You are a beautiful mystery

You are far more than the role you play in this lifetime.

“Life is an adventure. Invite constant adventures, and whenever a call comes from the unknown, listen to it. Risk all and go into the unknown, because this is the only way to live at the maximum.”

You are an infinite being. There are endless facets for you to explore, worlds to experience, levels of consciousness to discover. The role that you play in this lifetime is simply that – a role that is utilized as just another way for you explore the contrasts and (perceived) separation this planet has to offer.
When you still the mind, it becomes possible to merge with the energies of the sky, a tree, the ocean or music. Allow yourself to enter the realms of limitless possibility, if only for a moment. Visualize that each breath you take draws in the love, light and laughter of the Universe while each exhale causes the barriers of the mind to dissipate.
Just be. Explore Oneness with the world around you. The more expansive your vision, the more able you’ll be to see beyond the roles and limited perception of others.
Today my intention is to remember that residing fully in the present moment allows me to touch the infinite potential of life.

Live aligned with your true nature


Your souls purpose is to awaken.

“You will take what has been living in the shadows and bring it into the light, where it can be enlisted as an ally.
~Alberto Villoldo~

Don’t wait for your life to be perfect, see the inherent perfection in it as it is right now. You chose to incarnate at this time, in the manner that you have, for a specific purpose. All too often people can become stuck in what they believe “should be different” and allow it to create a blockage in their life experience.
Don’t bemoan the angst in the world thinking that you cannot make a difference. We can be the change we wish to see. If you are distressed by bigotry and hatred, be a great neighbor or a loving friend and extend kindnesses to all those who cross your path.
Spiritual practice is about disengaging our personal triggers rather than demanding others change their behavior in order to avoid them. As you become more balanced and peaceful, courageousness and empowerment will naturally arise.
Today my intention is to act with integrity, do my best and accept what is. When I am aligned with my true nature, I play a role in raising the consciousness of the planet.

Seeing from the Universal perspective

This life is the perfect opportunity to learn important Universal lessons.

“Ask yourself how a universal perspective can bring a wise and heartfelt response to the difficulty you face.”
~Jack Kornfield~

As we become more conscious we often seek to help others around us to discover the empowerment and joy that we feel. Allow your life to be your message as you become a living example of the awakened way of being.

Lessons have more impact when one has to walk through them personally, face their own shadow, seek answers, fumble and falter (if needed) and finally experience the joy of an “aha!” moment that changes their perspective.

Occasionally, a newly inspired healer will simply want to assist in taking away everybody’s pain or newfound wealth may cause one to alleviate all their loved ones financial difficulties. Both actions stem from a desire to help; however, one must take into account what the others’ soul is trying to learn, why challenges have been manifested and begin the process by seeing if such an action is appropriate.

Imagine you have the ability to heal and you simply extended that energy to everyone you encountered. If that person required their pain in order to learn a particular lesson, it is likely that it will manifest again  for the benefit of their spiritual growth. Likewise, if you repeatedly bail a family member out of financial difficulties, are you actually blocking them from breaking free of poverty consciousness?

Allow the opportunity to learn. Take the opportunity to love. Be guided by your inner wisdom.

Do things differently

You have the power to break free from old patterns and conditioning.

“It is only in our thoughts that ideas, beliefs, and problems become solid, dark and unyielding. Reality itself is moveable, light, ever-changing. In our mind we seem trapped, in reality we are utterly free.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Part of the human condition is dealing with intense emotions that arise, such as anger, frustration or disappointment, and choosing to learn from them rather than being a slave to them.

Choose one emotion and spend the day practicing Non-manifestation. This means that you’ll notice when it arises and make a conscious effort not to express it in your thoughts or actions. This conscious effort leads to greater awareness. You’ll discover that by not allowing the thoughts to get a foothold, that the negative emotion dissipates more quickly.  Keep in mind that this doesn’t lead to apathy or feeling like a doormat. Conversely, it creates space for mindful choices and actions.
Ezra Bayda teaches that the five steps of healing are:
1) Recognizing – notice the patterns
2) Reframing – see the emotion as a path to healing
3) Clarifying – understanding the beliefs and expectations that we have
4) Bringing focused awareness to the physical experience
5) Letting the whole experience be – creates compassion for others
It’s time to commit ourselves to a life of joy. This is the moment of transformation, you are ready and there are endless facets of consciousness to explore.
Today my intention is to take brief pauses throughout the day to bring myself fully present. This allows my life to be a walking meditation.

Quieting the inner critic

We often allow our inner critic to reign unchecked.

“Once you understand yourself, you have understood the whole humanity. In that very understanding a great vision arises in which we are all brothers and sisters and we are all in the same boat.”

You are perfect in your imperfection. Learn to silence the voice of ego which tries to tell you that you are not enough, that you should have done things differently or that you are somehow broken. This voice, allowed to chatter incessantly as it is wont to do, will replay old scripts continually until we begin to believe the false narrative.
As a child of the Divine, you have embarked upon an amazing journey of discovery and enlightenment. Through perceived separation we learn the value and truth of Oneness. Any challenges that arise are simply here to bring greater understanding – there is no punishment or judgment.
Choose to view any perceived flaws as unique aspects that provide the perfect backdrop for your soul’s awakening. Embrace them and honor them as gifts in your experience.
Today my intention is to see myself through the eyes of love.

Eternal friendship

Friendship is the highest form of love.

“Just be friendly. Rather than creating friendship, create friendliness. Let it become a quality of your being, a climate that surrounds you, so you are friendly with whomever you come in contact.”

Sometimes we meet others and feel an instant connection. From the moment of ‘hello’ there is a feeling of safety and warmth and this person brings something special to your life experience. These are typically reunions of two souls who have played together in many lifetimes. The ease you feel is the natural result of the many interactions and karmic agreements you two have shared.
As an older soul, you may have this feeling often. Your long history on the planet has likely included many members of your soul group. This is why we must be accepting and grateful for those who grace our lives. It might be a brief re-connection or you may share the journey for a while but the feeling is one of coming home.
And when someone leaves your life, know this: you will ultimately spend far, far more time together in eternity that the few moments here in this lifetime that you spend apart.
Let friendliness become your true nature. Your kindness and friendship is simply an abundance which must be shared.
Today my intention is to celebrate all who have graced my life with their presence.

The miracle of gratitude

Openhearted gratitude acts like a magnet, bringing more joy and abundance into your experience.

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity…it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
~Melody Beattie~

You are the master of your own experience. You choose: happiness or misery, lack or abundance, gratitude or resentment. All that you wish to manifest must begin with a willingness to receive.
With each expression of gratitude, we send purposeful energy outward. It gathers momentum, expands exponentially and returns in miraculous ways. You may discover the art of being grateful for something that has yet to occur as if it is already solid and present in your experience. This joyful and powerful visualization becomes reality.
Where many people become stuck is in the timing of what they perceive as appropriate. When we believe that our very human perception of time is more important than the perfect timing of the Universe, gratitude is sometimes negated by impatience. Thoughts such as “I’m doing everything right, why isn’t anything happening!!” can sabotage our best efforts.
Remind yourself that the journey unfolds in whatever way is most appropriate for your souls growth. Do your daily work, be consistent, never stop learning. Your life’s purpose is to awaken.
Today my intention is to be grateful for 10,000 things.

Seeds of possibility

An entire world of possibility resides within you.

You are not limited to any possibility, you have an unlimited being. You can be anything; the next moment can bring anything.

Seeds can last a long time and still remain viable. In their hard shell, they are safe; however, growth requires change, vulnerability and a willingness to leave the safety of the known. Once a seed sprouts anything can happen…
Never underestimate what can come from small acts of kindness. The seeds we plant have the potential to change a life, create greater insight or take us in new and exciting directions.
This is the moment of transformation and it is filled with infinite potential. Higher consciousness expands our ability to recognize the possibilities available to us. As you awaken, your choices will bring you greater peace, happiness and balance.
Today my intention is to remember that the essence of faith is surrender. I am thrilled by the journey of the unknown.

Verbal chakra balance


Make energetic and spiritual balance a part of your daily routine.

When we create peace, and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.
~Louise Hay~

Throughout daily experience we can often absorb energies from other people, places or stressful situations. Spiritual seekers are typically very open and it’s important to release any heaviness from our auras on a daily basis. There are many ways to do this such as meditation, daily gratitude walks, visualization, playing with crystals, forgiveness work or prayer.

A daily clearing, built into your morning or evening routine, allows you to re-balance more easily. If you wait for health issues or life challenges to grab your attention, you may need outside assistance to realign your chakras.

Using the verbal chakra balance above, begin with the crown chakra and briefly touch each one (crown, 3rd eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, belly and root) as you say the mantra aloud. It can also be helpful to complete the process by setting a daily intention.

Remember, your thoughts and intentions create your reality. When your mind, body and spirit are balanced, you will see it reflected in your life experience.
Today my intention is to remember that I am responsible for my own joy.

Self realization

Humility opens us to receive.

“All you need is already within you, only you must approach yourself with reverence and love. Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors . . .”
~Nisargadatta Maharaj~

Love yourself enough to be patient with your spiritual growth. Let your inner dialogue be consistently supportive of your light and your expansion. Kindness is the natural by-product of honoring your own path as sacred.
Observe your thoughts. Does your inner critic block you from feeling peaceful? It can sometimes be difficult to see ourselves objectively. The world (and your interpretation of it) are a direct reflection of how much you love yourself. Are you able to see the best in others or recognize the potential in others? Apply that same gentleness to yourself.
Everyone, no matter what role they play in this lifetime, is a spark of the Divine in motion. If someone triggers you, remember that it is because they are reflecting something about yourself that you do not like to see. Purposely choose to go within. As you heal your own wounds and dysfunction, you’ll discover that you are less triggered by the dysfunction in others. Thus, peace is possible.
Today my intention is to be grateful to those who act as mirrors in my life. I am a lifetimes student of love.