Just be

Just be.

That’s Right! The pathway to peace is acceptance. I lovingly release my focus on the past and future and turn my attention to this new day

The moment your attention is completely in the present moment, you feel a presence, a peace. The ego loves to distract from the stillness of Now by keeping the mind busy. When you really pay attention, you’ll notice the repetitive nature and meaningless chatter of the ego.

When you bring your consciousness to the Now and surrender to what is, a portal opens, drawing in the limitless potential of  Divine energy that consistently moves through you.

“To go beyond the mind and reconnect with the deeper reality of Being, very different qualities are needed: surrender, nonjudgment, an openness that allows life to be instead of resisting it, the capacity to hold all things in the loving embrace of your knowing.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

Today my intention is to choose to keep my focus in the present moment with the realization that there are no problems in the Now – only situations that must be dealt with or accepted.

Love is the bridge

Whenever you feel disconnected, seek to bring yourself back into the vibration of love.

That’s Right! We are One. How I treat the planet and every living thing that shares space in the Universe is a reflection of the love I have for myself.

Love resides at the core of all things. Even though it can be hard to recognize it in some instances, the choice to seek it is the mark of an advanced soul. As we walk through life observing the contrasts in every situation, we have an opportunity to bring a completely different outlook to the present moment.

This means that you will often stand alone in your viewpoint. Most people on the planet are young and mature souls, so their perception is naturally limited. No matter, simply be your unique self. Carry a sense of grace with you as you walk your journey. When you feel misunderstood, ask yourself if it is a result of non-judgment or seeing beyond the illusion of the physical to the deeper truths that lie within.

Emulate those who inspire you. Your ability to recognize healthy, empowered souls indicates that you are ready to embrace those same qualities in yourself.

Today my intention is to be love. Nothing else matters.

Verbal chakra blance

LoadingEnlightenment requires a conscious balance of mind, body and spirit.

That’s Right! The more peaceful I am within, the more peace and grace I experience in my life

Meditation has no value unless we can bring that peaceful energy into daily life. Prayer has no substance until we carry the peace of conversations with the Divine into every situation. The concepts we teach have no value if we are not teaching by example.

There are no rules in spirituality except to be absolutely authentic. Everything can be transformed into aspects of your spiritual growth. All that is required is a willingness to experience the present moment with awareness and love.

“The church says: The body is a sin.
Science says: the body is a machine
Advertising says: The body is a business.
The body says: I am a fiesta.”
~ Eduardo Galeano

Live your physical life in such a way that you purposely recognize the body as sacred. It too is part of the spiritual journey. When we tend it with love, the ability to share our peace, love, compassion and freedom grows within us.

Today my intention is to celebrate life through joyfulness, laughter, kindness. I am willing to receive a miracle.

Inner peace

If you choose to be happy, no one can take it away from you. Joy comes from within.

That’s Right! I take responsibility for every aspect of my life

One of the more subtle tricks of the ego is attachment. When we feel successful, appreciated, respected or abundant, self confidence soars. It’s challenging to recognize that the ego has been in control until something stops working well in our lives. It’s only when we observe the worry, frustration or sadness that arises from experiencing loss that we realize how much our self-image depended upon having a particular number in the bank account, a certain persons love or position in life.

In moments of challenge, notice how deeply your mood and outlook are affected. If only moderately, your degree of ego-driven attachment was also moderate and you are moving toward authentic freedom.

Celebrate the beauty that unfolds in your life with genuine appreciation while recognizing that the natural ebb and flow of life contains both highs and lows. The deep sense of peace and well-being will always be there, even in moments of turbulence. You have the ability to tap into a limitless wellspring of grace and joy – it is your birthright.

Today my intention is to remember that nothing is more important than my state of consciousness in this moment.

Support from every dimension

The physical world, and all you encounter within it, only represents about 1% of your total experience.

That’s Right! Love rains down upon me from all dimensions

We are constantly in the process of planting seeds of experience. Our thoughts, words and beliefs set things in motion. Our soul group comes to participate throughout our lifetime, each person playing their part in the expansion of consciousness. On unseen levels, our spirit guides, angels, healing masters and helpers coordinate chance encounters and coincidences to surprise and assist along the way.

Sometimes, things on the physical plane appear to be the opposite of what is actually occurring – losses turn into new beginnings, friendships implode teaching us to become more authentic and intimate, blockages force us to change our plans and unexpected beauty flows into our lives. It’s important not to create limitation by demanding that things unfold in a particular way. Learn to trust the processes of life. You are loved, guided and supported each and every step of the journey.

Today my intention is to remember that everything works toward my highest good. I am willing to receive a miracle.

Your inner purpose

Your purpose is to awaken. Everything else is secondary.

That’s Right! I now choose to recognize the magnificence of my being

Human consciousness is in the process of evolving. As we awaken, we discover how to enjoy being in the world and how to manifest without getting lost in desire and attachment. Eckhart Tolle calls this awakened doing.

The goal now is to bring mindfulness to each and every situation, learning to return to the timeless beauty of the present moment. This teaches us to become aligned with the true Presence of the soul rather than identifying with the roles we play or how others see us.

Become aware of the stories created by the mind. Awareness makes it easier and easier to recognize old patterns and conditioning. Enlightenment is seeing beyond the world of form to the infinite nature of the Divine.

Each of us can play our part in the collective awakening of the planet by taking responsibility for our own state of consciousness in this moment. Any time you notice a negative inner state (perhaps feeling fed up, stressed or unhappy), realize that you have not failed – you are becoming more aware. The ego will shrink as your awareness grows.

Today my intention is to be willing to release old beliefs that no longer serve my growth. Freedom and change are in the air.

Thoughts have power

Worry destroys the joy and potential of the present moment.

That’s Right! I trust the processes of life

Guilt indicates that we are living in the past. Worry means that our focus is on the future. Nothing matters more than your state of consciousness in the present moment. Love yourself enough to live it fully.

Our thoughts create our reality. Consider how much energy is utilized in imagining future case scenarios. We spend minutes and hours, sometimes days at a time, lost in the construct of our thoughts. All of that energy could be focused on creating joy in the present moment… but instead we worry and then wish we could be happy.

Imagine that the life of your dreams is unfolding perfectly Now. Feel the joy that comes from fulfillment and satisfaction and smile knowing that you are stepping into the role of conscious creator. This moment is filled with limitless potential – how will you choose to use it?

Today my intention is to enjoy the world of form. This moment offers me an opportunity to explore the infinite facets of love.


Authentic love has no opposite.

That’s Right! As my life evolves, I find new ways to demonstrate love and kindness

When we discover the joy of loving without attachment, a whole new world opens for us. Peacefulness and gratitude fill each moment with a sense of grace and life becomes simpler.

You can choose to fall madly in love with life. It is filled with blessings and opportunities to explore new aspects of your being. See it as an adventure.

Repetitive patterns show where we are blocking our ability to give and receive love. What you are willing to receive is directly connected to the amount of love you have for yourself.

As you become aware of this deep connection to the Divine, you will allow yourself to tap into the mastery that is your true birthright. Your experience will be one of passion, appreciation, enthusiasm and vitality. All that you need is already here.

Today my intention is to be a conscious creator. I am here to play in the world of form in ways that are deeply fulfilling.


Be present without judgement in every moment…

That’s Right! I know that I am doing the very best I can, and so is everyone around me

Dropping judgment is a lifelong process. It is intricately woven into every aspect of our experience and is often so subtle that we don’t realize how it affects our ability to connect with one another.

When we seek to walk a path of mindfulness, we must begin with the present moment. Whatever arises, seek to observe it without any commentary whatsoever. When the mind begins to judge – good or bad, right or wrong, pleasurable or frustrating – pay attention to the energy behind the words. Something insightful awaits discovery. Then, purposely bring your mind back into a neutral state and notice how long it takes to move into judgment again.

There is always an opportunity to be more mindful, more compassionate and more accepting. Seek to cultivate these gifts within yourself.

Today my intention is to be a quiet source of peace in the present moment.

Expansion of consciousness

There are always new levels to explore.

That’s Right! We live in a realm filled with limitless possibility

Planet earth is merely the first stop in a greater journey of discovery. This is where we explore the concept of separation and contrast. Differences spark lessons that allow us to explore the various facets of being human. You are a spiritual being having a human experience… Many people think it’s the other way around and strive to reject or deny themselves joy in the human experience as part of their spiritual awakening.

The present moment is the portal to greater wisdom and understanding. Seek to explore all that it has to offer. The joy that awaits is your spiritual journey. When you accept what is with an open heart, there is a greater possibility that you will be open to new experiences, a paradigm shift or simple grace in the Now.

You are perfect. As you evolve and change you will continue to discover layers of energy that connect us through the commonality of experience. Let love guide the way.

Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred.