The extent to which you are willing to be supported is an indication of the love you have for yourself.
“When you quiet your mind, you can feel yourself breathing with all living brothers and sisters on this beautiful blue green earth. This is our family to care for. When we remember its \’us\’, love and generosity become as natural as our breath.”
~Jack Kornfield~
Often it seems that an amazing number of synchronistic occurrences have to fall into place in order for two souls to cross paths. Then, recognizing a kindred spirit – or perhaps a karmic contract – they choose to embark upon a segment of the journey together.
Be grateful for those who bring laughter and support into your experience. These beautiful soul connections create an energy and harmony that plays the soundtrack of your life. Visualize them as a symphony – every instrument is vital and important and while the music can continue if someone is missing, the energy shifts significantly. The nuances of the whole allow greater depth of experience.
It\’s important to allow others to support you on your personal path of transformation. Ultimately, the momentum of change is created from within; however, your supporting characters provide the springboard for the discovery of new direction, thoughts, opportunities and perceptions.