Live With a Sense of Wonder

“Being truly present allows us to appreciate the sweetness of the moment even when the moment isn’t conventionally sweet, because, at least momentarily, we’re not under the sway of the heaviness of our beliefs. The results are a lightness of being, and a sense of inner freedom.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Have you ever been overwhelmed by a beautiful day? Have you allowed yourself to sit and just be, appreciating the breeze as it touched your skin or loved a moment of stillness in the midst of a busy world? That is reality. That sense of wonder which connects you to life is available in every situation. Underneath the chaos of the mind lies an eternal reservoir of grace that you can drink from anytime you wish.

The light of your consciousness transforms whatever it shines upon. Periodically take a moment to bring your attention to the Now and reside fully within it. Even the most mundane aspects of life will sparkle with brilliance and you will be able to recognize the sacredness of your own divinity.

This moment provides an opportunity to see yourself clearly. Bask in the radiance of your own light. Engage the mystery. Breathe. Be open to wonder.


When you begin to make substantial progress in your own spiritual growth, you may encounter resistance from the people around you. It can be surprising to witness push-back from those who will benefit the most from your increasing awareness; however, it’s also the best proof that you are indeed evolving to new levels.

As we change, the world around us must change. The resistance you experience serves two purposes: it allows you to continue cultivating the attributes of a spiritual, evolving person and shows how much impact your soul’s growth is having on those around you.

In a relationship, the person of lower consciousness actually has the most difficulty. As one person becomes more empowered, more present, they choose to disengage from the drama. The lack of energy exchange is very frustrating for those still engaged in psychic vampirism.

Cultivate the qualities of compassion, kindness and gentleness. You can remove yourself from the cycle of drama, and step into the power of higher consciousness. Love those who challenge you. They are playing an important role in your development. Your purpose is to awaken. Celebrate it, love it, welcome it, and be a witness of the profound transformation happening within you.

Finding Peace in Presence

As you develop inner richness and maturity, you’ll find that others will be drawn to you. In a world filled with busyness, opinion, drama and  the various games people play, the advanced spiritual seeker provides a calm space of respite.

The quest for love is actually a desire to achieve wholeness. Initially, we look outside ourselves for someone to make us feel complete. This distracts us from the true work of discovering our inner divinity and balance. Relationships offer a beautiful opportunity to practice finding that inner balance, and as we expand more fully into love, those who grace our lives will surely transform as well.

When we bring a sense of wholeness and peace into our interactions, it becomes easier to remain aware and present within the Now. We can connect with one another from the level of spirit.

Old souls typically break the chains of society’s repressive conditioning and opinions. They rise above unconsciousness and begin to live aligned with their true nature. Those who have yet to awaken find this upsetting… so used to misery, they see the enlightened person as unique and mysterious. In a space of love, consciously allow those with whom you interact to witness their own infinite potential.

Sacred Journey

“Every action that is conscious, and that aims at bringing about a result, arises from a motivation. My religion is very simple: my key motivation is love. My religion is kindness.”
~ The Dalai Lama ~

It’s important to remember that you are responsible for your own joy. When you seek fulfillment outside of yourself, you choose to give away your power. Then happiness becomes measured by expectation, attachment to outcomes and reliant upon other people’s choices.

When gratitude, mindfulness, joy and peace come from within, we gain mastery over our own experience. Now life becomes a journey of discovery and adventure. We bring a different energy to the present moment – one that is empowered and aligned with life itself.

Should you notice any form of discontent arise in your experience, observe your thoughts.When you shine the light of consciousness on the ego, it loses momentum and creates space where transformation can occur.

Compassion and love are empowering qualities to explore. Infinite and immeasurable, there will always be new levels to discover. As we learn to create balance and joy within, we become less susceptible to outside events and a greater source of peace in the world.

Openness and Acceptance

“Let go of certainty. The opposite isn’t uncertainty. It’s openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides. The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never stop trying to learn and grow.”
~Tony Schwartz~

Consider the uses of adversity. Challenges push us places we would rarely choose to go, yet we emerge wholly enriched by the experience. Understand deeply that all pain is self-imposed. Bring conscious awareness to your discomfort and you will discover ways to transform the energy into empowerment. This may look different from situation to situation but it always begins with openness and acceptance.

When you can face the mechanisms of the ego – old scripting, others’ fears, limiting patterns – you cultivate the courage that can only be found by one who has made the arduous journey. Each breakthrough builds upon the last and teaches that you are strong enough to weather the storm.

Wisdom seeks to express itself through you. With each step, honor your path as sacred and simply bring the best version of yourself to the present moment. This is the pathway of realization. You are enough and all will unfold in the perfect way at the perfect time.

Illumination is Eternal

“Spirituality is not the practicing of any virtue; spirituality is the gaining of a new vision. Virtue follows that vision; it comes on its own accord. It is a natural by-product. When you start seeing, things start changing.”


To be fully present is to see the sacredness in your unique expression of life. As we grow and change, the world around us is transformed. There is no wrong way to evolve. Whatever path you choose has great value for your personal journey and you will draw in the perfect people and circumstances to assist you in this endeavor. There is always something new to learn.

When things seem repetitive or boring, it may be that your energy is ready to expand. Moving to higher levels of consciousness sometimes calls upon us to leave the past behind in order to explore new ideas, circumstances and relationships.

Embracing change can awaken new insights and bliss. Choose to rise beyond ideas of good and bad with the realization that opposites and contrasts are necessary for transformation. A joyful journey is less dependent upon the path, than on the traveler who travels upon it.

The Power of Love

“Love is not only an energizing force, but an individualizing force. It dissolves separation and yet creates individuality. It is, again, the primal paradox.”

Each and every time that we make the conscious choice to show love, we step into empowerment and begin to create a new reality. In any situation you can ask, “How can I present the best version of myself in this moment?” The answer is always found in love. The trick is to recognize dysfunction when it is in play yet choose to remain balanced and non-reactive. It takes practice to maintain a sense of calm in the face of intense negativity; however, as awakening masters, we are called upon to bring higher energy to challenging situations.

It’s likely that you have already cultivated many of the tools you need to face these circumstances with grace. Challenges provide opportunities to hone these skills and witness them in action.

We are light-bringers in a world that often seems filled with darkness. Your purpose is to awaken, to teach and to serve. Soul-based love creates space where transformation can occur.

Love More

“The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one two things: either love, or a call for love.”

~Marianne Williamson~

Together we walk the path of awakening. Relationships provide opportunities to facilitate your personal growth. When you choose to view the world through love’s filter; it changes your perception. Everything becomes simple: it is either love or a call for love.
When challenges arise, we must sometimes dig deeply within in order to access our ability to love. See those who challenge you as healing angels playing a role that strengthens your ability to see beyond the mechanisms of the ego. When you can recognize sacredness in yourself and in the other, life opens.
The ultimate goal is unconditional love. This calls upon us to begin within. Outward experiences of love and acceptance are directly related to the love and acceptance we have for ourselves. As kindness awakens with you, it overflows into your life experience and is reflected throughout your interactions.
As an awakening master, you have the ability to observe life from a higher state of consciousness. Practice looking for ways to express love. Challenging people and circumstances can sometimes take more conscious effort; however, the rewards are immeasurable. They allow you to cultivate facets of your soul that would otherwise remain fallow. Love is transformative.

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

“It is only in our thoughts that ideas, beliefs, and problems become solid, dark, and unyielding. Reality itself is moveable, light, ever-changing. In our minds we seem trapped, in reality we are utterly free.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Allow life to be as it is and choose to seek peacefulness in the present moment. Perception changes everything. Have you ever formed an opinion about someone or a something only to completely change position based upon new information that you have received? Awakening consciousness is like that. As we evolve, we naturally have the ability to see with greater depth and dimension.

When we change how we view a situation, the situation begins to change. There is great power in conscious, peaceful silence and learning to allow things to unfold without additional interference.

From a spiritual standpoint, things are often the opposite of how they appear in the physical world. We encounter hatred in order to ignite our capacity to love. We experience lack to discover the true meaning of abundance. Chaos teaches the value of peace. Try looking at any challenges that arise as opportunities to cultivate new skills. Embrace what is. All of life celebrates and supports your growth and expansion.

Conscious Living

“What happens when we slow down and pay attention? Everything! Innumerable delights are right at hand.”
~Ezra Bayda~
We are masters in the process of awakening – all of us. The only difference is where one resides on that journey. It can be hard for some to imagine the spiritual awakening of someone who still resides at a lower level of consciousness; however, it will happen. Lifetime after lifetime we seek enlightenment through experience.
Everything that seems to be an obstruction to your happiness is actually facilitating your spiritual growth. Choose to bring a different point of view to challenging situations. See them as something that your soul has agreed to experience with a specific purpose in mind. Know that you have reached a point in your soul’s development where you can absolutely handle whatever comes your way, and most importantly, consistently ask yourself “What am I trying to learn?” Your primary purpose is to live consciously, to awaken.
As you change, the world around you is transformed. Set yourself free by choosing empowerment and acceptance, and let that wisdom inform how you present yourself to the world. The greatest gift that you have to give is that of your own awakening.