The infinite value of compassion

The journey of your soul ultimately leads to greater compassion and understanding. After facing a challenge, we discover compassion for others who are going through similar upheavals in their lives. We may be called upon to offer assistance, insight or non-judgmental viewpoints and in doing so, we share the gifts of our discoveries. It takes many lifetimes to experience all that there is to experience on this planet. Older souls (even when they have no conscious memory of past lifetimes) tend to carry this sense of peacefulness and understanding with them – it is a natural by-product of the awakened soul. This is why strangers may often seek you out and share their life stories – your energy and wisdom makes you a compassionate listener.

In a world where so many feel unheard and struggle with inner pain and imbalance, the greatest gift that we can offer is our full attention, unconditional love and acceptance. Purposely ask yourself how you can bring compassion to the situations in which you find yourself today. Can you show love? Can you remain balanced while others around you slip into dysfunction? Can you see past the roles being played to the Oneness that binds us? Being aware and fully present takes conscious effort; however, the results are worth it – both for you and for everyone your life touches.

Today my intention is to walk in the light of love.

Letting go

Faith is about letting go and trusting. Fear is about clinging and protection. As we cultivate the art of surrender, we discover the ease and grace which comes from going with the flow of life. The world teaches that surrender is weak, it allows someone to get away with something, we have not proven our strength or conquered the situation. A higher point of view is that only those who can release the need to control are authentically aligned with their inner truth – surrender is the highest aspect of courage.

When we dance on the edge of the unknown, we demonstrate another aspect of faith. In the process of exploration, we release the need to maintain security knowing there is nothing to fear. The things that people struggle for are fleeting – fame, money, success, power – while the things gained by letting go are sublime – peace, graciousness, inner strength, love.

If you find yourself exhausted it means that your energy is being drained or wasted by too much effort. Seek the grace that is found in surrender and acceptance and allow things to unfold. This will open you to the mysteries which surround you. Let all that you choose to do be an expression of the Divine. Whether at work or play, allow your soul to be at ease in the Now.

Today my intention is to remember that life is happening all around me. I am willing to participate.

The dreaming mind

There are dreams and desires that play scenarios in the mind. The “What ifs?” and “If only’s…” distract us by constantly projecting an imagined future, replaying the past or distorting our perception of the present moment. When we project our desires and attachments, others simply become a screen that reflects our projection to us, for a time. And then we awaken from the dream thinking “This isn’t what I thought it would be…” and of course it isn’t. It never was.

To be aware means that you are shattering the illusion and flaming passion for life as it is rather than an projected image of what it may or may not be in the future. The ego is a by-product of illusion. As we awaken, we begin to recognize this and experience it’s mechanisms less and less. This is the joy of awakening – discovering the beauty of the Divine within ourselves and everything around us and seeing through the dream.

Bring consciousness and presence to this moment. No matter what you choose to do, give it your full attention and complete the task. When we bring our acts to completion, we stop carrying them around with us energetically. This lightens the load of thought and allows you to enter the Now with authenticity and awareness.

Today my intention is to rejoice in new growth and leave reservations behind me.

Explore, inquire, trust

In this infinite Universe, there are always new ideas and experiences to explore. Don’t allow yourself to become stagnant or too “certain” during the pilgrimage. We are in the midst of a great mystery and the ideas and beliefs that we cling to the most are often the very ones that require our attention. Releasing judgment (which is simply attachment to ideas that have been created from our past experiences) allows us to fully immerse ourselves within the present moment and witness all that it has to offer.

Your life is a blend of all the roads you have walked so far… each step offering new perspective, insight and direction. Everything (and everyone!) plays a part in your spiritual growth and there is always a subtle process of cause and effect at work behind the scenes. Your path is profound and unique and love is the goal. Be courageous enough to open up and share your gifts along the way.

As you work to heal your own wounds, you’ll discover that there is nothing to fear and no need to hide. Anxiety and attachment will fall away and bliss will emerge on it’s own from the wellspring within you. This is the journey of your soul.

Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred.

Seeing potential instead of limitation

Choosing to see the potential in something (or someone) opens you to myriad experiences, changes in perception and the joyful movement of growth, for no matter what you believe, you will prove yourself correct. Our beliefs form the filter through which we view life. Seeing limitation ensures that you will give up, walk away or become frustrated.

Tapping into your creative potential provides the sweet and savory contrasts of experience. Creativity happens when the ego is absent. The movement of the Divine flows through you, compelling movement and new vision, allowing you to move in harmony with life itself. This is where the mystic and the artist combine in the role of conscious creator. Something new is waiting to be experienced.

When we attempt to control, we suppress potential.  In the midst of transformation, we express potential.

Today my intention is to expect the very best and accept it in whatever form it arrives.

Opening to the mystery

No matter where you are on your journey, there are lessons and levels still waiting to be explored. With each achievement, it’s easy to pause and relax a bit; however, it’s important not to get too complacent or forget the openness and gratitude that brought you to this place of understanding. In the stillness, your awareness will transform into a vibrant, empowered energy that will move you forward once again when the time is right.

Challenges, whether self imposed or a result of world events, allow you to discover new aspects of yourself as well as your infinite connection with the Divine. The core of your being is unchangeable and as you explore these facets of understanding and insight, now is the time to come home to yourself and dance in the stillness of love.

The entire Universe celebrates your awakening. Touch the beauty all around you and recognize that it is merely a reflection of you.

Today my intention is to remember that I am safe in the world. I am comfortable with change and growth and ready to open myself to the mysteries of life.

Being a conscious creator

When envisioning change in your life, begin by clearly defining the desired end result. Then take steps to get there – it doesn’t matter if they’re baby steps or leaps of faith – consistently moving forward in the direction of your goals. By opening every avenue of energy that you can, you place yourself in a position to receive assistance and direction from the Divine.

All transformation is set in motion in the Now – future plays no part in the act of conscious creation. Set your intention now, take action now, be willing to receive now and most importantly, choose happiness and fulfillment Now.

As we consciously engage in the journey, meeting new friends and learning new things, it’s important to remain detached from how things unfold. Often, there are miracles that await or perhaps the original vision expands with wonderful surprises. It’s empowering to see what gets set in motion from that original defining thought. Let joy and inspiration be your guide.

Today my intention is to take one more step forward in the direction of my dreams.

Inner harmony

When we are able to connect with the heart and engage with the world from there, we create a sense of harmony that flows throughout our experiences. The art of being receptive and flowing with what life offers is a skill that we cultivate each time we enter the silence of being. Joy is such a personal and powerful vibration that takes us beyond words to a place of pure simplicity.

This sense of inner harmony comes from dropping distractions, expectation and demands and honoring this step of your path as sacred. If your happiness is reliant upon outside events or circumstances, you will forever be at the mercy of the minds interpretations of the present moment, the past or the future; however, the limitless joy of your heart can never be taken from you. There is nothing more important than your inner state of consciousness. Spiritual awakening is a process of developing a greater awareness of what you already possess. This moment holds limitless possibility – what will you choose to do with it?

Today my intention is to allow love to operate in all my relationships.

Do your best, act with integrity, accept what is

Do your best, act with integrity, accept what is.

This mantra can shift the course of your life and create greater peace within your experience. Every moment is filled with choices and we have the opportunity to flow our energy into the Now with consciousness and love. It can be difficult to watch someone you love make decisions that cause themselves pain; however, we can learn how to hold space and accept what is while honoring their journey as sacred.

When we approach life with integrity, a sense of peace accompanies our thoughts and actions. We don’t waste precious energy wondering if we’ve done the right thing because we have acted in a way that is in alignment with our inner guidance. That’s not to say that it’s always easy to know the best course of action. Our vision is often limited in the midst of the great mystery of awakening. Tend to your own state of consciousness and allow love to flow into the present moment.

Living with intention opens the doorway to a passionate life filled with meaning. What could be better than that?

Today my intention is to remember that all things work to our highest good. 

This too shall pass

Whether engaged in a challenge or riding the waves of success, know that “This too shall pass.” Everything has a beginning and an end and as you learn to embrace whatever the present moment has to offer, you will discover the freedom which comes from being an infinite spark of the Divine. Whatever joy comes, appreciate it and know that it is a result of facing your challenges with a conscious mind and a loving heart.

Like the waves of the ocean, the highs and lows are equally important and the natural course of a healthy flow. Enjoy both. Moments of downturn provide needed relaxation and precede breakthroughs. When things don’t work the way the mind expects, it’s important to remember that our human vision is very limited and trust that the tapestry of life is being woven in the perfect way.

Using the tapestry as an analogy, the backside is sometimes a mishmash of confusion, threads cross one another and the picture is hard to appreciate; however, the front is a work of art and the picture is clear . Both are part of the end result. Together we weave a tapestry of exquisite design, each thread and color combining in perfection and beauty… your role is to be present and add your gifts of experience and insight to this work of art we call awakening.

Today my intention is to share love. Together we bring beauty to the world.