As you raise your vibrational frequency your body begins to process energy differently. Thoughts move more quickly to become things. Your ability as a co-creator of your reality is enhanced and you may discover that life responds to you in a more powerful way. It’s important to take the time to nurture yourself as you go through this process because it can be doubly intense when you get knocked off-balance.
Realize the incredible impact you have on those around you and allow the light of kindness to shine through you. Your compassion will gently awaken those who grace your life, often in unexpected and beautiful ways. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness… allow your choices to be led by love.
The spiritual journey is an infinite expansion. Continue to do all that you can to continue to heal yourself and ultimately, your life’s work will flow more smoothly. Each of us is responsible for our own joy and while our journeys can be vastly different, there is but one goal – to awaken to the truth of our Divinity.
Today my intention is to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.