Loving silence

We do not need to add more knowledge or new beliefs. It\’s far more powerful to learn to rise above the antics of the mind into a place where we can commune with the Divine. We need to experience more wonder and more awe at the beauty that surrounds us. The minds noise can sometimes

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The joy is in the journey

Life, by its very nature, offers no guarantees. Ultimately we walk our Path of Transformation alone – for our journey is unique and each of us has our own lessons and destiny. Once you accept this fact, you may be surprised by the beauty in it, by the joy in it. Rejoice in the freedom

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The transformative power of grace

The awakened person lives in gratitude and joy, content within whatever the present moment offers. This peaceful sense of connectedness comes from inner understanding, unlimited richness and spiritual maturity and is not tied to any desired outcome or reliant upon the decisions of others. When we become aware that all desire is future based, we

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You are right where you need to be

Endlessly seeking to be perfect reaffirms the limiting perception that we are somehow less than perfect. High ideals can be a distraction on the Path of Transformation. When we week instead to raise our vibration, thus providing ourselves a higher perception and broader viewpoint, we discover additional ways to be in the world and have

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This too shall pass

This too shall pass… whether you are enjoying expansion and joyous transition or facing significant challenges, this truth remains. It\’s a delight to fully celebrate moments of breakthrough while riding the waves of positive energy; however, it\’s also important to understand that everything is cyclical. Beyond the perception of good and bad, there is simply

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Trusting the process of awakening

The Divine plan is unfolding throughout your life, though it isn\’t always predictable. Where would the fun in that be?? Even when clarity eludes you, know that you are being guided in the right direction. in the moment when our plan crumble and we find ourselves practicing and perfecting the art of surrender, know that

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