Mastery and Joy

“I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.”

~Arthur Rubinstein~

Joy is linked to mastery. When desire and expectation are released and we consciously immerse ourselves deeply within the Now, life responds  in amazing ways. Rather than allowing attachment to create moments of pain, we can discover the freedom that is the by-product of  acceptance.

Seek to fill your experience with countless tiny moments of joy rather than seeking to attain one particular goal. When we enter the field of awareness with humility and a sense of adventure, we open floodgates of energy that synergize and awaken, simplifying our journey.

Joy and peacefulness go and in hand. Seek to rise above the mechanisms of the ego by paying deep attention whenever you observe that it is attempting to distract you. Resistance is a great indicator that something powerful is possible. One spark of awareness can change everything.

Honor the processes of your awakening by being a conscious participant in the process. Let yourself be drawn into wonder as you traverse the landscape of your life. Ultimately, love will make itself known, expanding as it is shared. The song of your soul desires to be sung.

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