Mindful communication

What type of energy are you adding to our collective experience?

“The heart that seeks to awaken, to live genuinely, is more real than anything. That nameless drive calls you to be who you must truly are.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The ego loves to hear itself talk. Without realizing it, many simply give it free rein with a litany of complaints, judgments, gossip, or the recounting old traumas and experiences. Many believe this dysfunction is healthy and normal.

“Harm none” is more than approaching life in a mindful and magical way. It calls upon us to be aware not only of our actions, but also of the words we speak, where we allow our minds to dwell and ultimately, how we express ourselves in the world.

Every moment offers an opportunity to express love. Before you speak, ask yourself if what you intend to say is uplifting, beneficial or compassionate. You may be surprised to recognize how often the ego wants to add something useless or negative to the conversation. Take frequent pauses. Bring mindfulness to your expression of life.

Breathe, love, be, smile, celebrate and honor the sacredness of the Now.

Today my intention is to share my gifts and embrace the mystery of existence. I am a lifetime student of love.

Transforming Impatience

All fear patterns can be transformed into personal power.

“Patience is very alert, patience is very active, patience is very expectant.”

Impatience is a by-product of our society, a mental construct that says there’s not enough time, I may miss out. It is created by an overactive mind and blocks all enjoyment of the present moment. Very quickly, impatience can turn into martyrdom. When someone feels thwarted, there is a “Why me?” response.

When you notice impatience rising within you, choose instead to slow down, pay attention and bring your awareness deeply into the Now. Then, breathe, make your decision, take action and create change with a peaceful state of mind.

It’s important not to rush your spiritual development. This can cause you to pretend that you have advanced without doing the required work. The triggers still lie beneath the surface ready to disrupt your momentum.

Practice utilizing silence and moving slowly. There is enough time. Mindful action ensures that the more relaxed you are, the more you accomplish.

Today my intention is to be a good listener, to pause before acting and to celebrate the perfection of the Now.

It’s time to realize who you truly are

You are much, much more than your past, your struggles, your accomplishments or your dreams.

“You are awareness. It is nothing you do, it is nothing that has to be done – your very nature is awareness.”

Your souls purpose is to awaken. The path you travel has one purpose – to facilitate your awakening. Do not become too attached to the role you play in this lifetime. Enjoy it, honor it, express yourself through it, but recognize that you are far greater.

This distance and objectivity allows you to respond to life rather than react to it. As you become more aware, more alert, mastery is possible. See everything in your experience as an opportunity to awaken.

You lack nothing. When you realize who you truly are, the expression of life takes on new meaning and depth. You can participate in the dance and leave perceived bondage behind. This is the moment of transformation.

Today my intention is to:
be willing to accept a miracle
to see clearly
communicate effectively
love unconditionally
project the aura of peace
embrace my creativity and the joy of being
as I walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity

Love with patience

Let your life be your message.

“Almost all of our difficulties in relationships come from wanting people to be different than they are.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Everyone experiences “aha moments” where a piece of wisdom or insight falls into place. As our perception shifts just a little bit, new realizations occur. Patterns become clear and we may recognize that a particular lesson has been in play for years. Consciousness has now reached a level of deeper understanding, allowing us to experience the next phase of enlightenment.

It is said that everything unfolds in the perfect way at the perfect time. Honor all paths as sacred. Keep doing the work with the knowledge that the insight will occur. Continue to teach by example with the belief that it is a benefit to those around you, whether you are there to witness the breakthrough or not.

We all participate in the collective awakening. Do your best not to block that energy with judgment, demands or impatience. Like a consistent drop of water that transforms rock over time, your gentle and persistent love will change the world.

Today my intention is to release all control to the Universe. I am willing to act with integrity, do my best and accept what is.

There is always something new to discover

Accept yourself as you are – a magnificent work of art in progress.

“We taste the profundity of existence by simultaneously holding both the suffering and the wonder of being alive.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Awakening is a continuous journey. As we master one aspect of awareness and enlightenment, a new level makes itself known. We should explore these new levels with the joy and innocence of a child filled with wonder. The moment we stop learning, perhaps thinking we finally have an emotional or intellectual grasp of the infinite, our progress begins to decay.

Your humanness is a reminder that there is still more to discover. There will be times when you gracefully bring love to your life situation and others where you miss the mark. Do not allow the ego to hide these perceived flaws, for these are moments of great opportunity.

Continually seeking to evolve keeps your awareness expanding. It’s hard as a human to truly understand the infinite and that is part of the experience. If you see yourself as a master still in the process of awakening, your self view will be filled with love and gentle acceptance.

Today my intention is to honor my path as sacred. Everything that comes into my experience is my teacher.


When we recognize the origins of our fears, embrace them and bring them into the light, they are transformed into empowerment.

“Rooted in the moment, we have the capacity to restore balance and happiness and be present with what is beautiful and affirming inside us and around us, every day.”
~From Fear, by Thich Nhat Hanh~
Fear blocks happiness. It lives in the scripts created by the mind and is always based upon thoughts about the past or the future. There is worry, longing, doubt or a constant seeking of something (or someone) that will solve all problems or create the illusion of safety.

To be liberated from fear, one must be fully immersed within the Now. There is nothing in the present moment that you cannot handle. Happiness is always possible when we learn to rise above thought.

There are many toxins disbursed throughout our modern life. Violence in tv, gaming, music or books (art imitates life and in turn, life imitates art…) that erodes our sense of well-being on a subconscious level. Conversely, there are many ways to bring beauty and peace into our experience – higher consciousness pastimes, tv, films, music or books. Notice what you choose to feed into your mind and what you choose to surround yourself with. Plant seeds of peace and loving-kindness.

You are an expanding, vibrant expression of the Divine in physical form and are not limited by your past, present or future. With every breath, you are creating. Each step you take with balance, peacefulness and joy helps to uplift the world. Be the change you wish to see.

Today my intention is remember that this moment is filled with infinite possibility. I am willing to see clearly.

Cultivating compassion

Compassion is a necessary component of enlightenment.

“In some people anxiety is obvious. Others may appear calm and at ease with life, yet still be scared to death – of intimacy, of criticism, of loss, of something. Just because fear in others is not obvious doesn’t mean it’s not there. The fear may be hidden, but it is just as powerful and just as frightening. Recalling this can foster compassion.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The two most powerful tools of enlightenment are meditation and mindfulness. There is nothing more important than learning how to still the mind. If you struggle with sitting and meditating for hours at a time, choose instead to spend quiet moments just enjoying the Now. Sit in nature and listen, watch, be. Let your senses focus on any repetitive or rhythmical sounds. See the beauty which surrounds you.

When you are focused on listening, the mind stops. The resulting sense of connection and well-being allow you to experience the truest aspects of who you are. In the stillness, anything is possible but nothing seems necessary.

It’s interesting that the word mindfulness actually refers to being present and aware and not thinking. When you create stillness in your own experience, it becomes possible to have more compassion for others, and for yourself as well. Strive to allow your expression of life to come from this quiet and loving place.

Today my intention is to remember that all pain and dysfunction is caused by fear. When I operate from love, I create a space where transformation is possible.

Being at ease with the unknown

The Buddha has defined nothingness as overflowing compassion.

“Ultimately we need to understand that spiritual life isn’t about being safe, secure or comfortable. It’s not that we won’t sometimes feel secure in the course of our spiritual practice; we surely will. Yet there is a fundamental security that develops from many years of practice – though it is a far cry from the immediate comfort we may now crave.”
~Ezra Bayda~

To quiet the mind is to become comfortable with the unknown. There’s no need to plan out every step of your existence. The awakened soul operates on faith, adventure and discovery while leaving enough space in their experience for miracles to unfold.

Many people believe that if they have a plan they’ll be safe or they’ll succeed. Yet, no matter how many contingencies they anticipate, life will always present something unexpected. There is great joy in learning how to negotiate the unknown with grace. When we do not limit life by attaching to outcomes, we open ourselves to infinite possibility.

Today my intention is to remember that all the unknowns of life are simply spaces filled with shimmering possibility.

I am conscious

Your beliefs, thoughts and words shape your reality.

“I rise above all limitations. I am Divinely guided and inspired.”
~Louise Hay~

Pay attention to your words, for they have the power to shape your experiences. Someone who constantly says, “I’m a procrastinator”, “I’m always late”, “I can’t….” or “I’ll never be able to…” strengthens the limiting mindsets that dictate how they walk through life.

Begin with “I Am Conscious.” Set a tone of awareness in your experience and reclaim your Divine birthright. You are here to thrive, to be joyful and to rise above limitation. Your conscious intent has the ability to transform any situation into one of empowerment.

Consider using the examples above and practicing with a different word each day. Journal your experiences. You may be surprised to discover how powerful you truly are.

Today my intention is to release any old beliefs, mental scripts, words or actions that do not bring joy to my experience.

Living an empowered, magical life

You can create the life of your dreams.

“Life is the game of games, the ultimate game. It has tremendous meaning if your take it as a game and you don’t become too serious about it. If you remain simple and innocent, the game is going to impart many things to you.”

When you view your life experience as a game, you’ll discover that each situation has the opportunity to teach you something new about yourself and your abilities. Bring awareness to your daily journey while reminding yourself that many things are possible. Patterns repeat until we have mastered that skill level. Then we begin to explore the next experience.

The fundamental component of mastery is trusting the process of your awakening. The more aware you become, the more possibilities are available to you. You begin to break free from belief in limitation and expand in a way that seems magical to the uninitiated; however, it is simply living in alignment with your true nature.

The higher your state of consciousness, the easier things flow. As you discover that you are one with existence itself, fear dissipates and freedom brings openness and joy to the journey.

Today my intention is to remember not to take my thoughts too seriously.