Self realization

Humility opens us to receive.

“All you need is already within you, only you must approach yourself with reverence and love. Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors . . .”
~Nisargadatta Maharaj~

Love yourself enough to be patient with your spiritual growth. Let your inner dialogue be consistently supportive of your light and your expansion. Kindness is the natural by-product of honoring your own path as sacred.
Observe your thoughts. Does your inner critic block you from feeling peaceful? It can sometimes be difficult to see ourselves objectively. The world (and your interpretation of it) are a direct reflection of how much you love yourself. Are you able to see the best in others or recognize the potential in others? Apply that same gentleness to yourself.
Everyone, no matter what role they play in this lifetime, is a spark of the Divine in motion. If someone triggers you, remember that it is because they are reflecting something about yourself that you do not like to see. Purposely choose to go within. As you heal your own wounds and dysfunction, you’ll discover that you are less triggered by the dysfunction in others. Thus, peace is possible.
Today my intention is to be grateful to those who act as mirrors in my life. I am a lifetimes student of love.

Pure actions

What would life be life if you were never disappointed again?

“Stop playing it safe by trying to avoid adversity. Act from the heart and let circumstances unfold as they will.”
~Ezra Bayda~
When conscious mindset transforms into conscious motivation and action, we bring light to the world. Sometimes it can be challenging to know what “right action” is; therefore, choose to act with integrity, do your best,  and accept what is.

Our human perception is very limited. There can often be threads of unseen energies that expand outward changing lives, paving the way for new experience or accelerating spiritual awakening. As we become more clear, it’s amazing to watch the miracles of life unfold.

If you notice anxiety arising when choosing to take action, see it as an indicator that you are attached to an outcome. Likewise, disappointment is another indicator (after the fact) that attachment has occurred. Utilize both as opportunities to adjust expectations and practice acceptance.

Love lies at the core of all that we experience.
Today my intention is to live this moment as clear and peaceful as possible.

All is perfect, whole and complete


The higher your level of consciousness, the more you can see.

“When life presents difficulties we can crumble or we can learn. Aspiring to be free tips the scale toward learning.”
~Ezra Bayda~
Imagine if you could view the world in such a way that all you see is the expression of the sacred in everyone and everything. It’s important to learn to recognize the truths that lie hidden within the obvious. Contrasts allow us to explore the various nuances of experience until we cultivate compassion.

Experiencing hatred teaches us the value of love. Grief opens our heart to the many joys of life. Your enemies teach the importance of friendship. Everything works toward the highest good of all involved.

Once we are on the other side of drama, we can often recognize the gifts we have received from facing our challenges. The awakened spirit is able to seek and recognize gifts while in the midst of conflict and thus, is able to navigate it with greater clarity.

Love yourself enough to periodically take a step back and view your life objectively. Remind yourself that all is well, that you are protected and see the perfection of the present moment.
Today my intention is to remember that we are all just walking one another home.

The souls light

Enlightenment is simply that – bringing light to your experience.

“Spirituality is not the practicing of any virtue; spirituality is the gaining of new vision. Virtue follows that vision; it comes on its own accord. It is a natural by-product. When you start seeing, things start changing.”
This is the moment of transformation and you can create a new way of being. To do so, we must first release all that blocks our vision. It’s time to drop the old scripts and dialogues that have created prisons in our experience. To be alert and present is to be One With Life.

Conscious and purposeful surrender is empowerment. As we learn to see beyond the mechanisms of the ego, we discover a loving humility that honors this moment as sacred. This fullness, this openness, sets us on a path of freedom.

Bring the light of consciousness to your daily experience. It transforms all that it shines upon. You are the dance of the Divine in human form and your beautiful energy can light up the world.
Today my intention is to see through the eyes of love.
Krystina, Kismet and Minky


Enlighten your spirit

What is your life’s purpose?

“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”
Passion inspires us to reach new heights. It demands vitality and vision and through it, we are transformed. Imagine how your life experience would change if your greatest passion was simply to awaken. Your definition of success would change. Your motivations would naturally align with spiritual enlightenment. You would discover that every moment offers an opportunity for expansion.

…And yet, along the way it can be easy to get distracted. Desire creeps in and the focus shifts to obtaining the right job, mate, home, title, fame, children, security. What began as a simple enthusiasm for life and joy becomes multi-layered desire that offers continuing highs and lows depending upon our attachment to outcomes. There’s nothing wrong with having preferences or goals; however, it’s important to remember that nothing is more important than your joy.

You are here to awaken. How you choose to do that is part of your unique journey. Remind yourself often to create a passionate life experience. Fill your life with positive, supportive people, approach each day as an adventure and nurture your soul.
Today my intention is to say “Yes” to life.

Peace begins with me

First, create peace within your own mind… from there, anything is possible.

“Maturity has nothing to do with your life experience. It has something to do with your inward journey, experiences of the inner.”
Spiritual maturity is a deep realization of the fulfillment of your potential. As we realize that there is nothing to prove and no one special to be, we become peaceful in the present moment. Your life experiences will reflect your inner peace as the dance of existence takes on a new quality.

When you reach this stage of awakening, you’ll discover that nothing outside will ever be more important than your joy. Slow down. Be fully present and enjoy what is. Eat peacefully. Observe peacefully. Work peacefully. You have the power to create ease and grace within your experience.

Practice stillness. Sit and breathe while quieting the mind. A little quietude each and every day will open new dimensions of insight. As you explore within, you’ll discover a deep well of peacefulness that exists even when life presents a flurry of activity and change. This is empowerment.
Today my intention is to honor the truth of my soul. I live in harmony with life itself.

Healing angels

Patterns repeat until we no longer need them.
“The fact that relationships often bring the most painful and unhealed aspects of our life out of the shadows makes them a powerful teacher. Yet who really wants such a teacher? In truth, what we want from relationships is… what we what! The beauty of relationships as spiritual practice is that the disappointment of not getting what we want eventually motivates us to awaken.”
~Ezra Bayda~
In the dance of life, lessons will arrive in differing forms until we have had the opportunity to examine them from every angle. Experience leads to wisdom and wisdom leads to compassion.
When we are ready to break free from a limiting belief, we will send out a request (at the level of spirit) indicating our desire to face a particular pattern. The souls who respond love you enough to risk your displeasure (on the level of form) and will play whatever role is needed for your growth. These beautiful souls are called our healing angels.
Our healing angels provide an opportunity to release old beliefs or discover a healthier way of dealing with repeating challenges. Resist nothing. Observe what role you may play in repeating circumstances and consciously choose to do things differently. This may take a few tries, after all, you’re exploring new realms of experience. It can often be difficult to recognize a pattern when you are immersed within it; however, asking yourself if a particular situation is bringing up familiar feelings, responses or thoughts is a good place to begin.
Finally the day will come when you recognize that you’re responding differently than you ever have. You may see the humor, feel neutral, or simply have compassion for those who have yet to learn that particular lesson… and then it’s off to the next.
Today my intention is to be grateful for those who have helped me to break free from limiting beliefs.

Transforming suffering into consciousness

Suffering has no value unless it is conscious suffering.

“Sometimes when our emotions are particularly intense, nothing we’ve learned from spiritual practice seems relevant. Isn’t it when we become lost in our darkest emotions that we disconnect from the heart and judge ourselves most harshly? In these darkest moments, use the breath as a conduit to bring all the sensations of suffering into the center of the chest. In these moments, breathing even the most chaotic emotion directly into the heart is an act of compassion for ourselves. By opening to our personal core of pain, we open to the universal pain of being human. Though we may fear the pain will destroy us, opening to it connects with that which is truly indestrubtible.”
~Ezra Bayda~

One of the ego’s most subtle tools is the thought that one shouldn’t be feeling what they’re feeling. It plants a seed saying, “I should be beyond this by now” which causes the spiritual seeker to doubt their own evolutionary growth.

Emotions are powerful teachers. They are an integral aspect of the human condition. Though we learn to ride the ups and downs of life and how to stay balanced through the turbulence we experience, emotions, when they arise, should be felt wholly and explored.

This is not to say that it’s appropriate to act in an unconscious manner or while trapped in a full-fledged egoic state; rather, we take the time to process our feelings, honoring them as part of our personal path of awakening.

This distance between suffering and peacefulness can be bridged by dropping our thoughts regarding a particular issue. Our role is to see beyond the stories of the mind and experience whatever feelings arise with an open heart. That is transcendence.

Today, my intention is to reside in the light, love and laughter of the Universe.

Love is the goal

See yourself as a lifetime student of Love.

“I create my own experiences. As I love and approve of myself and others, my life gets better and better.”
~Louise Hay~

Life presents endless opportunities to love. Sometimes it comes through challenge and contrast, sometimes with passion, others with laughter, ease and grace. Our mission is to explore the many facets of love which are expressed throughout our human experience.
Egoic love can shift very easily to hate. Disappointment, demands, judgment, attachment and lost dreams can leave us feeling lost. These are the moments to explore ways to return to soul-based love such as forgiveness, self-love, acceptance and compassion.
The pendulum swings: love to hate to neutrality. Learn to be a loving support and a consistent friend. Bless those who have graced your experience, whether for a moment or a lifetime. The greatest way we can demonstrate love is to support one others growth with gentleness and patience.
 Today my intention is to remember that love is always all around me.

Chaos always precedes tremendous growth

Your purpose is to awaken.

“Spiritual work is possible in one place alone: here, in exactly what you are experiencing right now.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Every once in a while we can become complacent. Things are going well, life is peaceful, and we relax a bit. These are the moments to go deeper into your spiritual work. Keep utilizing your tools so that they are easily accessible when challenges make an appearance in your experience.
There are always new levels of consciousness to explore. If life shakes you up, it’s a sign that your soul is ready for a new level of understanding and enlightenment. See how quickly you can transform any feelings of being overwhelmed into excitement about the changes that are obviously in play.
Conscious surrender is an indicator of empowerment. It brings us into a state of mind where we can see more clearly. Mastery is learning how to respond to life in a way that is courageous, peaceful and compassionate. As you discover your strength and grace, you’ll come to discover that you can always handle anything that life may have to offer.
Today my intention is to remember that peace comes through residing completely in the Now. I am right where I need to be.