Find Your Purpose

“When contemplating what our life’s work might be, we are often driven by our attachment to security. Perhaps the one question we don’t ask often enough is ‘What do I have to offer?’”
~Ezra Bayda~

Those who have discovered their unique way of being in the world are an inspiration. For those in the process of discovery, still seeking your purpose or your direction, I salute you. The willingness to embark upon the path of transformation ensures that you will find it. The road may be long. It may cause you to shift as you explore possibilities that call to you, but that is the process of awakening.
Do not be discouraged. Your challenges will temper your abilities. Your disappointments will teach you how to be strong, to rebuild and to step out of limiting patterns. Eventually, you will immerse yourself within that which makes your heart sing as life becomes a melody of joy and celebration.
Enlightened ones teach by example through the sharing of their gifts. Embrace the journey of discovery and know that you are right where you need to be. As you awaken into the fullness of who you are, your purpose will inform your decisions.

Space to Grow

“People don’t need to be forced to grow. All we need is favorable circumstances: respect, love, honesty, and the space to explore.”

~Ellen Bass~

Collectively we all travel the same journey of awakening; however, every experience is unique. Give those you love the space to grow, to discover, experiment, succeed and fail. Life teaches every step of the way. Challenges create facets of strength and empowerment that ultimately lead to a unique expression of the Divine.

Our shared experiences teach us how to connect to one another. The energy that flows in contrasting circumstances creates expansion through the synergy of the dance of opposites.

In the ever-shifting flow of life there is a constant movement of growth and change. We are forever in the process of endings and beginnings, expanding into new areas of understanding and recognizing the validity of what serves us best on the journey. Don’t fear the amazing potential that wishes to express itself through you. Underneath the layers of thought and belief lies an infinite source of life that lovingly waits to be explored.


Illumination is Eternal

“Spirituality is not the practicing of any virtue; spirituality is the gaining of a new vision. Virtue follows that vision; it comes on its own accord. It is a natural by-product. When you start seeing, things start changing.”


To be fully present is to see the sacredness in your unique expression of life. As we grow and change, the world around us is transformed. There is no wrong way to evolve. Whatever path you choose has great value for your personal journey and you will draw in the perfect people and circumstances to assist you in this endeavor. There is always something new to learn.

When things seem repetitive or boring, it may be that your energy is ready to expand. Moving to higher levels of consciousness sometimes calls upon us to leave the past behind in order to explore new ideas, circumstances and relationships.

Embracing change can awaken new insights and bliss. Choose to rise beyond ideas of good and bad with the realization that opposites and contrasts are necessary for transformation. A joyful journey is less dependent upon the path, than on the traveler who travels upon it.

Inner Strength

“Self discovery is the most empowering time of your life, you remember who you are and you become the best version of yourself but what they forget to tell you is, to get to a point of pleasure you must face the pain.”

~Nikki Rowe~

The challenges that you have faced have forged aspects of your personality that are ready to shine. In times of uncertainty, you can tap into these inner strengths to give you fortitude to face whatever unfolds in your experience. Resilience of character is often a silent wisdom and competence that underlies your actions while providing a firm foundation throughout the journey.

Remember to give yourself credit for how far you have come. The weight of the past is nothing compared to the power of the present moment. Allow the light of your soul to guide you home. The story of your awakening is unique, and all the supporting characters have played their roles to perfection.

You are ready to thrive. All that is required is one more conscious step forward, and then one more. Pay attention to the calling of your spirit and choose to be open to discovery and adventure. You’ve got this.




Psychic Vampirism

When someone is lost in dysfunction, they are completely unaware of their ability to connect to the Divine. Unconsciously, they replenish themselves by absorbing energy from the people around them.

This energy exchange can happen in a few ways but primarily it comes from strong reactions. Whether in the form of anger or arguments, frustration or egoic response, the action is the same. Your aura grows large (you might even feel a rush of energy at this point) and flows outward toward the other person. They absorb it and walk away from the interaction feeling much better… leaving you with the need to process and recover your balance.

You can stop this unhealthy flow through neutrality, genuine compassion or unconditional love. For most people, neutrality is the easiest place to get to quickly. When you choose not to respond or feed the energy in any way, you are protecting yourself. The people may (unknowingly) feel thwarted and try another angle, but if you can remain neutral and/or compassionate, eventually they will either move on to deal with someone more reactive or learn something from the interaction.

Choose to abstain from co-dependent energetic behavior. This gift of love allows each person to process through their own lessons and challenges while teaching you the art of compassionate detachment. When you do choose to consciously engage, you become a channel through which pure energy of the Divine can flow. This is invigorating rather than draining – uplifting and limitless – and a healthier way to assist one another on the journey.

Exploring the Depths of Life

Life, by its very nature, offers no guarantees. Ultimately we walk the Path of Transformation alone – our journey is unique and each of us has our own lessons and destiny. Once you accept this fact, you may be surprised by the beauty in it, by the joy in it. Rejoice in the freedom of your soul’s expression. Seek the adventure which comes from living aligned with your truth.

Observe those to whom you feel drawn. Celebrate the friendships and connections that bring you joy for as long as your paths conjoin. When necessary, send each traveler on their way with gifts and memories knowing that you’ll ultimately arrive at the same destination with incredible stories to share.

With each new cycle, release the things, people and circumstances that no longer serve your growth. Put down your burdens and take only what is needed for a safe and joyful journey. All the experiences, mistakes, adventures and successes of your past have given you plenty of wisdom to draw upon when needed.

Sometimes new places, experiences or exploring the unknown can create anxiety within the personality. Recognize how far you have come, believe in the wisdom of your soul and honor your path by walking it consciously. There are infinite joys waiting to be discovered.

Stepping Into the Unknown

Spiritual awakening requires a willingness to step into the unknown. When you stop playing it safe and move beyond the edge of previous experience, your energy expands. Saying “Yes” to life, welcoming it all – even the moments of discomfort or challenge – allows you to cultivate new aspects of strength.

As an infinite being, there is always something new for you to discover. This is the path of lasting joy. Imagine a life of mystery and enchantment… it is there waiting for you in the midst of the chaos of human experience.

When you rise above a challenge, it changes you. Don’t wait for your life to be perfect before you choose to feel happy and fulfilled. Open fully to what is. Use it. Embrace it. In this way you can live in real engagement with the world around you.

Life is designed to awaken your inner wisdom. Consider what you have asked for on your spiritual journey and then view the circumstances of your experiences thus far. Have you not had ample opportunity to develop the qualities for which you have searched? Your sense of adventure may prompt you to courageously walk forward in the direction of your dreams.

Soul Power

“There’s no greater freedom than the freedom to be yourself. Give yourself that gift, and choose to surround yourself with those who appreciate you exactly as you truly are.”

~Doe Zantamata~

It’s empowering to embrace your unique way of being in the world. All your contrasting ways, beautiful attributes and idiosyncrasies, dreams and passions are part of the journey of your awakening. Those who grace your world need the qualities you carry.

As you awaken into the fullness of who you are, things begin to change. You’ll likely become more conscious of how you utilize your energy, with whom you share your time and the love you discover in your purpose.

Challenging moments prompt us to reassess where we are on the journey. Sometimes they provide opportunities to see wisdom and love in action or at others send us inward in order to bring some new energy or expression out into the light. Whatever you discover, allow yourself the freedom to change, to be yourself, and live a life of joy and intention.

When you honor your path as sacred life becomes a conversation with spirit. The journey takes on greater meaning as you explore, expand and share your gifts.

Conscious Transformation

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
~George Bernard Shaw~
Contrast helps us to create change in our experience. It’s important to recognize the value of accepting things that we traditionally avoid. Lack can bring greater abundance. Illness can prompt us into healthier choices. Hatred teaches the power of love. The nuances of life can only be seen and appreciated through acceptance; therefore, acceptance is the key component to conscious transformation.
Become a loving witness and cultivate the art of living without attachment. Empowerment is possible when we can be objective and make choices that support healthy transformation. Many times this is simply achieved by releasing things that no longer serve you. Baby steps spark miracles.
All change begins with a vision. Keeping the end result in mind, taking conscious action in the present moment and celebrating the new as it appears is all that is required. Create space in your experience and allow the Universe to surprise you.
Take some time to celebrate your journey today. Dance as you cleanse your home. Play some music that uplifts your soul. Cook a meal with loving intention… You are alive, an exquisite spark of infinity looking to create a new experience… and no one does it quite like you.

Integrating the Self

This is the moment of tremendous healing and transformation. The only moment that truly exists is the Now and there is no need to delay the evolution of your spirit. There is great power in honoring the awakenings which have sprung from walking in darkness and we find that sometimes we need to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are; thus, all paths are sacred journeys which lead us to the light of awareness.

Judgment of others is the quickest way to bring our attention to something within us which is ready to be healed. Since we all act as mirrors for one another, utilize those moments of ego related thought and response to address the shadows aspects of the Self that are ready to be integrated and expressed in positive ways. Often, the result is an expansion of compassion and acceptance.

There are many wonders within you waiting to be discovered. The myriad facets of your unique expression of life sparkle by reflecting the light around you. Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself and allow the joy of the journey to be your guide. There is much more to life than meets the eye and the best is yet to come.