The Paradox of Heightened Experience

Don’t hold back out of fear. Trust the processes of your awakening.

“Spiritual practice is a mixture of struggle and integration, of confusion and clarity, of discouragement and aspiration, of feeling failure and going deeper. Don’t imagine that the spiritual path is a straight line to a fixed goal.”  
~Ezra Bayda~

We must simultaneously enter deeper into the experiences of life, yet consciously remain detached and aware throughout the process. The contrasts of dark and light blend together to teach us the nuances of compassion.

Immerse yourself in the present moment. Feel what you feel without judgment and honor the sacredness of the passion that propels you onward to new levels of adventure. Rather than seeking freedom with reckless abandon, choose to bring awareness and mastery to your encounters.

Expanding consciousness calls upon us to be more alert. We notice our habitual patterns and utilize different actions to break free from stagnant conditions. Through intensity, we learn how to respond to life rather than be reactive. The paradox of heightened experience is that it simplifies things. By exploring all the facets of a given situation with a clear mind and heart, we discover, ultimately, that everything is love.

Expanded Perspective

Your wounds are a sacred passage to enlightenment.

“We taste the profundity of existence by simultaneously holding both the suffering and the wonder of being alive.” 
~Ezra Bayda~

The challenges that we face strengthen us. Fear and frustration can be transformed into enlightenment through our conscious effort and intention. May you have the courage to change by allowing your insights and experience to show you the hidden facets of your soul. This movement from victimhood to empowerment is one that we all must travel.

Spiritual wounds cause us to take stock of our repetitive patterns. Emotional wounds send us on a journey of discovery. Mental wounds demonstrate the incredible power of the mind. Physical wounds force us to slow down and change how we move through the world. Every one of these aspects of awakening are sacred. They interrupt the status quo. They force us to reexamine all that we thought to be true and provide an opportunity to shift our perspective. None are failings, sins or shortcomings – just another pathway to becoming whole. The gifts that await discovery are part of your sacred birthright.

Self Reflection

All of life is a reflection of your state of consciousness.

“Meditation is a good starting point, or even a little bit of contemplative reflection, asking questions like: Who am I without my name or form? What is my purpose if there is one? What do I want out of my life? What am I grateful for? Just a little bit of reflection like that starts you on the journey.” 
~Deepak Chopra~

We life in a realm filled with limitless possibility. Your state of consciousness determines how expansive your vision can be and your perception of the experiences you witness reflects the level of your energetic vibration.

With this in mind, observe your thoughts. See what type of amusement you are drawn to, what books and movies spark interest within you, notice those you enjoy being with. Is there a trend? Do the things that fill your life bring you joy and contentment, frustration and disappointment or peace and fulfillment?

This is an important aspect of self-reflection. We need to create an awareness of what we are choosing to experience. Often, it can be challenging to see ourselves clearly. If that’s the case, observe those around you. What do you notice?

You are the master of your experience. If you wish to create joy, purposefully seek it in any form you can. Infinite possibilities provide a lifetime of practice, insight and opportunities to awaken to the fullness of who you truly are.



The extent to which you are willing to be supported is an indication of the love you have for yourself.
“When you quiet your mind, you can feel yourself breathing with all living brothers and sisters on this beautiful blue green earth. This is our family to care for. When we remember its ‘us’, love and generosity become as natural as our breath.” 
~Jack Kornfield~
Often it seems that an amazing number of synchronistic occurrences have to fall into place in order for two souls to cross paths. Then, recognizing a kindred spirit – or perhaps a karmic contract – they choose to embark upon a segment of the journey together.

Be grateful for those who bring laughter and support into your experience. These beautiful soul connections create an energy and harmony that plays the soundtrack of your life. Visualize them as a symphony – every instrument is vital and important and while the music can continue if someone is missing, the energy shifts significantly. The nuances of the whole allow greater depth of experience.

It’s important to allow others to support you on your personal path of transformation. Ultimately, the momentum of change is created from within; however, your supporting characters provide the springboard for the discovery of new direction, thoughts, opportunities and perceptions.

The Road Ahead

Your journey is unique.

“The journey between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.”
~Barbara DeAngelis~

The challenges, difficulties and delays that we encounter allow us to discover the strength we have within ourselves. Each time we rise above the stories of the mind and take conscious, decisive action, we release a layer of doubt. Over the course of a lifetime, the successes and breakthroughs we experience create new paradigms.

When things are easy we don’t search for answers, seek assistance or take the time to examine limiting beliefs. The gifts that life brings us are often wrapped in challenging situations. Knowing this can shift how you view obstacles – they are not impediments on your journey, they are the journey. We can set the tone for our experiences by choosing to start each day with gratitude and intention, your words, thoughts and actions carry great power and momentum. Choose them wisely.


Unconditional Compassion

Each of us must be a light for those who are still lost in the dark.

“Saints are like trees. They do not call to anyone, neither do they send anyone away. They give shelter to whoever cares to come, be it a man, woman, child, or an animal. If you sit under a tree, it will protect you from the weather, from the scorching sun as well as the pouring rain, and it will give you flowers and fruit. Whether a human being enjoys them or a bird tastes of them matters little to the tree; its produce is there for anyone who comes and takes it.”
~Anandamayi Ma~

Even if a room has remained in the dark for thousands of years, will it not be immediately transformed by even the smallest source of light? Our role is to shine, to teach, to serve. Yes, we may need to practice mindfulness in order to maintain the balance required to be a consistent fount of compassion; however, our active participation begins with remembering that we have chosen to be here now for a specific purpose.

Like water which gently erodes rock over time, persistent acts of right action will eventually make a transformative difference in the world. Repetitive energy creates a flow that becomes easier to access the more we use it. Begin small. Plant seeds of love and light within your daily practice and nurture them well. You will eventually recognize yourself as an expression of unconditional compassion that can never be dimmed by outward circumstances.


Personal Evolution

Each experience is a stepping stone to the next phase of your development.

“Spiritual practice is not just sitting and meditating. Practice is looking, thinking, touching, drinking, eating and talking. Every act, every breath, and every step can be practice and can help us to become more ourselves.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

As we weave the threads of personal experience a unique design comes into view. Each new insight cultivates a different facet and adds sparkling nuance to the unfolding spiritual journey. As we awaken, the world around us is transformed. What may have initially been sparked by a desire for healing, understanding or peace ultimately becomes a completely different way of being. We learn to follow where life leads.

Transcendence comes through consistent practice and exploration of the many roads to enlightenment. Seek out the teachers and approaches that spark your interest while allowing yourself to evolve. You will draw in the perfect circumstances and companions to facilitate the next phase of your growth, and whether they grace your journey for a moment or for a lifetime, enjoy those who accompany you on the path of transformation. Love desires to express itself through you in beautiful ways.

Let It Go

Don’t allow distractions to blind you to the truth of who you are.

“All that is necessary to awaken to yourself as the radiant emptiness of spirit is to stop seeking something more or better or different, and to turn your attention inward to the awake silence that you are.”

Everything is transitional. All relationships and daily circumstances play a role in our soul’s development – that’s it. The whole point of our human experiment is to experience everything there is to experience; therefore, we need to turn into what life offers and simply seek to be our best selves. As we evolve, we bring new insight to our life situations. Our responses become empowered rather than reactionary. Our love becomes all encompassing rather than limited by attachment or desire.

Know this: no matter what unfolds, and in spite of how some things may appear, there are no mistakes. Everything serves a vital purpose in your spiritual growth. There are challenges to be sure, but the turbulence will pass and peace will flow into your experience once again. The key is non-resistance. Allow what is. Rather than placing your focus on what is lost, worrying about the unknown or dwelling upon that which strikes a chord of fear within you, ask yourself what you have to offer. Sharing your love and light in creative ways allows you to access the transformative power of your unique gifts and potential… and from there, awareness, joy and miracles are possible.

Rising Above Thought

The mind is concerned only with the past and the future.
The heart lives Now.

“A life of equanimity and appreciation is lived in the immediacy of the present – not in the mind.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Prior to awakening, the mind is in control. Always comparing, seeking, distressing, planning, fixing or creating dissatisfaction with the present moment, it mercilessly controls our lives. It’s important to honor the ego as a teacher rather than see it as an enemy. It’s purpose is to maintain the illusion of separateness. This prompts our quest for Oneness.

As we move to higher levels of consciousness, we become more aware of the mechanisms of the ego. We learn to transform challenges into empowerment while cultivating the ability to see clearly. The ego must then find news ways to function, so it shifts to a more subtle but still disruptive force. You’ll know ego is engaged in some fashion whenever peace and acceptance elude you.

In moments of imbalance stop and observe your thoughts. See them objectively and then purposely move into love. Every moment is an opportunity to be still and deepen your connection to the Divine.

Everything is Love

Love shines through the contrasts in your life.

“Magic happens when you use the power of your heart and mind to create reality. Miracles happen when you allow the universe to manifest its love for you.”
~Witney Ibe~

Self love inspires a willingness to experience whatever life has to offer with an open heart. The journey will invariably lead us through every type of circumstance imaginable and the disruption and turbulence we face fosters greater compassion for one another. The challenges we encounter prompt us to change our perception, often several times over the course of a life. When we stand at the threshold of a new world, the act of walking forward brings us into more profound states of awareness.

Honor the processes of your awakening. Even though you may feel that you are fumbling your way toward ecstasy, embrace your journey knowing that it will ultimately become an inspiration. New facets of confidence and empowerment are ready to be discovered. This day, this moment, these circumstances are sacred… as are you.