

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

“The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is.”     
~Eckhart Tolle~   

We live in a world of limitless possibility; however as humans, our vision is often very limited by our interpretations, expectations and desire. Trust that your soul knows what it is doing and break free from the need to have everything planned out.

This openness allows you to operate from a place of enlightened doing. When you choose to act from the heart and observe how life unfolds, you leave space for the unexpected to show up in your experience. New insights and chance encounters will lead you to explore new facets of yourself.

Miracles await. When we really pay attention, everything and everyone becomes our teacher. Never stop learning for the dance of life has just begun.

Love, Light and Laughter

Each of us is a unique expression of the Divine in human form.

“A world full of Love, Light & Laughter. Its time has come. Let’s make it happen.”     

Kindness is never wasted. Pausing to smile or sharing a kind word increases your own store of happiness. When you’re fully immersed in the present moment, it’s easy to become a channel for the love, light and laughter of the universe. The right words will flow and your loving energy will plant seeds that may take root.

When you purposely recognize the sacredness in another, your conscious interaction engages their energy and a healing exchange occurs. These preemptive acts of love are a masterful way of gently guiding your day to unfold in the manner you desire.

Disengage the mind and allow your intuition to assist in your daily navigation through life. You’ll know the appropriate time for stillness, observation, kindness, action or holding space. One barometer of Presence is the ability to act and move forward without second guessing yourself. Once divine energy has expressed itself through you, the transaction is complete.

The Winds of Heaven


Honor those who grace your life by allowing them room to grow.

“Friendship is the highest form of love. Let friendliness become a quality of your being, a climate that surrounds you, so you are friendly with whomsoever you come in contact.”     

Share your joy, your dance and your light with those who are ready to receive your beautiful energy. The art of friendship begins with gratitude. It must be a sharing. When you demonstrate love and friendliness toward all of life, it is reflected back to you in myriad ways.

The light of your consciousness transforms all that it shines upon. Rather than being trapped by neediness or desire, you become love and your love transforms the energy of those with whom you come in contact.

In every relationship, allow enough room for the winds of heaven to dance in between you. When you come together, enjoy discovering who you are in the presence of the other and when you have time apart, celebrate the fact that your friendship is an expression of trust, harmony and sharing.

This Moment

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in this moment.

“When you surrender to what is
and so become fully present,
the past ceases to have any power.
The realm of Being, which had been obscured by
the mind, then opens up.
Suddenly, a great stillness arises within you,
an unfathomable sense of peace.
And within that peace, there is great joy.
And within that joy, there is love.
And at the innermost core, there is the sacred,
the immeasurable, That which cannot be named.”     
~Eckhart Tolle~ 

What are you creating right now? Stop and observe how you feel and pay attention to the timbre of your thoughts. Notice your state of consciousness. Beyond the mechanisms of the mind lies a vast energetic field of potential. In this moment, each of us has the ability to draw whatever we wish from that field.

Many choose to dwell upon the past, thus destroying their joy in the present. Many choose to project into the future, seeing the present moment only as something to get through in order to get somewhere else. But those who actively seek to awaken have discovered that peace can only be experienced in one place: here and now.

This moment is the doorway to the infinite and we stand in the presence of the Divine. Honor it as sacred by choosing to truly experience it. Bring all your attention to the Now and allow the future to take care of itself.

Cultivating Detachment

Attachment creates suffering.

“Having preferences is not a problem, nor is enjoying them. But when preferences crystallize into requirements, we suffer.”     
~Ezra Bayda~

When we utilize daily gratitude and acceptance as the foundation for creating peace in the present moment, we discover that ultimately, everything we experience is transformed. It’s important to enjoy all the various aspects of your unique journey; however, seek to do so with a fluidity that allows room for miracles to unfold.

Part of the human experience is immersing ourselves in life. Rather than seeking to shun the physical aspects of the world and meditate on a mountaintop, we integrate our spirituality into the mundane and learn that detachment is the key to happiness.

When we attach to a specific outcome, item, person, goal or self-concept, we create barriers that disrupt the free flow of energy and experience. The moment the unexpected occurs we have a choice to either accept or reject what is unfolding.

If suffering ensues, realize the amount of distress you feel is an indicator of your level of attachment. Should you notice excessive disappointment or sadness arising, go within and observe how previous expectations have dictated your current emotional reaction. This is the moment to remind yourself to create space in your experience for something new to emerge. Loss teaches us how to live and love with authenticity in the present moment.

Releasing Fear

Growth involves risk.

There is often a vague sense of danger with which we greet almost every person and every situation. If it had a voice, it might whisper, “Please don’t hurt me.”     
~Ezra Bayda~ 

To be a spiritual seeker is to discover your courage. Leaving the confines of the familiar we venture out into a new world, risking all. The willingness to explore the unknown paves the way to adventure as we learn to experience life with an open heart and open mind.

Throughout this process we encounter a stripping away of the ego. Layer by layer we drop beliefs and blockages that no longer serve us. Challenges allow us to cultivate fortitude as we discover new ways of experiencing all that life has to offer.

It’s important to be vulnerable and authentic. Don’t hold yourself back out of fear. The path of awakening calls upon us to recognize our potential. Faith and action transform that potential into actuality.

Creating Peace

The way to create peace in your experience is to become peaceful.

“Peace is not found through seeking peace, but through residing completely in what is.”   
~Ezra Bayda~

Many believe that once they have their lives in order that they will feel peaceful; however, our ascent into peacefulness is what creates a peaceful life. Utilize the mundane daily situations in your experience to cultivate your ability to respond to others in a way that enhances your awareness. This requires acute self-observation.

The moment that tension arises, stop and notice exactly what is going on in your body – where is the tension held? Notice the patterns that arise in your thinking. If you feel reactive, make a conscious decision not to act while emotions are high. Then breathe deeply for a few moments. Settle into the Now with the intention of bringing peace to the situation. You may notice that life circumstances have forced a change in your routine, slowed down the pace of your day or triggered a “This always happens to me!” story. If you want peace in your experience, you must become peace. Once you’ve brought mindfulness to the present moment, you have a greater ability to provide a measured, conscious response no matter what unfolds.

The Call of Destiny

Many people prefer to remain in a life of perceived comfort rather than choosing to respond to their souls calling.
“Great individuals show us that we can sacrifice our limiting beliefs to change the nature of the quest from mere survival to destiny. The way of the healer has always been to discard limiting beliefs and turn them into sources of strength and inspiration.”    
~Alberto Villodo~ 

To walk a conscious path toward your destiny is to live with a greater purpose. Most people take the leap toward the unknown when life presents a challenge that forces them to grow; however, as an awakening soul, you can do this purposefully without waiting for life circumstances to force it upon you.

It’s time to heal your past and rediscover your grace. In meditation, you can ask your angels, spirit guides, healing masters and helpers how to become more clear about your life’s purpose and how you can live in alignment with that sacred contract.

This world can be overwhelming. Our relationships, work, dramas and commitments often take center stage, distracting us from our calling. And there it resides, the calling – a pull toward something greater – waiting for us to recognize our purpose.

Ultimately, this journey is our opportunity to discover what’s possible. It’s never too late to open to something new. And while transformation demands sweeping changes that may bring up discomfort, there are beautiful aspects of you still waiting to be explored. Begin by asking, “How may I be of service?” and see where you are led.

Honor Your Past

Don’t forget to give yourself credit for how far you have already come.

“Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know until you lived through it. Honor your path. Trust your journey. Learn, grow, evolve, become.”    
~Creig Crippen~   

Each lesson, interaction, success, failure, love and loss has played an integral part in the unique tapestry of your existence. As a work of art still in progress, it’s important to recognize the perfection of who you are. This lifelong journey of discovery integrates the old with the new with exciting flares of brilliance and beauty.

Challenges help us to discover our strength, personal integrity and potential. They create layers of insight and dimension to explore as we seek answers and inspiration. Be guided by love. honor your past, embrace the Now and choose to create the life of your dreams.

No matter how far you have come, you have barely begun to scratch the surface of what is possible. How much more will you experience and discover over the next five years?

Joy and enthusiasm

Be the one who brings joy and enthusiasm to the present moment.

“You and I are the force for transformation in the world. We are the consciousness that will define the nature of the reality we are moving into.”    
~Ram Dass~

Consciousness flows through us into what we do when we are deeply rooted in the present moment. Rather than being lost in the mind, we become lost in the joy of being. When you approach tasks with joy, enthusiasm or acceptance, the mind disengages and you become a pure channel for the love, light and laughter of the universe.

You leave an energetic imprint upon all that you touch. Imagine the difference in energy between a task completed with resentment, distraction or anger versus bringing pure love and joy into what you are choosing to do. Make a conscious effort to periodically check your state of being throughout the day. If you are not in a space of joy, enthusiasm or acceptance, stop what you are doing and see if you can shift your consciousness. This practice accelerates your awakening.