
Walk gently through the world.

That’s Right! Divine peace and harmony surround me at all times    
When you can return anger with kindness, you have arrived. When you can choose to honor your challenges and bless those who have graced your life, you have arrived. When you have learned the power of acceptance, you have arrived. Mastery is an ongoing process. With each new experience we have the opportunity to explore the infinite possibilities inherent in the present moment.

Be a source of quiet strength and blessing as you navigate your journey. Leave each place and person better than when you found them. You have the ability to sow seeds of kindness that will last a lifetime. And so it is.

Today my intention is to live with an open heart.yum

Be the change

The only way to create evolution in your experience is to be the change you wish to see

That’s Right! I am aware that what I do not want to change is exactly what I need to change the most    
“The root cause of most difficulties in relationships is the fact that we want something from another. We imagine that we need the other person to be a certain way. Why? perhaps so that we ourselves will then feel a certain way – safe, supported, appreciated, happy. When we don’t get what we want, when other people don’t act the way we wish they would, relationship difficulties begin. We then view these difficulties as impediments to happiness, even obstacles on our spiritual path. But these difficulties – especially in relationships – are themselves the path. While we might prefer that a person be a particular way, it is our misguided requirement that they be this way that stops real love from flowing. Be giving up our requirements of others, we open to the love that already connects us.”
~ Ezra Bayda
Look at what you desire to experience in your relationships, then bring that attribute into your own way of being. If you perceive that you need someone to be a certain way, go within an observe whatever it is that you feel you lack. Immediately and consciously recognize that you alone can provide this for yourself. If it is the words, “I love you”, kind gestures or support, pay attention to the self talk that ensues when you are denied what you want. Disappointments motivate us to awaken. When you can come to a relationship whole and complete, peaceful and accepting, you’ll discover that the need to experience conflict disappears.
 Today my intention is to release all control to the Universe. I am at peace with myself and with life

Live from joy

Don’t take life too seriously.

That’s Right! I love who I am. My thoughts uplift and support me     
Spiritual awakening requires consistent effort and self-awareness, but it does not need to be somber or filled with feelings of self-deprecation. Rather, your transformation should be a celebration of new discoveries, laughter, kindness toward the self and learning to live from joy.

Your future is determined by your state of consciousness now. It’s that simple. Are you living in a way that honors the journey rather than the destination? Evolution happens in one place only – here, through whatever you are experiencing  right now.

Cultivate kindness and gentleness in your dealings with others. Before you speak, ask yourself if your words are supportive, healing or loving. If so, continue and spread the light of your consciousness. If not, determine if a quiet, empowered silence might be the more appropriate approach.

Today my intention is to open my heart to the endless love and peace of the Divine.

Act without expectation

Act without expectation.

That’s Right! I hold no cherished outcome    
Ensure that your choices are led by love rather than by fear. When you make a decision, act with integrity, do your best and accept what is… your life will reflect a greater sense of peace.

If you observe yourself, you may be surprised how often you attach to an outcome. The degree of disappointment or stress you feel is an indicator of how attached you are to the end result. Noticing this, you can purposely detach from the egoic desire and practice a healthy, loving sense of detachment. Whether your actions are small kindnesses or grand gestures, cultivate acceptance in all that you do. Be love.

The energy we emit dictates our experience of the world. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you were permanently in a state of grace? It’s possible. You absolutely have the ability to attain mastery, and it begins Now.

Today my intention is to love what is. My life unfolds perfectly.

Live, Love, Laugh

Purposely celebrate life with joy.

That’s Right! I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of space for me to grow and change ~ Louise Hay

You choose how to experience the present moment. Even in the midst of sorrow and uncertainty, each of us has the ability to access incredible strength, positive expectation and, yes, even joy – the joy of being.

Rejoice in what you have knowing that new experiences are right around the corner. Seek fulfillment through gratitude, compassion and kindness and your life will be filled with magical, empowered moments beyond compare.

Real joy is often just a quiet presence in the moment. You are right where you need to be and your soul is opening to the infinite mysteries of life. Dance your way to enlightenment.

Today my intention is to be enchanted, mystified, intrigued and joyfully expectant.

Our shared journey

This moment is all that matters.

That’s Right! The pathway to love is forgiveness. I lovingly release the past and turn my attention to this new day   
 Spiritual practice is always about forgiveness. As we loosen our desire to carry a particular story, we learn to release the resentment so treasured by the ego. Forgiveness is something that also must be directed inward. It’s important to understand that everyone is our reflection. The ideas we cling to are born from our own limited thinking and beliefs.

Everyone experiences the present moment as best as they can based upon their life path, soul age, imprinting and level of consciousness. The realization of the shared pain of humanity serves as a reminder that people often act from a place of fear, seeking to protect themselves. From the egos point of view, it is easier to project fear and blame outward than to go within to explore unhealed wounds.

You are a child of the Universe… more than that, you are the Universe seeking to experience love through the illusion of separation. Our role is to see beyond the illusion to the truth which guides us all toward awakening.

Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred. We are all simply walking one another home.

The power of intention

Intention. Expectation. Action.

That’s Right! My world is a reflection of my beliefs   
 What we think has a powerful impact on how we interpret the world. We create the filters through which we experience life and they change as our consciousness expands.

Every moment offers an opportunity to open your perception. When a limiting thought arises, typically feeling very accurate, ask yourself, “What else could be true?” or “What else is possible?” For instance, if we react to the present moment with anger, thinking that someone has intentionally wronged us, all the energy follows that limiting thought. It repeats, energy flows, and eventually creates a ripple in the auric field that gathers more energy whenever a similar situation arises. When you open to other possibilities, the energy fans out in multiple directions at once instead of reinforcing the limiting belief. Do this enough and you begin to heal the old wounds.

Consider the belief that life loves and supports you. Start sending energy down that train of thought whenever you can. Let it be a mantra that lifts you up to new levels of being. You are more powerful than you realize.

Today my intention is to be be conscious of my words. Knowing that they create my reality, I choose to expect the very best.

This is the moment of transformation

No matter what you choose to do, be fully present.

That’s Right! This is the moment of transformation         
The key to raising consciousness is to be aware of how the body is experiencing the Now. Bring your full attention to every step and every movement often throughout the day. Breathe consciously, immerse yourself within the task at hand. Even the act of pouring a glass of water can be transformed into powerful spiritual practice through mindfulness.

The more attention you bring to your state of being, the higher your vibrational frequency becomes. This moment is exactly what is required for your spiritual growth and all of life supports your journey.

If the present moment is distasteful to you, you have three options: change it, leave it or accept it. If you have done your best to shift a challenging situation (always beginning with your own perceptions and responses), you must then accept it or remove yourself from it. No matter what you decide, you’ll discover that bringing consciousness to your life choices will move you into greater empowerment.

Today my intention is to be fully present. The appropriate answer, resource or action will make itself known at the perfect time.

Begin Now

You can create the life of your dreams.

That’s Right! I rejoice in the knowledge that I have the willingness to change. I trust my inner wisdom to guide me           
No matter what you wish to shift in your experience, begin Now. See the change, feel the joy that arises from new beginnings and take one conscious step forward in the direction of your dreams.

The willingness to open yourself to new ways of being is the key. Old patterns are created by repetitive thoughts; therefore, plant the seeds of transformation with new, expanded ways of thinking.

One thing to keep in mind is this: the ego fears change. Often, when we change our focus, that area of your life will seem to entrench you even more. See the resistance – internal or external – as an indicator that something new is happening. Push through it as best as you can. Life will rise up to meet you.

Focus on the end result and don’t micromanage the details. That is another egoic tactic designed to overwhelm. Instead, allow joy to lead to you forward. You have the ability to create the life of your dreams.

Today my intention is to follow my instincts. Each constant step forward opens me to new experiences.

Responding consciously to life

Often, when it feels that things are falling apart, things are really falling together.

That’s Right! My souls purpose is to awaken          
Everything that unfolds conspires to assist you on your journey of spiritual awakening. Things on the physical plane are often far different than they appear and it’s important to remember that every situation fulfills a significant purpose in your life. When it feels that circumstances are spinning out of control, when change flows in unexpectedly, choose to experience the present moment with an open heart.

Fear will be the first thing to arise. Until we face our fears, we block our ability to love. Pay attention to your thoughts – they will show you the where healing is required. Eventually, the fear will diminish. Circumstances will unfold and suddenly you’ll realize how differently you respond compared to how you did in the past. The progression of consciousness can be measured by the amount of grace and ease you bring to the Now – regardless of what occurs.

Today my intention is to easily and comfortably release that which I no longer need.