Duck Medicine

Those who are unwilling to change demand that everyone around them change. This is to avoid triggers or the need to self-assess and is deeply rooted in ego. Often they feel enslaved by anxiety and therefore, want to avoid conflict and discomfort at all costs.

Those who are awakened understand that empowerment and freedom come from within. These beautiful souls have to capacity to utilize challenging moments as opportunities to prove their mettle. They actively seek answers and are constantly expanding their perception. Because they are willing to take ownership for their state of consciousness, awakening is accelerated.

Rather than attempting to control life, learn to flow with it. Know that you can handle anything that unfolds in the present moment. Like the duck, release negative energy through movement. A squawk followed by a quick flap often happens after a bit of duck-related conflict… and then he moves on, seemingly over it, once again deeply rooted in the present moment.

There is no need to carry the weight of the past on your shoulders. Be gentle with yourself and others, and simply do your inner work quietly, consistently and intentionally. This is how you create space where transformation can occur.

How We Awaken

Prior to birth we arrange various soul contracts to facilitate awakening. These may show up as foundational family experiences, “chance encounters”, finding someone with whom we are deeply connected or anything imaginable. From the human perspective, we may not consciously recognize them; however, the patterns begin to show themselves clearly as we age.

Celebrate those who have played a role in your spiritual evolution. From challenges to celebration, we are always on the path of transformation. Rather than regret past perceived mistakes, honor that something powerful may have come from them. When you say the wrong thing or your actions miss the mark, spirit may be working through you to trigger another into healing in their own experience. Be gentle with yourself and others – we are all fumbling our way towards ecstasy.

As we awaken, we tend to bring higher awareness to daily interplay. Without adding drama or creating conflict, we purposely focus on our state of consciousness in the present moment and choose to be a loving reflection for those with whom we interact. This is how we awaken. We help one another, love one another and spark the light of playfulness in our soul mates.

Mastery and Miracles

“When I see someone smile, I know immediately that he or she is dwelling in awareness.” 
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

One of the most important aspects of mastery is being willing to take responsibility for your own state of consciousness. What would your experiences be like if you viewed everything as a miracle? Each moment would simply become a loving conversation between you and the Divine.

This connectedness shifts our perceptions in a profound way. In order to remain aware, we must learn to rise above the mechanisms of the mind, which seeks only to remove the magic and mystery from life.

Choosing to see the magical is the difference between viewing a tree while quoting all the facts that you may know about it, or conversely, quietly opening your heart to it in order to experience its essence, patience and wisdom. Each approach comes from a different level of consciousness. The latter, more expanding experience brings a sense of awe, sacredness and respect into the equation.

Practice experiencing the mysterious in nature. Move gently through the world and allow your vision to transform the mundane into the miraculous. Life is not happening to you. Life is responding to you.

Awareness, Presence, Transformation

“Whenever you’re stuck in distress, penetrate your confusion with this question: What is my most believed thought right now?” 

~Ezra Bayda~

When we operate from the premise that all things work toward our highest good, we come to discover that inconsolable sadness or frustration is a waste of energy. The mind creates stories which seem to enslave us, and though it takes conscious effort, shifting your thoughts will always shift your perception, and thus, your experience.

The ego loves to feel special. But this life experience is not meant to be one of sadness, frustration or loss; rather, you are meant to break free from self-imposed prisons and find your joy.

Seek to cultivate greater awareness of your own strength and abilities. Its helpful to utilize the energy of gratitude by saying “I am grateful for this situation. Even though I may not yet understand the lesson or be aware of gift, I know one awaits me.”  Your willingness to be open is transformative.

When you choose to bring the best version of yourself to the present moment, the future will take care of itself. These simple, empowering moments of presence and intention will transform your experience in surprising ways.

The Nature of Change

Something beautiful happens when we embark upon the winds of change. Fresh experiences require greater attention and awareness and break us free from habitual patterns. In the process of discovery, we can explore the magic of new beginnings.

It’s helpful to have a blend of consistent practice and mindful exploration. As you cultivate the understanding that all things work toward your highest good, it’s easier to flow with change when it occurs. The experiences of your life have already shown the depths of your strength, planted seeds for growth and pivoted your direction, when required.

Reside in the fullness of what is. You are consistently engaged in the process of transformation and it’s important to release that which no longer serves your growth. Clinging to the knowns of the past will create discomfort.

When going through a painful transition, losing a loved one or facing uncertainty, the ego will respond through the intellect of the mind saying, “Stop, you are standing on the abyss, it’s not safe, we don’t know what awaits.” Conversely, the soul asks you to trust that you are supported. By gathering your courage and taking one more conscious step forward, you enter the realms of infinite possibility where miracles dwell.

Healing in Moonlight

“Let the magical night sky with beautiful music be your backdrop. Make the moon and stars your friends because they know your secrets.”
~Hiral Nagda~

Working with full moon energy is a powerful way to process through old wounds while setting intentions for the next phase of your experience. Full moon in Libra supports the reexamination of recent emotional lessons and helps to create balance while one gently works with the intensity surrounding those issues. Awareness sets the stage for change.

Make friends with the moon. Let her gentle, reflective light enhance your interpretation of the past. The receptive side of your nature is ready to receive insight and inspiration. Honor the path of your awakening by recognizing the perfection of your journey. Activate conscious awareness through art, yoga, music, chanting, or meditation.

Moonlight is reflective; therefore, prepare for insights to be revealed. You may consider writing as you commune with the night. Hold space, be open and receptive and take whatever time is required for you to process through any information you receive. Act from the heart, create healthy boundaries and make make your emotional balance a priority. This very personal journey into the shadows will illuminate your soul.

The Measure of Happiness

“I have had more than half a century of such happiness. A great deal of worry and sorrow, too, but never a worry or a sorrow that was not offset by a purple iris, a lark, a bluebird, or a dewy morning glory.”

~Mary McLeod Bethune~

There are many ways to navigate through life and each journey is unique. Our varied experiences lead us through expanding levels of consciousness and this long, amazing journey weaves through everything that this world has to offer. The point of our sojourn on earth is to facilitate spiritual wisdom that is obtained through the illusion of separation. Throughout our many lifetimes we explore the highs and lows of human experience.

Those who are ready to choose peace often find joy in the simple things while cultivating their innate ability to step into the power of the present moment. If there is any dis-ease in your experience, observe your level of judgment, attachment or the need to fight against what is. In this moment, you can handle what is in front of you. In this moment you can dive deeper in anything that brings you joy.

Enlightenment occurs when we can recognize the contrasting polarities of all experience as sacred. Having compassion and empathy for those still caught in the illusion, we embrace the whole without judgment. This creates space in which transformation can occur.

Transforming Pain into Power

“Beautiful are those whose brokenness gives birth to transformation and wisdom.”
~John Mark Green~

By turning and facing our own darkness, we are transformed. The path of awakening is different for everyone. It is a journey of mystery and wonder, of lessons and learning, heartbreak and breakthrough, all of which lead to shifts in consciousness. It’s important to remember that no matter how far you have come, you have barely scratched the surface of all that waits to be discovered.

Your courage inspires those who grace your world. Continue to approach each day as a sacred gift and be willing to receive the light, love and laughter of the universe. The pain you transcend plays a specific role in your development; therefore, see those who challenge you as healing angels rather than obstacles you may encounter along the way.

In your vulnerability, you will discover strength. You stand at the threshold of a new life… one that has much to offer.

Rise Above

“There is only one perpetrator of evil on the planet: human unconsciousness. That realization is true forgiveness. With forgiveness, your victim identity dissolves, and your true power emerges–the power of Presence. Instead of blaming the darkness, you bring in the light.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Transformation happens in the Now. This moment is all that matters. Face it with positive intention and allow the energy to unfold as it will. As you become more aware, you’ll recognize any unconsciousness that arises and cultivate the ability to see through the mechanisms of the mind.
When working through loss, anger, fear or resentment… notice, notice, notice. See what arises for you. What patterns repeat? What is your inner dialogue? How do you feel? Once you have drawn your awareness to the source of your discomfort, make a conscious choice to take responsibility for it. Experiencing pain is an aspect of the human condition; however, so is rising above.
You do not need to know all the answers before moving forward. Begin with gratitude and choose to take one conscious step. This trust expands your perception and opens the ability to see more clearly. Act with integrity, do your best and accept what is.

The Wise Passage

You can embody the love, presence and freedom that is the essence of your true nature by finding simple ways to quiet the mind and open the heart.

There is a wise passage through life… one that calls the awakened to walk its journey. As we cultivate awareness that is found through mindfulness, generosity, loving-kindness and integrity, our lives become living examples of how to create an atmosphere of safety and trust in an all-too-often frightened world.

The human experience is meant to connect each one of us in compassion that is learned through commonality of our experiences. At some point, all of us have known love and loss, joys and sorrow, life and death, hopes and fears, and ultimately we will discover the thread of understanding that connects us. This takes lifetimes to achieve and leads to freedom and liberation.

When you can seek for the joy within the sorrow, the beauty within the challenge and the light of the Divine in your interactions, then you are playing within the paradox of being a spiritually awakened human. Trust your intuition and begin with actions that best serve your heart. As your perspective expands, the world around you is transformed.