with the mysticism of the ancients who lived and walked in harmony (and at time, at the mercy of) the natural flow of the planet. These ancient peoples are sometimes referred to as Wisdom Keepers and they pass down and continue to share their memories with those who are ready to receive.

    As we collectively matured, we went through a phase of first creating and then breaking free from old laws and structure, rebellion and discovering our power. In the process, we forgot that early Divine connection as new information and experience took over.

    Then began the journey of healing, the struggle with self-expression and finding our personal integrity. During this process we strove to get back to basic, simplify and realign with our true natures. As we continue to evolve, it\’s important to integrate the knowledge and experience we have gleaned along the way. Every experience becomes a beautiful facet of who you are and who you are becoming. The acceptance of it all brings about internal balance and harmony which will sustain you through each and every moment. Honor your past and the teachings of those who walked before, but ultimately consider that nothing is more important than your unique connection to the Divine and your joy in this moment.

    Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred.

  • Conscious Presence

    Everything emits its own energetic vibration. The lower the frequency, the heavier the energy and the more limitation one encounters. The ego loves to feed our fears – creating \”what if\” stories around possible personal loss, world events, frightening future scenarios, etc. This energy then becomes a heavy weight that one carries and all of life is then experienced through the filter of fear.

    The way to detach from the cultural providence of the egoic mind-set is to remain fully present. Instead of focusing your precious energy on past choices, perceived mistakes or missed opportunities, it\’s important to take responsibility for your own state of consciousness in the Now. Nothing is more important for one\’s health and balance and peace of mind.

    Likewise, fears about the future equally destroy the happiness available within the present moment. Our thoughts create our reality, so when you notice the voice of the ego (and this can be generated internally or come through other people, the news, etc.) it\’s empowering to observe it and shine the light of consciousness upon it.

    Whenever you become aware of suffering that is going on in the world, rather than tuning out or enthusiastically joining in, notice what personal stories arise within you. All of life provides the opportunity to learn more about compassion, faith, love and acceptance. We must be the change that we wish to see in the world and this begins by doing our own inner work. Old pain or fear that has been suppressed will often resurface when we witness challenges that others are going through. These moments of awareness are the moments of transformation, both personally and collectively.

    Knowing that all things work to our highest good, the greatest gift that you can give those who grace your life is conscious Presence. Often, spiritual seekers are called upon to be frequency holders who carry a field of peacefulness that can transform others\’ energetic fields. From this place of balance we can share healing energy, light and prayers while holding the space of love for those who need it the most.

    Today my intention is to walk in the light of love.

  • Love, light and laughter

    Love lies at the core of everything. It awakens joy in the present moment and allow us to walk in gratitude, even during times of great challenge and transformation. Love shines the light of consciousness onto situations that the uninitiated deem \”wrong\” and cultivates compassion for those who need it the most.

    Considered in this manner, you are love. There is nothing to seek, only layers of false belief to release. Moment by moment we draw closer to the truth of who we are and what we have come here to do. Nothing matters more than your state of consciousness. When you can find your way back to love, your decisions will resonate with powerful energy and intention. If you stumble along the way, take a moment to laugh, dust yourself off and take another step forward.

    In those moments when the voice of doubt creeps in, know that you\’re not alone. This is the illusion of the human condition. We have created a playground so vast and so all-encompassing that it takes over our senses on occasion, causing us to forget our true Divine and infinite nature.

    Be observant of your thoughts today, perhaps keeping track of how many are kind and supportive and many are trapped in limitation. Even if you only balance the scales in favor of love at 51%, it\’s enough to overcome the negativity and shift the world around you.

    Today my intention is to live in the vibration of love or above.

  • Honor all paths as sacred

    Be proud of your unique gifts. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anyone who brings your perception and talents to the planet. No matter where you reside on the Path of Transformation, you are right where you need to be. It\’s empowering to realize that in every moment, you are doing the best you can… and so is everyone around you.

    Judgment blocks us from the ability to love. When we become tangled within the egos stories regarding others\’ behavior, it distracts us from doing our inner work. Even more debilitating are the blockages we create when we judge ourselves. Personal responsibility calls upon us to see ourselves clearly, but that does not include directing judgment inward. All too often the spiritual seeker gets lost in the \”shoulds\” and forgets that patience and compassion are the greatest gifts we can offer – both to ourselves and to others.

    Embrace the aspects of yourself that might have once made you feel insecure and integrate them into the Wholeness of your spiritual expression in this lifetime. As your confidence increases, so will your ability to participate fully in whatever life has to offer. Spiritual awakening is not meant to detach us from life, but allow us to delve more fully into it. Mastery calls upon us to share ourselves with the world.

    Remember, different soul ages are here to experience different things:

    • Infant souls – here to learn about physical survival, primal fears, still connected to the mystical
    • Baby souls – developing and maintaining civilization and order, structure, rigid beliefs
    • Young souls – learning authority, power, greed, heavily identified with the body and ego, success
    • Mature souls – oriented toward group consciousness such as family, community or healing, often have lives filled with emotional drama
    • Old souls – do not fit in with \”mainstream\” society, engaged in balancing karmic agreements, aligning inner purpose with outer expression

    The final lessons of an old soul are based in self-forgiveness, compassion, acceptance and unconditional love toward the self and others. When we understand where others reside on the journey of awakening, it becomes easier to honor their path and accept them where they are. It would be a waste of energy to expect a young soul to understand the perception or actions of a mature or old soul… they haven\’t yet reached that stage in their development.

    All of us are walking the same road. Be true to yourself, seek spiritual fulfillment, detach from the intensity and recognize your connection to something greater. The best is yet to come.

    Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred.


  • The art of surrender

    The ego will tell you that you must win at all costs because it equates loss with death… and it a way, it\’s true. Losing the ego results in the death of its control over your life and actions. The art of surrender is a way to empowerment. We recognize and acknowledge the ego\’s desire to engage in a power struggle and consciously choose the opposite approach.

    When we release that which no longer serves us, we create the space in which something new can emerge. From this perception, surrender and acceptance ultimately lead the way to greater strength, self-control and joy within our experience.

    Surrender is nothing more than releasing the fear we have around a particular issue. We discover peace and renewed faith in the process of our awakening, and trust the Universe to support us on the journey.

    In the same manner that magnets of the same polarity will repel one another, ego-based desire actually pushes away that which you seek. Acceptance immediately shifts the energy and you become a magnet that attracts. When we move into this receptive mindset, life flows more easily, struggle dissolves and grace emerges.

    Choose to accept whatever comes today. Say yes to life and pay attention to how the energy flows around you. You can choose to cultivate the art of surrender and may be pleasantly surprised at the amount of beautiful, vibrant energy that is available for you when it isn\’t being wasted in complaining, blaming or struggle. You can create the life of your dreams by living it today with what you have, from where you are.

    Today my intention is to accept what is. The miracle of life is all around me.

  • Why we seek transformation

    Transformation is desired when we seek to have a better life. Spiritual awakening changes how we respond to the world around us and provides an opportunity to rise above the repetitive drama and challenges experienced by humankind. A spiritual approach differs from that of traditional religion by creating personal responsibility and consciousness rather than demanding one blindly follow dogma, rituals and outmoded conditioning.

    The Path of Transformation is a journey for those daring souls who can drop all belief, unbelief, doubt, reason, mind and simply enter into their pure existence without boundaries and brings about tremendous growth, both personally and collectively. The more you discover about your unique strengths, abilities and way of walking in the world, the more your light can shine.

    There comes a time when it’s appropriate to shatter the old patterns and limitations that have kept your energy from flowing freely. Embrace the light within and you may be amazed at what you discover when you take a risk and allow yourself to stretch beyond your comfort zone.

    The greatest adventure of our journey in this world is to consciously transform darkness into light. We begin to understand our potential and share that passion with those around us through our awakened outlook, words and actions. You can be the light that sparks new knowledge and inspiration in others…  and light always illuminates the darkness.

    Today my intention is to remember that peace begins with me. The more I change, the more the world around me is transformed.

  • Raising your vibrational frequency

    As you raise your vibrational frequency your body begins to process energy differently. Thoughts move more quickly to become things. Your ability as a co-creator of your reality is enhanced and you may discover that life responds to you in a more powerful way. It\’s important to take the time to nurture yourself as you go through this process because it can be doubly intense when you get knocked off-balance.

    Realize the incredible impact you have on those around you and allow the light of kindness to shine through you. Your compassion will gently awaken those who grace your life, often in unexpected and beautiful ways. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness… allow your choices to be led by love.

    The spiritual journey is an infinite expansion. Continue to do all that you can to continue to heal yourself and ultimately, your life\’s work will flow more smoothly. Each of us is responsible for our own joy and while our journeys can be vastly different, there is but one goal – to awaken to the truth of our Divinity.

    Today my intention is to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.

  • The healing angels of our lives

    When we are ready to heal a particular aspect of our lives, we send out an energetic vibration asking for assistance. A soul contract is completed on the higher levels of existence which draws in someone who will behave in a way that will trigger an old issue. As it rises to the surface, the ego begins its story, emotions flow, feelings get hurt and we become aware of the imbalance. This is the moment that the conscious soul seeker will turn inward, observe, heal and release using whatever tools they have discovered. Those who have yet to awaken to this concept will feel victimized, blame the other and likely create another layer of pain around the old belief.

    These contracts are acts of love. Someone is willing to behave in a manner that will create an upset and risk losing your affection in order to help you heal a wound that you have carried, sometimes for lifetimes. This is why we say that there is no such thing as a coincidence. Every situation comes into your life for the sole purpose of healing. Patterns repeat until we recognize them and work to shift the original belief that created the conditions for the upset.

    Those who challenge you the most on the physical level, love you the most on the spiritual level. As humans, it can be difficult to see beyond the role that someone is playing; however, the willingness to do so opens your perception and creates the space in which a transformation can occur. When we drop identification with victimhood, it helps us to look within for answers.

    The good news is that you can measure the process as it is occurring by first recognizing when you are being triggered. Notice how quickly you come back into balance (over time, balance is recovered more quickly) and finally, you\’ll consciously witness an interaction and remain neutral. That neutrality is an indicator that healing has occurred and you will no longer need to have that repeating pattern in your life.

    Bless those who have been healing angels in your life. Without them, old wounds would remain buried in the subconscious, blindingly guiding your life while creating drama and emotional pain. And if you have ever acted as a healing angel for someone else, forgive yourself and realize that your soul was engaged in contract. We are here to assist one another on the journey.

    Today my intention is to remember that everything works to our highest good – always.

  • Attentiveness

    One of the most loving gifts that we can give those who grace our lives is attentiveness. All too often people race from one moment to the next, always a step ahead, lost in their own mind and distracted during their encounters. We forget that every interaction has the capability to transform our journey in unimagined ways.

    Many people feel unheard and misunderstood. Therapists often fulfill a role that is missing in their lives… others find strangers, hair dressers, or weary travelers and quickly drop into their stories without hesitation. For those who only wish to stay caught in their story and desire to feed it with repetition, I find that conscious attentiveness (along with compassionate detachment and healthy boundaries) actually repels them. The ego wants to be agreed with, supported and strengthened; however, conscious attention and holding a space of love doesn\’t meet the egos needs.

    We must be the change we wish to see in the world. If you want to be heard, slow down and listen. If you desire acceptance, practice honoring every path as sacred, no matter how it appears on the physical plane. Should you feel misunderstood, make sure that you have an authentic understanding of yourself. Life will reflect your state of mind back to you. The strength of your intention is a powerful thing, joy will meet you in the road.

    Today my intention is to teach others that they hold the key to their own happiness.