Seek the Lesson

When faced with an uncomfortable situation, seek the gifts that it has to offer.

“Spiritual work is possible in one place alone: here, in exactly what you are experiencing right now.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The quickest way to transform any challenge is to recognize it’s purpose in your life. Movement from victim-hood to empowerment comes through the understanding that every circumstance plays a specific role in your spiritual development. Things that seem negative or feel like blockages offer the greatest opportunities for breakthrough.

When you clear a limiting belief, heal an old wound or cultivate a new aspect of your strengths, the “problem” will either leave your life because it is no longer needed, or you will become neutral about it. The key is to recognize the opportunity, utilize it, move into gratitude and release it.

Life will often present the same type of situation in various forms when we are working on a particular issue. If we miss the lesson, it will manifest again with a little more intensity each time until we cannot help but become aware of it. You do not need trauma in order to grow. Awareness can help you handle things while they are still small and manageable

You are more powerful than you realize. You are a unique expression of the Divine. The joy is in the discovery.


Let your smile light up the world.

“To me there is nothing more sacred than love and laughter, and there is nothing more prayerful than playfulness.”

In the meeting of opposites, we discover paradoxical truths that teach us that everything we experience is a dance between light and dark. We cannot experience joy without knowing sorrow, nor freedom without enslavement. The ability to enter the sublime connects us to one another through laughter.

Excessive thought robs us of all joy. It takes our attention out of the Now by worrying about the future or replaying the events of the past. Consider the playful abandon and spontaneity experienced when surprised into laughter. There is nothing more sacred. An authentic, heartfelt belly laugh jolts you deeply into the experience of the present moment. Your energy lights up, tears run down your face and time stops.

This aspect of enlightenment does not rob you of the ability to be compassionate, caring or empathetic during times of challenge. Conversely, it allows you to access expanded vision and hold space for another while being a vibrant example of love and joy.

Self Love

Kindness begins within and extends outward into the world.
“The person you’ll have the hardest time opening to and truly loving without reserve is yourself. Once you can do that, you can love the whole universe unconditionally.”

Remember to allow time to recharge. This can be as simple as employing conscious breath throughout the day, taking a walk in the sunshine, mindful eating or meditation. No matter what you choose to do, approach life with joy, enthusiasm or acceptance. If your energy is too depleted to experience one of those three levels of consciousness, it’s time to stop and tend to yourself before you move forward.

Everyone who has manifested you into their life, has done so because of the unique light and energy that you possess. When you can be yourself, love yourself and occasionally laugh at yourself, you are providing them with the perfect experience. All too often people give and give until they are burnt out, stressed out and overwhelmed. Your kindness must begin within.

It’s that lightness of non-expectation that is so appealing. When you first meet someone, the attraction begins because you are simply being you. When we load ourselves up with the weight of expectation, fear and desire, that beautiful, original and carefree spirit gets buried underneath layers of thought.

Love yourself. Reward yourself with thoughts of praise. Know that others respect you and appreciate all that you do. Your loving attitude helps create a world where it is safe to love one another.

Inner Light

Do you ever forget that you are a magnificent, abundant, infinite being of light playing a game of discovery…?

“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” 
~Maya Angelou~

The game we play is not about winning. It is learning how to consistently bring clarity and insight to the present moment. Rather than blindly responding to the events of life, we discover they are purposeful, constantly evolving and unfolding opportunities meant to facilitate soul growth and understanding.

The most important aspect of awakening is personal responsibility. Seek to bring mastery to all that you do. Watch how you choose to interact with others. Pay attention to how you choose to experience the present moment. Observe yourself without judgment or condemnation.

There is only consciousness or unconsciousness. One brings peace, the other conflict. As your inner light begins to express itself through the various events you experience, realize that nothing can ever dim the infinite beauty of the Divine. It seeks only to experience the present moment through you, for you bring something beautiful to the world that perfectly completes this intricate tapestry we call life.



This moment is an opportunity to awaken to your true nature.
“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.” 
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

Challenges, both collective and personal, help us to awaken to our true Divine nature. In order to rise above the mechanisms of the mind, we must learn to embrace the blessings that surround us with an openness that connects us to life itself. Gratitude is the doorway to freedom. How you choose to respond to the present moment matters much more than the story which is unfolding.

All of life supports your awakening. Rather than getting lost in interpretation, allow. When the mind is free of old conditioning and habitual reactivity, we can experience the depth and expansiveness of the Now.

Do not seek to put everything into order. Learn instead to make peace with the unknown. Through stillness and acceptance we discover that there is no separation. We are one with each other, with nature, with the creatures of earth and sea and air. Step outside and listen. Be. When you honor the awakening Self as sacred, your choices and experiences will reflect the grace that is your birthright.


Shared Blessings

To participate in the flow of the universe, we must become adept at the art of giving.

“When you learn, teach. When you get, give.”
~Maya Angelou~

Life operates though a dynamic and consistent energy exchange. We create a flow of abundance through our willingness to share. No matter what you wish to create in your life experience, set it in motion by giving and receiving with joy, enthusiasm and compassion.

Make a practice of giving to everyone with whom you come into contact. A shared experience, a blessing, a note of support or a flower can spark miracles into motion.

You are a powerful force of love in the world. Your light is transformative and moves effortlessly through time and space of our collective consciousness. Participate in the dance of life by sharing your attention and intention.

You have unique talents and gifts. When combined with loving service they allow you to find and fulfill your purpose while accessing the energy of pure potential.


Mindful Interactions

The seeds of infinite potential have been planted. Nurture them to maturity.

The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

When we choose to be mindful in our interactions, we create space in which a transformation can occur. The conscious attention you bring to the present moment heightens the connection between your soul and all that you see.

Notice how often you allow yourself to be distracted and purposefully shift your energy back into the here and now in a way that is gentle, compassionate, aware and joyful. Breaking habitual multi-tasking habits transforms the present moment into something that is sacred and full of infinite potential.

Your life is meant to be a loving conversation between you and the Divine. Honor this moment by experiencing it fully. Whenever you seek beauty, you will surely find it.

Energy Awareness

Awareness is the first step of transformation.

“The ability to [consciously] respond is one of the greatest principles of growth. You are not following any order, any commandment; you are simply following your awareness.”  ~Osho~

Spirituality is not about adhering to rules and following “shoulds” that someone else has created. The awakening spirit learns to simply take responsibility for their own state of consciousness and pays attention to how they respond to life. As we evolve, our insights and actions will reflect our opening perception.

Seeking to be seen as the one who does all the right things, meditates properly, discards the trappings of power, or has a strict adherence to a particular way of eating or living is another form of ego. We must be rebels. The fixed modes and labels of society block us from bringing something new to the world.

Choose to be undefinable and authentic. Rather than reacting to life, respond to it. You are an expression of the Divine exploring the infinite possibilities of the present moment.

Limited Perception

Our experiences, imprints and expectations shape our perception.

“There are things that are known and there are things that are unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.”  
~Aldous Huxley~ 
Throughout myriad lifetimes we seek to have as many varied experiences as possible. Each excursion into the unknown creates another facet of knowledge which shapes our perception and experience. Older souls have a greater capability to see the many sides of a situation because intuitively they realize that they have likely already experienced the contrast of similar dramas.
Do not fault someone for their limited perception. It is not a failing, merely a lack of vision or experience. Seek only to bring a different viewpoint to light whenever possible. It may awaken something in their soul or it may plant a seed that will take root and grow. All fear is based upon limited perception.
In your own experience, keep in mind that everything serves a purpose in your spiritual development. Strive to step back and observe, knowing that as your perception expands you’ll discover that love is always possible.

Seeking Consciousness

Everything in your experience has one purpose: to make you more conscious.

“We have been to the moon, we have charted the depths of the ocean and the heart of the atom, but we have a fear of looking inward to ourselves because we sense that is where all the contradictions flow together.”
~Terence McKenna~

The paradoxes of life tend to bring out the best (and the worst) in us. We seek to live simply and authentically; however, our circumstances often twist and become disruptive just when we expect it least. The movement through the layers of energy that surround a particular situation must be navigated with an open heart, ultimately clearing a path back to core of higher love that connects us. There are always new aspects of insight and spiritual growth to explore.

We journey through the morass of conditioning, expectation and thought associated with each level of awakening. There is no “one size fits all” approach to this process. Each person must create a space in which a transformation can occur – and this is different for everyone. Be fearless. Turn and face your shadows and they will be transformed into something new, unique and empowering.