Be an inspiration

Your presence is transformative.

“It is always worth considering, ‘Am I blissful the way I am living?’ If one is not then one must take risks. New paths, new lifestyles, a new search will have to be undertaken. This much is certain: you have nothing to lose.”  ~Osho~ 

Love, joy and enthusiasm are contagious. They allow you to operate from a higher level and bring a vibrant energy to your life situation. Many people in the world are unaware of the power of passion. They plod through their workdays waiting for the weekend – always seeking satisfaction through some future moment.

You can be an inspiration simply by being your authentic self. No matter what you choose to do, let awareness flow through you into all that you touch. If you observe that the mind has taken over, stop, close your eyes and do some conscious breathing to pull yourself present. Then open your eyes and begin again. You’ll discover this brings greater clarity than overthinking.

The joy of being is not something you achieve. It moves through you and comes from the infinite potential of your true nature. It is accessible through being One With Life.

Everything is energy

Awareness is the first step of transformation.

“The ability to [consciously] respond is one of the greatest principles of growth. You are not following any order, any commandment; you are simply following your awareness.”  ~Osho~

Spirituality is not about adhering to rules and following “shoulds” that someone else has created. The awakening spirit learns to simply take responsibility for their own state of consciousness and pays attention to how they respond to life. As we evolve, our insights and actions will reflect our opening perception.

Seeking to be seen as the one who does all the right things, meditates properly, discards the trappings of power, or has a strict adherence to a particular way of eating or living is another form of ego. We must be rebels. The fixed modes and labels of society block us from bringing something new to the world.

Choose to be undefinable and authentic. Rather than reacting to life, respond to it. You are an expression of the Divine exploring the infinite possibilities of the present moment.


Love allows you to discover who you are in the presence of another.

“Contrary to the romantic fantasies we have about relationships, in actuality they often push us directly into our blind longings, our dark fears, and our unhealed pain.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Being at peace in the present moment comes from being One with what is. Our relationships often challenge us because we wish the other would behave a certain way. When our wishes aren’t met, negative energy flows through the channels of old wounds and we over-react to the present day situation. Of course, the ego inflates our ire by repeating a certain negative ‘truth’ in the mind until we take action based upon old repeatitive patterns.

Many run from the pain rather than attempting to discover its purpose in their experience. The pain abates, the search for a new relationship begins and eventually we draw in someone who will again trigger that old wound. Repetitive circumstances indicate that something profound is ready to be healed, discovered or released. Bless those who grace your life. Without them you cannot see the baggage that you carry.

As old wounds are healed, there are less triggers to interfere with your happiness. Life becomes more peaceful and you will be able to share the best of yourself with those you love.

Exploring the limitless

All that you seek is within you.

“When we bring a gentle awareness to the layers of our conditioning, and to the struggles that arise out of our conditioning, the power of that conditioning slowly dissolves. Life then moves toward the unconditioned – where the vastness, or love, just flows through. ~Ezra Bayda~ 

Once we become aware of the mechanisms of the mind and how hard it struggles to keep certain illusions in place, we are able to go deeper into our experience of the present moment. Everything you encounter is meant to teach you how to drop the layers of illusion.

Should you observe yourself saying, “I’ve always been like this” or repeating a perceived truth of your current level of understanding, go within and ask “Who is speaking?”(is it the ego or the truth of an infinite soul) or “Who would I be without that thought?” (Would I be limited or free?) If you determine that the thought or statement is a product of the ego, don’t judge yourself. Your awareness indicates that something greater is awakening within you. This is a moment of celebration!

You are much more than a collection of thoughts or imprints. You are more than the sum of your experiences. The light of consciousness shines through you, it’s brilliance refracted through infinite facets that await exploration.

Peace begins within

The greatest gift that you can give is non-reactivity.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”   ~Rumi~   

It has been said that we must be the change we wish to see. Each of us is a microcosm of our collective energy; therefore, instead of projecting blame or frustration at the disharmony we observe, we instead seek to heal any hidden wounds that we carry.

With so many people awakening, the tiny ripples of transformation merge and multiply and thus, the world is transformed. By going within and placing our focus on our inner state of balance, we are actively addressing the one thing over which we have any control. At the higher states of consciousness we become less reactive. When enough people step out of ego-driven drama, something new will emerge.

Some express higher energy through creativity, others through leadership or building, some join spiritual communities to experience a different type of group experience and many become frequency holders who anchor the new energy we are bringing to the planet. Whether you are drawn to be a creator, a builder, a reformer or a frequency holder, you are a living expression of the sacred and thus, play a significant (though often unseen) role in the awakening consciousness of the planet.


Reactivity and resistance are pretty good indicators that we have work to do.

“Resistance is a conditioned response of the ego; it’s the ego’s effort to maintain control, the ego’s fear of giving up the known. Often our resistance prevents us from staying in the present moment for more than a few seconds. We resist because we want to avoid feeling the underlying jangle of our actual experience. We move away from discomfort into the false comfort of our thoughts. But no matter what form it takes, resistance brings no peace; we strengthen whatever we resist. By resisting something we solidify it, empowering it to stay in our life.”   ~Ezra Bayda~ 

One way to diminish the ego is to purposely refrain from defensive posturing. If someone criticizes or blames you, notice the ego’s desire to immediately react or defend and instead, choose to be silent and observe what is happening within you. Initially, this may feel very uncomfortable; however, if you are able to stay present you’ll discover a spaciousness around the situation.

Now that you’ve created space instead of reactivity, you may notice a greater ability to be neutral or compassionate. Without ego interference, the soul expands in ways that we may not expect and the situation becomes a portal to another dimension of your awakening.

Fear that arises out of reactivity is a product of the ego. The ego fears a rise in consciousness and of course prefers to maintain it’s hold on your experience. These ‘little deaths’ of the ego are a necessary aspect of our development. What would your life look like without fear, resistance, reactivity or struggle?

Give up labels

Let go of self-definition.

“When you let go of the belief that you should or need to know who you are, what happens to confusion? Suddenly it is gone. When you fully accept that you don’t know, you actually enter a state of peace and clarity that is closer to who you truly are than thought could ever be. Defining yourself through thought is limiting yourself.”
~Eckhart Tolle~ 

Seek to observe how often we limit ourselves or others by adhering to narrow roles or archetypes. Often, when discovering one particular aspect of someones experience we will jump to a particular set of conclusions about them without actually discovering their unique expression of life. 

The need to label is a product of the ego. When we reduce others to one dimensional entities, it’s easier to move into judgment about them. Work consciously to expand your vision. We, as multifaceted beings, have infinite aspects to explore and the willingness to drop limitation is required. 

Some people get lost in their identities. They see themselves in a particular role and forget that infinite possibilities are always available to them. You might notice that you temporarily assume a role based upon the person with whom you’re interacting. Can you be the loving, expansive soul seeker with children as well as adults? With servers as well as billionaires? With someone who attacks you as well as someone who supports you?

Just notice. When you fully accept yourself and act from the heart, you may discover an authentic continuity that is far beyond any human conditioning.

Your journey is unique

Your story is still being written.

“Just let it go” is more a philosophy than an option. If it were possible to “just let it go,” we’d all know freedom right now. Often our only real choice is to just let it be.  ~Ezra Bayda~ 

We arranged this lifetime by selecting the perfect parents, place of birth, personality traits, temperament and physical appearance to facilitate specific lessons. While we do create a blueprint of experiences and karmic agreements prior to birth (and seek to follow it), we still have free will and thus are active co-creators of the life experience.  

In the midst of struggle, remind yourself that there are gifts waiting to be discovered. If they are not yet apparent to you, it typically indicates that the energy or the lesson is still unfolding. Karmic situations, especially the important, life-changing ones, often continue to teach us for years after they have ended.   

As you grow in awareness, you’ll move into higher levels of consciousness. Each level allows you to see more clearly and your perception will expand until you are able to embrace every aspect of your journey as sacred. If you are not there yet, do not fear, you are simply still in process of transformation.

Always keep learning

We are all masters in the process of awakening. The only difference between us is where we are on that journey.

“Notice your ideals and expectations. Watch your habitual patterns. Observe your emotional reactions. See them for what they are. This is the path to transformation.” ~Ezra Bayda~ 

It’s important to remember that you have always done the best you can based upon your soul age, imprints, life experiences and level of consciousness. …and so has everyone you have ever encountered. As we awaken, we are able to do better. This continual evolution of the spirit is the whole point of our human experience.

Sometimes spiritual seekers will become lost in self-judgment or shame. They believe that knowing about an aspect of growth guarantees that they have learned the lesson and “should” know better; however, intellectual knowledge is only the beginning. We must face challenges that allow us to first miss the mark, then learn how to apply newfound wisdom through practical application in daily life. Growth is a mixture of success and failure. It is not a straight line to a fixed goal, rather it is the infinite and expansive awakening of the heart.

Be kind to yourself. Know that you are consistently learning and teaching with every step that you take.

Spiritual evolution

Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the ability to walk forward in spite of the fear.

“The willingness to open to life’s difficulties does not depend on liking them.” ~Ezra Bayda~ 

When challenges arise, when we encounter loss or disappointment or experience the upheaval of the unexpected, the first response is often to think that something is wrong and that it needs to be fixed. This is the natural human tendency.   

The spiritual seeker has a greater ability to bring higher consciousness to these moments of challenge. Observing the ego-mind response or reactive instincts, we can choose to pause, recognize repetitive patterns and open to the messages inherent in the present moment.  

It can be helpful to utilize questions that move you into a higher level of awareness. Traditionally, one might ask, “What is this?” using the question as a koan to break free from rational thought. 

All the words or explanations we use are merely pointers to higher truths. Beyond the lessons we receive from life’s duality and contrast is the law of love, the peacefulness of evolution. To see clearly we must be present with what is and work with it, rather than against it.