Awareness, Presence, Transformation

“Whenever you’re stuck in distress, penetrate your confusion with this question: What is my most believed thought right now?” 

~Ezra Bayda~

When we operate from the premise that all things work toward our highest good, we come to discover that inconsolable sadness or frustration is a waste of energy. The mind creates stories which seem to enslave us, and though it takes conscious effort, shifting your thoughts will always shift your perception, and thus, your experience.

The ego loves to feel special. But this life experience is not meant to be one of sadness, frustration or loss; rather, you are meant to break free from self-imposed prisons and find your joy.

Seek to cultivate greater awareness of your own strength and abilities. Its helpful to utilize the energy of gratitude by saying “I am grateful for this situation. Even though I may not yet understand the lesson or be aware of gift, I know one awaits me.”  Your willingness to be open is transformative.

When you choose to bring the best version of yourself to the present moment, the future will take care of itself. These simple, empowering moments of presence and intention will transform your experience in surprising ways.

The Nature of Change

Something beautiful happens when we embark upon the winds of change. Fresh experiences require greater attention and awareness and break us free from habitual patterns. In the process of discovery, we can explore the magic of new beginnings.

It’s helpful to have a blend of consistent practice and mindful exploration. As you cultivate the understanding that all things work toward your highest good, it’s easier to flow with change when it occurs. The experiences of your life have already shown the depths of your strength, planted seeds for growth and pivoted your direction, when required.

Reside in the fullness of what is. You are consistently engaged in the process of transformation and it’s important to release that which no longer serves your growth. Clinging to the knowns of the past will create discomfort.

When going through a painful transition, losing a loved one or facing uncertainty, the ego will respond through the intellect of the mind saying, “Stop, you are standing on the abyss, it’s not safe, we don’t know what awaits.” Conversely, the soul asks you to trust that you are supported. By gathering your courage and taking one more conscious step forward, you enter the realms of infinite possibility where miracles dwell.

There is Joy

“Laughter is wine for the soul – laughter soft, or loud and deep, tinged through with seriousness – the hilarious declaration made by man that life is worth living.”

~Sean O’Casey~

Each of us has the capability to create moments of joy throughout our expression of consciousness. In the midst of darkness, there is light. Countless opportunities to spark laughter reside within the various absurdities of life. The weight of expectation or desire dissolves within shared mirth. Celebrate those who bring a lighter point of view to our collective experience. Their unique perceptions open pathways to new areas of the subconscious.

Seek to fill your experience with countless tiny moments of joy rather than seeking to attain one particular goal. When we enter the field of awareness with humility and a sense of adventure, we open floodgates of energy that inspire, amplify and awaken, simplifying our journey.

Joy and peacefulness go and in hand. Approach life with a sense of wonder and for you, life will be transformed into something magical and  extraordinary. One spark of awareness can change everything.

Healing in Moonlight

“Let the magical night sky with beautiful music be your backdrop. Make the moon and stars your friends because they know your secrets.”
~Hiral Nagda~

Working with full moon energy is a powerful way to process through old wounds while setting intentions for the next phase of your experience. Full moon in Libra supports the reexamination of recent emotional lessons and helps to create balance while one gently works with the intensity surrounding those issues. Awareness sets the stage for change.

Make friends with the moon. Let her gentle, reflective light enhance your interpretation of the past. The receptive side of your nature is ready to receive insight and inspiration. Honor the path of your awakening by recognizing the perfection of your journey. Activate conscious awareness through art, yoga, music, chanting, or meditation.

Moonlight is reflective; therefore, prepare for insights to be revealed. You may consider writing as you commune with the night. Hold space, be open and receptive and take whatever time is required for you to process through any information you receive. Act from the heart, create healthy boundaries and make make your emotional balance a priority. This very personal journey into the shadows will illuminate your soul.

The Dance

“Energy moves in waves.
Waves move in patterns.
Patterns move in rhythms.
A human being is just that
energy, waves, patterns, rhythms.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
A dance.”
~Gabrielle Roth~
Once you see the energy that flows between us, it becomes impossible not to love. Collectively, we dance our way to awareness, discovering the beauty of contrast, passion and joining together.
Everything participates in this dance of experience and even stillness has its role. All aspects of movement can be considered sacred practice. Discover the beauty of being fully present with whatever action you choose to take. Your attention allows you to dance within the Now while cultivating a greater awareness of your place in the universe.
You are a living, evolving expression of the Divine that is constantly in motion. This never-ending dance is simply another form of creation and the natural ebb and flow of energy. Find your rhythm in the unique expression of your life.  Your inner spirit will emerge through conscious movement and enthusiasm when you choose to let the music of life flow through you.


“Inscribe in your mind harmony, health, wholeness, beauty, peace, perfection and right action. These are principles. You do not create these truths, but you activate them and make them effective and functional when you affirm them.”    
~Joseph Murphy~

The path of transformation is a process by which we systematically break free from self-made bondage. As we awaken, we become more aware of what we perceive to be blockages. This awareness begins the process of ruthless observation, authenticity and conscious action (or inaction depending upon the situation).

Give yourself credit for how far you have come. The slow, subtle process of your spiritual evolution is always in play and as we awaken, it’s important to remember that the ego becomes more subtle. It may demand your perfection. It may tell you that you should know better or that if you were really conscious, such mistakes or reactivity would not happen; however, nothing could be further from the truth. We often revisit old triggers and challenges for the express purpose of seeing that we now handle them far differently than we would have in the past.

Create freedom in your experience by treating yourself with compassion and loving-kindness. You are a child of light and nothing matters more than your state of consciousness in this moment. What is more important than your joy?

Willing to Receive

“The true path to happiness requires our openhearted attention to the exact things that seem to block our way to it.”

~Ezra Bayda~

Happiness is a choice. Rather than embracing fear or becoming lost in complacency, purposely seek joy in the present moment and reengage life’s magic.

When you realize that the ego is running old scripts – getting lost in ideas of this will never change or what’s the use? – place all of your attention upon it. Operating from healthy awareness, you may discover how much the ego would rather be right than be happy. Self fulfilling prophesies strengthen the original story, idea or imprint. When others attempt to offer a different perspective, the mind will often reject it out-of-hand rather than risk being wrong.

Happiness exists in the midst of contrast. We can mourn a loss while appreciating the beauty of the sunrise. By taking responsibility for our state of consciousness in the present moment and choosing happiness in the Now, we set the stage for life to rise up and meet us where we are. Be willing to accept healing in wherever form it may arrive. You choose the filter through which you create your perception of life.

Loving Awareness

“Wherever you are and whatever you do, be in love.”

Learn to look beyond the physical roles that people play in this life. Awakening calls upon us to see and respond to one another with open hearts and this cannot be done from a space of judgment. Only conscious practice can help you to cultivate the skill of loving awareness.

As always, the place to begin is within. Create a moment of stillness. Close your eyes, just be present and breathe. Feel the energy of the divine flowing through you and from you and notice how it extends outward. Your human form is a temporary expression of spirit. Now open your eyes. Whatever you see is another temporary form of spirit – a tree, a chair, the sky, a grasshopper… stop everything and honor that form as sacred. Sense its energy and recognize the reflection of yourself within it.

Try this as you walk through the world. When interacting, stop and look beyond the physical expression of the person in front of you. Sense their spirit and purposely interact with them from this level of awareness. You may be surprised at the openness with which they respond. Teach Oneness through your compassion and kindness. Honor this place, this moment, this experience as sacred.

The Self

Sometimes you have to be who you aren’t in order to discover who you are. Inner journeys through darkness bring about a yearning for light and the search then takes us exactly where we need to go. The greatest gifts can be found in the unlikeliest of places.

Don’t fear the shadow side of your personality. The yin and yang, dark and light, fear and security are simply the opposites found within any experience. Ultimately, complete acceptance of the Self leads to peace, happiness and wholeness.

Your soul is ready for expansion and expression. By moving into Presence we become more self-actualized and aware… and awareness heals.

We all look at life and circumstances based upon the level of awareness at which we reside. There are always new and amazing things waiting to be discovered and infinite roads ultimately lead us to the Divine. The most empowering thing that you can do is live consciously and cultivate the wisdom born of experience.

Dear one, you are right where you need to be. Trust the process of awakening rather than fighting what is. The desire to seek the gift or lesson inherent in all situations ensures that it will be found.

The Power of Higher Love

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
~Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist~

In a world that is often beset by fear, judgment and anger, we can choose to be a source of higher love and consciously approach life with integrity and purpose. Love is not “anti” anything, although falsehood and ignorance arise when it is absent. Look for ways to bring grace into the small moments of your life. Rather than seeking joy, become joy. Rather than seeking love, become love.

We have an opportunity to be an inspiration. Begin by honoring life, in all its forms as sacred. Rather than trying to get others to see from your perspective, demonstrate how loving insights inform how you walk in the world. True love is unconditional. It understands the nature of the ego (both personal and collective) and accepts that resistance is its natural response to higher frequencies.

Part of awakening is learning to transcend ego, which then creates non-resistance. As awareness expands, gratitude replaces pride. It can be insightful to work with a spiritual lesson or inspirational concept each morning and use it as a focus for contemplation throughout the day. This creates space to receive the wisdom your soul desires in a very personal and profound way.