All That You Need

You are a spark of the Divine, seeking to explore the limitless facets of life through human experience.

“The heart that seeks to awaken, to live genuinely, is more real than anything. That nameless drive calls you to be who you most truly are.”  
~Ezra Bayda~ 

The abundance of life awaits. When you live with an open heart, you’ll discover how to celebrate the journey of your awakening while simultaneously enjoying the depths of understanding and wisdom that are available to you.

You are always immersed within the perfect situation required for your spiritual growth. Even the simplest of interactions has infinite messages layered within it. Find enlightenment doing the laundry, being with your children, or in the smile of a dog. You are surrounded by love. When you embody this wholeness into your life, you are well on your way to new levels of understanding.

Spirituality is not about denying the world and it’s pleasures. Every moment is a gateway to infinite possibility and honoring that with a conscious, joyful approach allows you to explore your inner beauty. This is considered Wholeness.

Love resides at the core of your being. As you drop the layers of illusion that block your ability to see clearly, the light will begin to sparkle through. Look within. Slow down become the loving witness of your own awakening.

Just Be

Just in case it might have slipped your mind…
You are an absolutely unique, beautiful, ever-evolving, radiant being of light, resplendent as the noon-day sun, breathtaking and magical. Thank you for being here.
“Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that you are.”
~Mandy Hale~

When life gets overwhelming and opposing energies seem to tug you in several different directions at once, take some time to re-balance, breathe, and settle into the truth of who you are. You have chosen to be here now for a specific purpose and the world needs your unique perspective. You bring something to our shared collective that no one else can.

Demonstrating gratitude, slowing down, allowing mindfulness to infuse our responses to life and honoring all paths as sacred helps us to see more clearly. Our role is often to show others a different way to be; however, that can only be accomplished when we are fully present and acting without attachment. Unwavering authenticity and compassion create a powerful foundation that supports conscious interactions with one another.

Your kindness sends ripples of energy throughout the universe. Like a flower, simply reach toward the sun, move gently in the breeze and enjoy blanketing the world with your natural beauty.

Transforming Pain into Empowerment

By turning and facing our own darkness, we are transformed.
“Beautiful are those whose brokenness gives birth to transformation and wisdom.”
~John Mark Green~

The path of awakening is different for everyone. It is a journey of mystery and wonder, of lessons and learning, all of which lead to shifts in consciousness. It’s important to remember that no matter how far you have come, you have barely scratched the surface of all that waits to be discovered.

Your courage inspires those who grace your world. Continue to approach each day as a sacred gift and be willing to receive the light, love and laughter of the universe. The pain you transcend plays a specific role in your development; therefore, see those who challenge you as healing angels rather than obstacles you may encounter along the way.

In your vulnerability, you will discover strength. You stand at the threshold of a new life… one that has much to offer.

Compassion and Equality

Every person you meet is a master in the process of awakening.
“Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.”
~Pema Chodron~

Our purpose is to awaken. Unconsciousness is nothing more than temporarily being lost within the illusion of separation and buying into the “us vs. them” mentality that masks our shared humanity. As we learn to take responsibility for our own joy and heal the wounds that block us from giving and receiving love, we naturally cultivate greater patience and compassion for those who remain trapped in the illusion.

Throughout our many lifetimes we experience all that life has to offer – every type of nationality, sexuality, religion, societal position, etc. The soul is looking to actively participate in these varied circumstances in order to learn, to grow and evolve. The end goal is shared joy in the journey and support of one another as we awaken and return to love.

Old souls have typically participated in more types of experiences and therefore have greater ability to access compassion. Even without conscious or vivid past life recall, on a higher level we can access wisdom from the Akashic records that will activate awareness of our shared journey. Think of the greatest challenge you have overcome in this life. Do you not have compassion for others who face that same situation? Now expand that concept outward, imagining the bigger picture of what you have likely faced throughout the course of your many lifetimes. Does that alter any residual judgment that you may experience into understanding?


Be a Force For Love

When love informs your world view, you step into a world of infinite possibility.
“You may protest if you can love the person you are protesting against as much as you love yourself.”
~Ram Dass~  

The higher your level of consciousness, the more expanded your vision. Consider the limitations of hatred or fear. Both states of being create filters which distort one’s interpretations and create a self-made prison. Only love can dissolve the bars that enslave so many.

Our role is to demonstrate a different way of being. Those who wish to create change must guard against becoming the very thing they are seeking to transform. Consciousness calls upon us to be mindful, to communicate with kindness and to project our vision of a new earth. The moment is Now and what you do today matters.

The idea of global transformation may seem daunting; however, your life creates ripples that spark change all the time. Even though you may not bear witness to the end results of your loving actions, never doubt that your light has the potential to plant seeds of awakening in all those who are touched by your life.


Transcending Obstacles

Loon represents the reawakening of old hopes and dreams.

“To recognize one’s own insanity, is of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence.”
~Eckhart Tolle~  

When a challenge arises, it is often a pivotal moment that leads to inner transformation. We get derailed from comfortable patterns and turn inward for answers. We seek solitude and peacefulness and ultimately emerge with a new way of seeing and being.

Breath is a wonderful tool for accessing varying degrees of consciousness. Have you ever noticed that you often forget to breathe when caught in stressful situations? This tendency creates a blockage of energy, though fortunately one over which we have complete control.

Bring your awareness to your breath. Create a slow, consistent flow until you feel yourself fully anchored within the body. This present moment focus slows time and opens you to receive the insight that is waiting to be experienced. New possibilities are open to you now.

Going Deeper Through Detachment

Detachment allows you to explore all the facets of life.

“True detachment isn’t separation from life but the absolute freedom within your mind to explore living.”  
~Ron Rathbun~   

Attachment creates suffering in our experience; therefore, detachment creates peace in our experience. Worlds away from apathy, detachment is genuinely being at peace with whatever unfolds without layering the situation with expectations, must-haves or the perception that something is or was wrong.

When you experience the present moment with an open heart, it allows you to see see more clearly. A quiet mind is the beginning of freedom. Rather than living a repetitive pattern, we learn to break free and just be.

No matter how it appears, everything in your life situation is pointing you to this truth. Practice with daily application: When you send a text, release all expectation about when you will get a response. When you let someone know what is important to you, release the need to be immediately understood or heard (sometimes others process information more slowly). Notice the small ways that attachment creates disharmony and choose to utilize that moment of awareness to do things differently.

The smallest breakthroughs in habitual behavior create dramatic changes. Infinite gifts await your discovery.

Another World is Possible

We are in the midst of a collective awakening.
“I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.”
~Kahlil Gibran~ 

On the global stage, there are those whose soul purpose is to create disruption. Energetically, they behave in a way that antagonizes and ignites chaos in order to bring repressed dysfunction to the surface. In the Tarot, this movement of energy is represented by the Tower and is presented through the symbology of the goddess Kali.

Kali is the goddess of destruction and cataclysmic change. Structures and ideas that are weak or outgrown are shattered by events that seem to spiral out of control; however, everything works to our collective highest good. Once the intensity ends, we can assess the damage, clear away the rubble and see what survived the physical, emotional and psychic earthquake. What remains is our new foundation. Upon this we can rebuild, learn, change and evolve.

The Tower is never easy to live through but it a vital aspect of our experience. When we refuse to change, the Universe will often set change in motion for us. Even those who experience resistance will eventually emerge out the other side.

We must allow old forms to shatter in order to be transformed. Let awareness open you to receive the gifts of awakening. Tend to yourself, help one another and walk forward with the knowledge that these moments of change and uncertainty are powerful transitions that we have all agreed to experience together.

Come Home to Yourself

Awakening is seeing through illusion to the truth of who you are.

“May all that is unforgiven in you be released.
May your fears yield their deepest tranquillities.
May all that is unlived in you blossom into a future graced with love.”  
~John O’Donohue~  

Many have forgotten their divinity. They lived tossed about by life and become deeply entangled within the illusions of the physical plane. As consciousness expands, perception broadens. What was once one-dimensional and stark becomes beautiful, nuanced and layered with gifts waiting to be discovered.

We can honor each path as sacred and still see it clearly. Old souls have a responsibility to teach others in some way. Often, our lives becomes the message. The awakened soul can demonstrate love, empowerment, forgiveness and compassion through their words and actions. Imagine yourself as a beacon of peacefulness and joy that shines in the darkness.

May the actions you take be guided by your inner truth. May your words be uplifting. May your dance be an authentic expression of the Divine. May your presence be a gift to those who grace your life.


The Ultimate Teacher

Everything in your experience offers an opportunity to awaken.
“We need a warriors heart that lets us face our lives directly, our pains and limitations, our joys and possibilities.”  
~Jack Kornfield~  

Everyone’s journey is unique and ultimately, each of us is responsible for our own experience. As our awareness expands we can reevaluate old perceptions with a new interpretation. Awakening is often presented as a spiral of energy – we revisit the same issues from various levels of consciousness. Each insight layers upon the old perfectly, often transforming our perceptions and breaking us free from outmoded beliefs and patterns.

We can learn through the sharing of experience, compassionate listening or by holding space for another. Collective awakening calls upon us to lift one another up in love, and that expression, too, is unique from person to person. Follow the promptings of your soul. Live authentically. Your light can be transformative in countless ways.