
The foundation of love is acceptance. Judgement is ego-driven, saying “You must change because I am uncomfortable.” Spiritual seekers transform discomfort or fear by working with the imbalance on the inner plane rather than immediately projecting outward. Once the imbalance is cleared, the other’s behavior may lessen or it will no longer elicit a reactive response. Relationships are the most transformative tool we can utilize on the path of awakening.

Healthy love offers support, patience, compassion and space. Ego-driven love demands that others must behave in a way that makes us feel whole. As we vacillate between the two states of being, we may discover aspects of ourselves that require our focus. Our relationships consistently provide opportunities to grow.

When we create harmony within our relationships, we begin to discover who we truly are in the presence of the other. Our multifaceted experience is transformed through exploration of friendships, partnership, lovers, parenting and active participation with our soul group.

Bring conscious presence into your relationships by giving those you love the space they need to grow and thrive. See your connection as a sacred, living expression of Divine love as you walk in beauty and honor the perfection of the journey.

Passion and Purpose

“Live the Life of Your Dreams: Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.”
~Roy T. Bennett~


Passion is the fire that sparks movement, experience, and ultimately, wisdom. Since our only true purpose is to awaken, why not make the journey of discovery playful – a celebration of joy?  Life will always present contrasting experiences. We can choose to approach challenges with an open heart and bring compassion into our expression of being.
The paradox of human experience calls upon us to simultaneously be sympathetic and helpful to those who are in pain while consciously keeping ourselves balanced. Reactivity brings energy to lower vibrations. We simply cannot be as effective in a state of reaction as we are when aligned with our passion, purpose and inner wisdom.
The key is to appreciate the beauty in each moment. To live deeply immersed in the Now brings a sense of joy into the daily activities of your life. Then, whatever actions you choose to take will be infused with the wholeness of your spirit. This is the process of transforming your life into an empowered dance of awakening.

The Heart of Wonder

“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.”

As awareness increases, our ability to participate in the miraculous grows sharper. We become a loving bridge between the mystical and the mundane. Consider the difference in viewpoint between someone who continually gazes down at their phone or is lost in thought, and one who, deeply immersed in Presence, consciously experiences the nuanced world around them.

To break habitual patterns is to shine the light of consciousness upon the road ahead. Purposeful action sparks movement in new directions. When you live with genuine curiosity, you ignite pure energy into your journey. Seek out other viewpoints, learn how to live within the paradox by being authentic and consistent in your approach.

Wonder sparks wisdom which ultimately impacts the journey of discovery in beautiful ways. Drop the need for labels and limiting interpretations. Instead, choose to observe life and your response to it. When you look through the eyes of love, only appreciation remains. With gratitude, we celebrate our friendships, experience the birth of a brand new day, seek enlightenment and ultimately discover peace. No matter what unfolds within your life circumstances, you can choose to bring a conscious, empowered, joyful attitude to your journey.


Higher Consciousness

“Remember always that the goal of awakening, of self-awareness, of living in higher consciousness is always about the very same thing that Christ brought into the world which is unconditional, agape love.”

~Theodore J. Nottingham~

See the path of your awakening as a spiral. Lessons will cycle through your experience ever more quickly, allowing you an opportunity to approach old challenges from an ever-evolving state of consciousness. Should you notice a recurring theme in your life, pay attention to how you handle it. It’s likely that your response is far different today than it was five or ten years ago. 

For instance, when learning to communicate more effectively, one may begin by focusing their energy on defining boundaries or learning how to say a high-quality “No.” In the higher levels of consciousness, this strength combines with love and compassion.

When you have mastered a particular lesson, it will no longer appear in your life. The energy around it will decrease and you’ll feel completely neutral when sharing your experiences or reflecting upon your journey. 

Ask yourself, “How can I bring the best version of me to this situation?” With each cycle, trepidation will continue to dissipate while joy and empowerment expand.



“We are travelers on a cosmic journey,stardust,swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share.This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”
~Paulo Coelho~


You are a spark of the Divine… infinite, eternal, beautiful.


With our limited human perception, it’s difficult to process the idea of eternity. Time is a construct of the mind and often it drives us to hurry through the present moment in order to get somewhere else; however, the present moment is all there is. And it is the eternal Now.
We are all participating in an exploration of separateness. The lifetimes we spend on this planet, the roles we play and the lessons we learn from one another are only the beginning of the incredible journey we share.
There is enough time. Everyone on the planet will eventually evolve through experiencing all the earth-based soul ages: Infant, Baby, Young, Mature and Old to finally discover the nature of love. Tending to your own state of consciousness will ultimately aid in the awakening of all humanity. Have compassion for yourself and for one another.


“Every act that you do unconsciously, you could also do consciously, and that makes a world of a difference.”


To me, awakening has a very simplistic nature. We often call it a journey or a process; however, it is something that naturally happens to all of us. Consider that you awaken each day, (perhaps from a night filled with dreams or time spent quietly recharging) either gently drifting upward back into consciousness or abruptly from sounds around you. Both ultimately lead to waking.

Now, the mind will often tell you that you’re far away from being a conscious, enlightened being. It will continually lead you to the next thing to try… the next teaching or book or mediation. And they’ll work for a while, until the mind pulls you back into the dream by planting the idea that something is still missing.

I tell you this. You have all that you need. This moment can be approached with consciousness. You can be non-reactive. You can choose to be kind to yourself and others. You can appreciate the scents and sights around you and absolutely thrive in this human experiment. Consider it. Just be here now and you will see.


“All you need is already within you, only you must approach your self with reverence and love. Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors. Your constant flight from pain and search for pleasure is a sign of love you bear for your self, all I plead with you is this: make love of your self perfect.”

~Nisargadatta Maharaj~

When creating a healthy, balanced, joyful life, remember to be kind and compassionate to yourself. All too often people give and give until they are burnt out, stressed out and overwhelmed. Your kindness must begin within.Remember to allow time to recharge. This can be as simply as employing conscious breath throughout the day, taking a walk in the sunshine, mindful eating or meditation. No matter what you choose to do, approach life with joy, enthusiasm or acceptance. If your energy is too depleted to experience one of those three levels of consciousness, it’s time to stop and tend to yourself before you move forward.

Life is unfolding around you with celebration. Be a pure channel for the love, light and laughter of the Universe. Do what is needed and love yourself enough to bring an open heart to your meeting place.

Healing in Moonlight

“Let the magical night sky with beautiful music be your backdrop. Make the moon and stars your friends because they know your secrets.”
~Hiral Nagda~

Working with full moon energy is a powerful way to process through old wounds while setting intentions for the next phase of your experience. Full moon in Libra supports the reexamination of recent emotional lessons and helps to create balance while one gently works with the intensity surrounding those issues. Awareness sets the stage for change.

Make friends with the moon. Let her gentle, reflective light enhance your interpretation of the past. The receptive side of your nature is ready to receive insight and inspiration. Honor the path of your awakening by recognizing the perfection of your journey. Activate conscious awareness through art, yoga, music, chanting, or meditation.

Moonlight is reflective; therefore, prepare for insights to be revealed. You may consider writing as you commune with the night. Hold space, be open and receptive and take whatever time is required for you to process through any information you receive. Act from the heart, create healthy boundaries and make make your emotional balance a priority. This very personal journey into the shadows will illuminate your soul.

The Measure of Happiness

“I have had more than half a century of such happiness. A great deal of worry and sorrow, too, but never a worry or a sorrow that was not offset by a purple iris, a lark, a bluebird, or a dewy morning glory.”

~Mary McLeod Bethune~

There are many ways to navigate through life and each journey is unique. Our varied experiences lead us through expanding levels of consciousness and this long, amazing journey weaves through everything that this world has to offer. The point of our sojourn on earth is to facilitate spiritual wisdom that is obtained through the illusion of separation. Throughout our many lifetimes we explore the highs and lows of human experience.

Those who are ready to choose peace often find joy in the simple things while cultivating their innate ability to step into the power of the present moment. If there is any dis-ease in your experience, observe your level of judgment, attachment or the need to fight against what is. In this moment, you can handle what is in front of you. In this moment you can dive deeper in anything that brings you joy.

Enlightenment occurs when we can recognize the contrasting polarities of all experience as sacred. Having compassion and empathy for those still caught in the illusion, we embrace the whole without judgment. This creates space in which transformation can occur.

All Paths Are Sacred

All conflict arises from wanting someone to be different than they are. This one misguided approach to life is a source of great distress for many and it plays out in myriad ways every day.


Become a compassionate listener. Pay attention without internal commentary and cultivate the ability to see beyond the conditioning of the mind. When we approach one another with genuine interest and acceptance, the other person begins to feel safer. They drop some of their defenses and we experience an authentic moment of connection.


Consciously practice this with each person with whom you speak today. Listen and honor their path as sacred. Ask probing questions and see if you can discover something new. Expand your awareness through conscious interaction.


Seek the Divine within the present moment – the majestic energy of the infinite is all around you. Choose to see beyond labels and roles to the truth of the spirit within. Support each journey with compassion and kindness.
There is no greater gift than acceptance. It opens the heart chakra and cultivates our ability to be fully present. Celebrate the dance of awakening, in whatever form it may appear, knowing that all ultimately works to our highest good.