Love is waiting to be expressed

Love is waiting to be expressed through you. The powerful energy  of your words and actions sends ripples of movement and vitality throughout the Universe. It reaches hidden places and begins to transform the consciousness of the planet. Never doubt the impact that you have in this lifetime, for we are all interconnected. With this in mind, allow love to shine from where you are in this moment. Take the time to express love and gratitude throughout the day. If times are challenging, this is even more important – mindfulness creates momentum.

The kindnesses and acceptance that we extend to one another – the planet, animals, friends and strangers and even inanimate objects – reflect the knowledge of our own inner divinity. It is then reflected back to us in myriad ways and infinitely greater than the sum of it’s parts.

Seek to immerse yourself in this energy as much as possible, as often as possible. Be the change you wish to see and allow yourself to be a living channel for the love of the Divine.

Today my intention is to choose balance, kindness and freedom.

Living audaciously

Your path is unique. There has never been, nor will there ever be, someone with your outlook and insight. The point of power always resides in the present moment and this is your moment to shine. Consider those who have drawn you into their lives. Their soul’s desire was to experience the gift of your personality and vision – so be free to live your truth.

The idea of audacious living is a breath of fresh air to many who have tried so hard to conform to what is expected. It’s as if they are just waiting for permission to follow their bliss. Be a living example of passion and compassion while exploring uncharted territory with the willingness to take a risk. The role that you chose to play in this lifetime merely provides the means of exploration. Consider yourself that little zest of seasoning that transforms the taste of an ordinary dish to something unique and exotic – it usually doesn’t take much, but the surprise awakens delight and smiles in those who partake.

Today my intention is to be willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.

Our free will Universe

Every circumstance, person, problem, celebration and possibility in your life is there because you have drawn them in – whether through karmic contract, soul group assistance or simply because you’re ready to work on self-karma. Whenever we are ready to address a particular issue, we send energetic requests out into the Universe and things unfold in a manner that allows us the opportunity to transform, evolve or heal. You can then choose to resist or accept, to postpone or complete, run away or turn into the challenge, remain neutral or rise above. How you choose to address the circumstances of life is up to you.

The progression of spiritual awakening opens you to greater possibilities. With each shift in consciousness, you will be able to recognize more options and find various ways of handing challenges – each of which is uniquely meaningful for your soul’s work. There are no mistakes. If repeating patterns remain in your world, remember that many opportunities will continue to be provided until you are ready to break free. Once the pattern is released, it will no longer be needed and you will move on to new experiences.

Today my intention is to honor the processes of my awakening. I am grateful for all that flows through my life.

The power of consent

If you want freedom and joy, know that they can only be found within you. Give consent and they are yours. Happiness (or dissatisfaction) arises from within and is reflected by the world around us. Your only obligation in this lifetime is to be true to yourself and doing so will bring fulfillment and satisfaction.

“Learning is finding out what you already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, teachers.” ~ Richard Bach

One of the greatest human foibles is the belief that we are unworthy of bliss. For lifetimes we have courted the ideas of sin and shame and these beliefs often reside at the core of how one chooses to approach each experience. It’s a common occurrence to watch the mechanisms of self sabotage whenever one is on the verge of a breakthrough, and our role as spiritual seekers is to give Grace the power of consent. Teach by example. Be patient, knowing that transformation is the is destiny of all souls. Tend to your own growth and honor the process of your awakening by consciously allowing it into each experience.

Today my intention is to imagine the Universe as beautiful and perfect and embrace my role within that perfection.



Living your potential is not about achievement, it’s about discovery and the joy of finding what you have been carrying within you all along. Look inward by taking a moment to sit quietly and be fully present without the distraction of thought. Simply reside in the fullness of Now without expectation or desire and see what you discover. Ultimately, you will find unity.

The goal is to gain a new vision. The moment we begin to see clearly, things begin to change. The mind carries confusion – thoughts fighting to be heard, noticed or believed – and once we become aware of the mechanics of the ego, we find freedom from the clamoring cacophony because we are no longer identified with the old way of being. Then, infinite possibilities await discovery.

Celebration is the joyful recognition of the gifts you have received, a dance of gratitude and thankfulness. Don’t wait for a desired outcome to unfold before you celebrate. Instead, stop and find something in this moment for which you can be grateful and celebrate it Now. Then, the energy will begin to flow throughout your life and you may just find yourself living in a world filled with wonder.

Today my intention is to open my consciousness to all the wonderful possibilities that life has to offer.



Think of all the various teachers, authors and masters that have played a part in your journey of awakening. Something about them or something about the message awakened possibility within you. Like a flame, the idea of mastery begins to grow within… and the most amazing aspect to understand is that it was the recognition of your own reflection that sparked this movement of growth and awareness.

The authentic master does not seek followers or prestige, he or she is not concerned with beliefs or blind obedience. Rather, mastery desires only to provoke you to see the potential within yourself, to release limiting beliefs and patterns and seek freedom. Listen to the wisdom of your heart and seek out those whose very essence creates an aura of stillness within you.

You are a master in the process of awakening. The point of life is only to make you aware of the potential to be free and to claim the limitless possibility of joy that is your birthright. How will you celebrate your unique destiny today?

“Today, amazed and bewildered, I closed the door to thought and turned to music. There are a hundred ways to kneel and pray at the altar of the Beloved.” ~ Rumi

Today my intention is to express love and gratitude for all that I have learned and all that I have accomplished so far. The best is yet to come.

Attention and intention

Whatever you place your attention upon gathers your power. All your energy and vitality moves in that direction and it begins to grow stronger. Think of that each time you speak and consciously choose to utilize your precious energy well. When you wish to create change in your life allow the perceived problem to be the source of transformation – it’s role is to compel transformation – and quickly move on to the solution. Once you’ve decided to take action, all the power and energy should be directed to the end result for the most effective result.

The ego loves to sabotage the energetic flow by interjecting thoughts of “how?” or “when?” to distract you from empowered movement forward. Learn to trust the messages of the Universe. Seek a constant conversation with the Divine and experiment with different ways to communicate. Some spiritual seekers enjoy utilizing numbers, others connect with the messages to be found through animals or trees, some play in the angelic realm or become more sensitive to energy and vibration. It doesn’t matter which you utilize – this is your journey and there are infinite ways to participate in your own growth.

Today my intention is to ensure that my attention and intentions are aligned. I am willing to create a space in which a transformation can occur.

Change as an awakener

The thunderbolt of change has the ability to awaken us to new levels of perception immediately. The opposite of a gentle rising in consciousness, sudden shifts dramatically shake up our world in ways that are unexpected, and always… always! a gift is waiting to be discovered. See each moment as simply a gathering of new information and be willing to receive – this journey of awakening is merely the beginning of a glorious transformation. This is our playground and infinite levels are waiting to be explored. Just be aware and alert and allow things to happen.

Today my intention is to experience all this moment has to offer.



Transformation through sharing

The more you share, the more you will have. On the physical plane we are taught to be misers, than in order to be wealthy, one must accumulate. In spirituality, the only way to live and thrive is to share – creating dynamic movement and growth. Think of money in the same way that you think of love or joy. Are you lessened by giving love or sharing joy or is your life enriched? Whatever you choose to share will be increased and you will experience transformation.

Give with love. Listen to your own experience. Create a life filled with flow and vitality and you will never cease to be amazed. Transformation comes through understanding contrasts and seeing the value in all sides of an experience. In acceptance, anything can be transformed. Through sharing our gifts, we change the energy of the world around us.

Is your life blissful? If not, it may be time to change what you’re doing. If the old lifestyle hasn’t brought you fulfillment, then you have nothing to lose. As we become instruments for the flow of transformation, begin to realize that joy is more dependent upon the traveler than the path.

Today my intention is to consciously create a new flow in my life.

Seeking conscious adventures

It’s easy to get lost in the routine of our lives, to stay on familiar paths and seek out those who support us in our beliefs… but life is an adventure to be lived. You can choose to experience this moment with conscious intensity, constantly dropping the past and seeking the gifts that await discovery.

If your situation is not one that allows you to expand into new friendships and circumstances each day, use the beauty of old friendships as best you can – learning together, trying new things and allowing room for change.

The ability to find serenity, peace and comfort in the midst of change is a wonderful skill to cultivate. Invite new adventures into your life and heed the call of the unknown.

Today my intention is to learn something new.