
Acceptance creates the space in which a transformation can occur. Interact with the understanding that all judgments about others are nothing more than a projection of how you feel about yourself… therefore, accepting others as they are is the quickest way to transform your own life.

That’s right!I am willing to love unconditionally, beginning with myself

You will draw in the people and circumstances which best serve your growth. All of life is participating in your dance of awakening and gifts of understanding and empowerment reside at the heart of every encounter.

With this in mind, we discover that the spiritual practice of relationships is about working on ourselves only. Our partners in this endeavor enter with us into a soul contract and participate in situations that assist us in the process of freeing ourselves from the constricting grip of our own unhappiness. It is not the other person’s job to take our unhappiness away; our discomfort is our own responsibility, as is our joy. Attending to our own spiritual tasks – recognizing our judgments, opinions, beliefs, demands, and staying present with the fears out of which they all arise – frees others to move toward us. Then, when they no longer feel the need to defend (when the ego no longer gets engaged), they become more willing to take care of their job. Thus, joy in relationships becomes possible and two awakened souls come together in a dance of ease and grace.

Anything that shakes you up is an opportunity to expand. When we can respond with acceptance, we create a space around any situation… and that space is the place where miracles happen.

Today, my intention is to release the need to blame anyone. I accept the people around me just as they are – my brothers and sisters who also walk the path of transformation.

The magic of kindness

Every action, no matter how small, sends ripples of awakening and movement throughout the Universe.

That’s right! This is the moment of transformation 

Begin this day with gratitude. Allow your heart to open and become the loving witness of the sacredness of the present moment. From this space of inner connection and awareness, you’ll consciously tap into the potential of energy and change that flows through you.

Offer small kindnesses and blessings to those who grace your path with their presence. Support one another’s growth, celebrate the successes and demonstrate compassion throughout the challenges. These choices create the possibility of transformation. We become channels for the light that burns away illusion… and what remains is a powerful ability to rise above and see clearly.

The world is a beautiful place because you are in it. Let your life send ripples of love throughout the Universe.

Today, my intention is to honor the processes of my awakening. I can be the change I wish to see in the world.

Seeing beyond fear

When we operate from the vibration of fear, it clouds our judgment, blocks healthy movement and transforms the world into a scary place.

That’s right! I have the ability to handle whatever the present moment has to offer 

When mind made fear arises, take a moment to recognize the voice of the ego and realize that you are temporarily utilizing all of your energy to combat a future-based thought. Each time our attention is pulled from the present moment, things appear unmanageable and confusion arises.

If you can consciously choose to move toward the fear rather than pulling away into safety, you are consciously utilizing fear as a teacher and moving toward freedom. Rather than saying, “I am afraid” (thus reinforcing the original thought), say “Fear is present” or “My ego is going into fear mode”. This allows the space to see through the limiting thoughts and access your own healing potential.

Fear is a mindset. Once you consciously choose to experience it in the present moment and strip away all self judgments, opinions and reactive thinking, it becomes a powerful tool of awaking.

Today, my intention is to recognize the need for security when it arises and purposely choose to identify with the unbounded awareness of my own limitless potential.


Enlightenment is shining the light of consciousness on the truth while dropping anything that blocks our ability to see clearly.

That’s right! The more I release, the clearer I become 

You are a master in the process of awakening. For many lifetimes you have played in the world of form, adding layer upon layer of experience and belief to your sense of self… until the moment you discover the desire to expand beyond perceived limitation into limitless possibility.

This expansion process is one of remembering who you truly are. As we become more conscious, we learn to see through the eyes of compassion while dropping all judgment and simply experience the beauty that the present moment has to offer.

This dance of awakening is uniquely yours. Whatever you require will be drawn to you. Relationships will conspire to help free yourself from limiting patterns and, in turn, your journey will inspire those with whom you interact.

Everything unfolds perfectly in the way that is most appropriate for your growth. Never fall prey to the thought that you should be further along or ‘more evolved by now’ – there is no time limit. This journey is meant to be an exploration of all the nuances of the Infinite…

Today, my intention is to take one conscious step forward in the direction of my dreams

Personal responsibility

Blame gives away your power.

That’s right! I am willing to be responsible for my own joy.

The enlightened spirit brings inner awareness and mindfulness to all situations. When you are willing to take full responsibility for your life, it allows you to see more clearly.

Personal responsibility operates through several different levels of experience. It brings mindfulness to the way you choose to respond to the present moment and a heightened awareness to your inner self talk. It allows you to walk through life with the understanding that every situation and person has something to teach – and because you operate from that mindset, you accelerate your own awakening.

When you choose to seek the gift which resides within each and every challenge, judgement dissipates and compassion becomes your natural state of being.

Should you ever find yourself going into blame mode, simply notice, quiet the mind and examine what you are projecting outward. All blame is a reflection of how we see ourselves. This insight can be one of the most powerful aspects of your spiritual awakening.

Today, my intention is to consciously bring a sense of mastery and balance to my experience.

Love is the goal

At the core of everything… love.

That’s right! I am willing to love unconditionally, beginning with myself

You can transform the energy in any given moment by going within and asking, “How can I bring the best version of myself to this situation?” The answer can be as simple as listening without judgment or complex as finding the courage to stand in your truth in the face of opposition. You’ll know the appropriate action (or non-action) by paying attention to how much peace you feel in the present moment. Anxiety or doubt typically indicate that you are out of balance.

Everything comes back to love, and since life is a reflection, the love you truly seek is self-love or agape. It shines from within and lights your life with shimmering possibility. The dance of awakening then moves you into greater understanding and compassion.

There is always something new to discover. You are an infinite, divine being with limitless facets to explore. Every nuance of your experience has something to show you. And so we practice… sometimes stepping into empowerment and sometimes missing the mark, but either way, constantly learning and expanding through conscious intention.

Today, my intention is to be kind to myself.

Life is a journey of discovery

Your thoughts create your reality.

That’s right! Even the smallest things of life can become the greatest of adventures

Allow yourself to be drawn, step by step, into the wonder of discovery. When you have the wisdom to walk with the faith of a child into the unknown, life becomes an adventure.

Much of spiritual awakening is the realization that there are vast levels yet to explore. This is the playground of time and space in which we reside and we have all of infinity to discover the myriad nuances of Oneness.

Everyone is your teacher. When perceived in this light, we begin to seek value in our experiences and interactions with one another. Love is the goal.

Today, my intention is to remember that new dimensions are waiting to be discovered.

Practice the presence of peace

Empowerment is simply choosing to be responsible for your own joy… and making that choice as often as you can.

That’s right! All that I need is already here

Inner acceptance in the present moment creates space around whatever arises in your experience. This brings new dimensions of consciousness into your life. Through this energy of deep connection we become loving witnesses of the Divine in all that we see.

For many people, happiness is just another role they play. It is attached to the story of how well their life situation flows – when feeling prosperous, safe or contented, all is well. But challenges quickly bring up old patterns of doubt or worry and everything seems to shift in an instant.

Happiness can be ego-generated (much in the same way that misery can) when it’s based upon a story rather than generated from within. It’s often subtle distinction of which we are unaware until life presents an opportunity to see it clearly.

Happiness, balance, empowerment, joy and passion are your true nature. You can awaken to that potential Now. It is you, it flows through you and seeks only to be expressed.

Today, my intention is to allow my inner joy to bring compassion, connection, creativity, light and love into my experience.

Peace begins with me

Peace begins within.

That’s right! Divine peace and harmony surround me at all times.

All life is a reflection. For each of us, the world presents a way to determine where we are on the path of transformation, what we’re working on and how much love we are willing to receive. Observe how you interact in the present moment and allow that knowledge to guide the next steps of your journey.

As you progress, you’ll discover that you draw less drama into your experience. Your interactions will be joyful and you’ll witness the highest aspects of yourself beginning to shine.

This is the moment of transformation. Step into your power and honor the process of your awakening.

Today, my intention is to seek the gateways of wisdom and knowledge that are always open to me.

Live authentically

Conscious action accelerates your spiritual awakening.

That’s right! Every experience in my life is an opportunity for growth

By living authentically and opening your consciousness to the expansion of life, you become aligned with the infinite and limitless aspects of who you are.

Action takes the words and teachings of the masters and puts them into daily practice. Let your life be your message. When you choose to share your gifts, do so with an open heart.

We set the process of personal transformation in motion. Each thought, word and action sends ripples of energy throughout the Universe. The events and experiences that unfold are precisely what is needed for your unique journey.

Today, my intention is to remember that my loving attitude helps to create a world where it is safe for us to love one another.