Consciousness and Perception

“It helps if you remember that everyone is doing their best from their level of consciousness.”
~Deepak Chopra~

When we speak of infinite possibilities, it simply means that an object, idea or circumstance can easily be experienced in myriad number of ways depending upon the beliefs, attitudes and life experiences of the person doing the interacting.

To most of us, a chair is a chair. However, to a child who has yet to learn the concept “chair”, that object may be a fort, a place to hide or anything their imagination can conjure. At some point, someone solidifies their imprinting with a statement such as “No, that’s not for play. We sit on chairs.” And, all at once, infinite possibility and joy are limited to a particular “truth” and eventually the child becomes an adult who forgets all the fun moments and discoveries he or she once had.
Consider that our early years in pure experience – everything is interesting, sometimes magical or scary, but we are willing to explore without preconceived ideas or concepts. Then we begin to learn through trial and error and from watching those around us. Limitation becomes hard-wired into our experience.
The next step of personal evolution is the re-awakening of consciousness. We begin to play in the realm of possibility, creating new realities, changing things that once seemed so permanent and find that freedom awaits. So, the next time you find yourself embroiled in a discussion of right vs. wrong or differences of perception, remember that we all process life from our own level of consciousness. Therefore; everyone’s perception is “right” to them based upon their own experience and the lessons which are needed for their soul’s growth. Given the opportunity to explore and learn, our perceptions will surely expand to encompass every possibility.


In this vast, infinite universe, there is more than enough energy for all to experience abundance and fulfillment

Each person resides under the law of their own prosperity consciousness. No matter what you choose to believe, life will support it. Rejoice in the blessings that others manifest in their lives, be generous in your giving, open your arms and be willing to receive.

Your thoughts and attention direct your energy. Personal beliefs of lack and limitation block the ability to recognize abundance. Bless all that is already in your life. Enjoy paying bills and taxes, make sure that you are not rejecting the gifts that come your way and treat yourself with love and kindness.

As we begin to create feelings of greater safety and abundance in our own lives, it becomes easier to demonstrate kindness and generosity to others. Know that your constantly expanding consciousness will be demonstrated by choices that support creating and living the life of your dreams.

Traditionally, we associate abundance with material wealth or physical items; however, abundance is the feeling of having more than you need. It’s not surprising that the word ‘dance’ is contained within it, for when we feel abundant, on many levels we dance through life with enthusiasm.

Presence, Power and Light

“May you recognize in your life the presence, power, and light of your soul. May you realize that you are never alone, that your soul in its brightness and belonging connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe. May you have respect for your own individuality and difference. ”
~John O’Donohue~

You have an opportunity to bring a powerful sense of peace and well-being to this moment. Your thoughts create your reality – what are you choosing to create right now? Life presents opportunities to respond to darkness with light, to show kindness to those who seem to reject it the most and to experience the infinite Presence of the Now.

No matter how you choose to connect to the Divine, do it consistently. Let your life be a walking meditation knowing that awareness is your true nature. As you drop old patterns and limiting beliefs, you are left only with the infinite mystery of your being.

Everything and everyone is your teacher. Ultimately, you create your own experiences, have your own insights and live a unique journey. From this space of connectedness, simply choose to live more openly from the heart.

Conscious Surrender

“When our plans crumble and there seems to be nothing left, it is only by completely surrendering to what is that we can realize that what is left is more then enough.”
~Ezra Bayda~
The awakening spirit becomes empowered through surrender. Rather than trying to force life to meet their perception of perfection, they seek to see the perfection in life as it is. As human beings, our view is narrow – typically focused on ego-driven desire and based upon our immediate life experience. We cannot see the threads of life as they are woven together to create the tapestry of creation. The hand of the Divine is always at work in ways that we cannot imagine within our limited perception.
Often we become blocked by aspects of the human condition that prompt us to attempt to control, plan for every contingency or need assurance prior to taking action. Spiritual mastery involves conscious surrender to what is. As you cultivate worthiness and self-esteem, it becomes less important to be seen as right. Inner humility guides us as life becomes an expression of our joy. Life’s wonder and mystery can only be discovered where you are.

As above, so below

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”
~Hermes Trismegistus~
Everything is connected. What we think, say or do matters and has a profound impact upon our collective awakening. We are often presented the same type of lesson in various forms in order to show us the threads of continuity that run through the human experience. Not only does this foster greater compassion for one another, it allows us to fully understand a particular concept through the exploration of it’s multiple facets.
As we change, the world around us is transformed because energy expands outward. The spiritual student experiences growth by revisiting challenges along the spiral of awakening. Recognizing the repetitive pattern, he or she is able to view a situation or concept from a higher level of consciousness, each rotation presenting a broader view and greater insight.
Observe your life experience. Notice how it is reflected in the world around you and open your heart to what life is trying to teach you in the present moment. You are a master in the process of awakening.


“Celebration is a thankfulness; it is a prayer out of gratitude. It is recognition of the gift that has been given to us…”

Some people see life as drudgery. Everything becomes heavy and difficult because of the energy they bring to their life situations. Yet others, perhaps appearing simple or foolish to the uninitiated, somehow play their way through life and manage to navigate challenges with greater ease.The higher your vibration, the easier things flow. Bring joy into your experiences in any way that you can. Be together for the sheer joy of it. Celebrate as you walk the path of transformation without attachment to an end result. Life is rarely as serious as the ego would like you to believe it to be and there are many, many opportunities to bring lightheartedness into your experience. When you utilize playfulness as a powerful aspect of your awakening, you will cultivate a balance of innocence and clarity and learn to welcome laughter in with an open heart.

It is safe to be open and vulnerable. Every moment is a beautiful new beginning.

The Canvas of our Lives

“The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives.”
~Louise Hay~

You bring something unique and beautiful to the planet that no one else can. All that you have experienced has brought you here and now, to this place. Know that your life is your message. When mindful insight and joy inform your decisions, something amazing begins to happen. Your light becomes an inspiration.

Undoubtedly, your journey has likely been a blend of overcoming challenges and discovering your passions while fumbling your way toward ecstasy. The path of awakening is not always an easy one. We are called upon to face the shadows of the soul in order to transcend them. And finally, when we step into the light of day, we emerge transformed.

Celebrate how far you have come. Your journey is one of expansion and yet, you have just barely scratched the surface of what is possible. You may be surprised to discover that you are a courageous spirit who can overcome anything. You stand at the threshold of a new life… what will you choose to create?

Sacred Moments

“May you have friends that can see you.
May your senses be windows of wonder
And your mind a prism of spirit.”
~John O’Donohue~

Before enlightenment our human condition prompted us to run from one thing to another searching for answers or trying to get ahead. We worked because the work needed to be done and planned for the future. We searched for love and struggled with doubt.

After enlightenment, the ordinary things of life begin to take on a sacred quality. We still perform the same actions; however, we approach them in an entirely different way. With consciousness, everything becomes sacred. Communication, preparing a meal, earning a living, connecting to one another in love or enjoying the majesty of a brand new day… the little things in life are transformed because we are transformed.

Settle into the innocence of your true divine nature. In order to bring the best version of yourself to any situation, stop trying so hard and just be. See past the voice of ego to the pure essence of your being. No anxiety, no need, no doubt… just the breath of life filling your experience. The joy of awakened being has no limitation.

New Beginnings

“I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.”
~J.B. Priestly~
When your plans fall apart, when people leave your life, when you’re left standing alone in the midst of upheaval… it only means that room is being prepared for something amazing to happen. Resist nothing.
In such situations, fear of the unknown can cause some to become lost in the ‘should-have-beens’ and drop into victim consciousness. The ego creates a story that entraps them in a repetitive pattern of pain and frustration.
Conversely, those who have learned to create inner balance recognize the opportunity to utilize the tools they have acquired on the path of transformation and begin the process of healing. Motivated by faith, they operate from the premise that all things ultimately work toward their highest good and courageously walk forward.
Expansion requires us to drop the things which no longer serve our growth. It allows us to step into empowerment and flow with the movement of life. From there, anything is possible. Everything in your experience offers an opportunity to awaken.

Allow Room for a Miracle

“When you know you know nothing, an air of openness and humility prevails. Then real understanding enters the mind.”

We humans have limited perception. This is by design. Our lack of vision creates an ego-driven desire to understand or achieve more; however, the lesson is actually about learning how to trust.

Our dreams are meant to awaken new experiences and will often prompt us to embark upon roads less traveled. The key is to enjoy the journey and to be open to the changes, soul connections and experiences that flow into our lives.

It’s wonderful to have preferences and goals but far more important to learn how to work toward them without attachment. When we demand that life conform to our dreams and desires, we limit the outcome to only that which our limited perception can imagine. As we learn to approach the journey with a sense of wonder and trust, we create a space in which miracles can occur.

Leave enough room in your experience for the universe to surprise you. There is much more happening on your behalf than you realize and one day, looking back, you’ll see the perfection in it all.