Live the Moment

The light of the Divine shines through your Presence.

“Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself.”

When you experience a state where there is no desire, no longing, nothing to achieve, bliss is possible. We are being given a rare opportunity to practice being present while finding creative ways to show love for one another.

Consider the transformative aspect of this moment. As we explore our collective consciousness it becomes apparent how deeply we are connected, and it is possible that this awareness will prompt new choices and healthy interactions as we move forward.

Celebrate the beauty that surrounds you. Whether near or far, bless those you love. Express gratitude for the blend of energies we create together as a re-imagined world comes into being. You have been called to participate in the dream of a new destiny and the grace you seek will open before you. Now is the time to free your heart and awaken to the joy of life.

New Beginnings

Your peacefulness and presence opens the world around you.

“When we let go of our battles and open our hearts to things as they are, then we come to rest in the present moment. This is the beginning and the end of spiritual practice.”
~Jack Kornfield

In the ever-shifting flow of life there is a constant movement of growth and change. We are forever in the process of endings and beginnings, expanding into new areas of understanding and recognizing the validity of what serves us best on the journey. Don’t fear the amazing potential that wishes to express itself through you. Underneath the layers of thought and belief lies an infinite source of life that patiently waits to be explored.

Periodically, it’s important to go within to take stock of your energetic balance and acknowledge how far you’ve come on the journey of awakening. Since it can be challenging to see ourselves clearly, learn how to utilize the reflection provided by the world. Should you find yourself judging, staying in the story, blaming or replaying old events in the mind, recognize that you are distracting yourself from going within. Observation creates awareness. Awareness creates movement… and movement creates the space for something new to be experienced.

Solitary Wisdom

Go within.

All that is true and all that is real will always bring you to aloneness. Love, prayer, life, death, aesthetic experiences, blissful moments – they all come when you are alone.”

As an awakening master, you have the ability to be more conscious than ever before about your approach to life. Utilize the tools you have cultivated thus far on your path of transformation and be ruthlessly honest, yet gentle with yourself. Everything you experience provides an opportunity for greater clarity.

Know that your journey is unique and honor that uniqueness as sacred. Something higher is moving through your heart right now and if you choose to go within, you’ll discover that all that you seek is already within you.

Your soul is deeply connected to the rhythm of the universe. Feel it. Recognize it as a powerful aspect within the ebb and flow of your life. Energy squandered on resistance is wasted; therefore, let your Presence infuse moments of solitude as well as moments of chaos with a deep knowing that you are ready to step into a new world.


Doors of Perception

What are you ready to see differently?

If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.”
~William Blake~

A higher perspective is transformative. Within it we can explore vast levels of experience and potential. Through it we can brings new layers of insight and awareness into our life situations. And beyond it… the greatest adventure of the spiritual journey.

Traditionally, the sacred spiral represented the path of awakening. The lower circuits of movement are initially slow and laborious as we begin the process of facing the shadows reflected by our life experiences. With each subsequent revolution, the spiral takes us back through similar experiences, a little higher, a little more quickly. With each layer of insight an expanded wisdom emerges – ultimately revealing wholeness.

Choose to revisit old lessons or patterns with the knowledge that you are ready to explore them utilizing the next level of perception. Allow yourself the grace of receiving the message or the gift that is waiting to be discovered.


The Threshold of Change

To enter a new life we must be passionately engaged and self-aware.

To acknowledge a new threshold is always a challenge. It demands courage and also a sense of trust in whatever is emerging.”
~John O’Donohue~

Some changes call to us. A new life beckons and we must go through the process of releasing all that has become so familiar while we walk forward into the unknown. This aspect of transformation contains the paradoxical emotions of fear and excitement within it, and we can diligently explore what we’ve learned, honor the process and listen to our inner wisdom. When you stand at the threshold of a new life, consciously and lovingly bid adieu to the old through ritual, meditation or prayer, and walk forward with faith.

Some changes are thrust upon us: financial hardship, illness, loss, betrayal… these collective and personal moments of dramatic and immediate change call upon us to move into acceptance as we find a new way of being in the world. It’s important to remember that everything serves a purpose. At higher levels of existence, love is always in play. Part of the human condition is to be blind to all the nuances and purpose of these changes; therefore, trust is required. The spiritual process calls upon us to explore the mysteries of life in order to discover the gifts and blessings that abound.


Magical Places

Sprinkle a little other-worldliness into your experiences.

Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you.”

You are the gateway between the Divine and the physical. Awareness teaches us how to bridge these two very different and often paradoxical experiences. The world you see is but a mere 1% of what is occurring for you and within you. Angels dance in joy around your head. Love emanates from your heart. Compassion connects us to one another and stillness allows us to discover the inherent possibilities that are available in the present moment.

In this infinite universe we have the opportunity to choose how life is experienced. As you awaken, your attitude and level of consciousness will expand your perception in ways you may not have imagined. To play in this realm of infinite possibility you must first create an attitude of magic and adventure throughout your unique journey of awakening and then see what awaits discovery.


All that you need is within you.

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”
~Hans Hofmann~

Something beautiful is ready to be born from the silence within you. Will you replace the intensity and busyness to which our species has become accustomed, or will you take advantage of these moments to explore the depths of your soul?

The ego fears change. It seeks distraction. Some may become avid tv watchers, some may self-medicate, others may find solace in food. But what if you turned everything off for a time? What if you choose to immerse yourself in the world around you and simply observe your response to it? You may discover that you are surrounded by subtle miracles that have long been overlooked.

Simplify. Take a pause and purposely be fully present with whatever you are experiencing. Breathe. Enjoy. Expand. This moment contains all the energy and insight you require. This may be a wonderful opportunity to gently send your light out into the world.


Appreciation infuses the present moment with joy.

Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies… those transcendent moments of awe that forever change how we experience life and the world.”
~John Milton~

Your decision to accept and embrace what is opens a realm of infinite possibility. This moment provides an opportunity to transform the mundane into the miraculous. Whatever you place your focus upon becomes stronger; therefore, make a conscious effort to feed energy into things that spark joy within your life experience.

Gratitude makes any perceived problems seem far more manageable. Patience increases along with your ability to view situations from a higher perspective and challenges will no longer be as disruptive to your inner peace.

Wouldn’t it be empowering to embrace your perfectly imperfect life? The beauty that you see is merely a projection of your own divinity.

The Quest

The journey is one of discovery, risk and experience.

“I’ve often hesitated in beginning a project because I’ve thought, ‘It’ll never turn out to be even remotely like the good idea I have as I start.’ I could just “feel” how good it could be. But I decided that, for the present, I would create the best way I know how and accept the ambiguities.”
~Mr. Rogers~

It’s a delight to discover who you are. Every experience and decision plays its part in your exploration. Honor your path as sacred. The twists and turns, the friendships, the challenges and pleasures have all added to the knowledge of your Self.

Passion and inspiration ignite movement. Follow where they may lead knowing that you are loved and supported each and every step of the way. It’s helpful to periodically take stock of how far you have come and celebrate all you have learned. As you incorporate your unique stills and insights into your expression of life, you can bring greater awareness into all that you do.

Pauses often precede great expansion. Nurture yourself, still the mind and create balance in your experience. This will ensure that you are ready to move forward when the energy begins to flow once again.

Transforming Fear into Empowerment

The only thing over which you have any control is your state of consciousness in this moment.

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement and acceptance.

We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”
~John Lennon~

Collectively, each of us is facing the unknown. Our experiences, though shared, are unique. Consider what impact the world changes are currently having on your life and go deeper into them. Utilize stillness and awareness to simply reside in what is. Observe your state of consciousness. How much peace are you able to create? How often do “what if?” thoughts take over? This is a powerful opportunity to gain clarity about what your soul requires in this moment.

The light of your consciousness transforms all that it shines upon. Fear becomes empowerment when faced with an open heart and a willingness to release old ways of being that no longer serve your spiritual growth. Take this moment to explore facets of yourself that are often overlooked.