The nature of eternity


You are a spark of the Divine… infinite, eternal, multi-faceted.

“To clarify ‘eternal’ just a smidge…
Once the river of time has rounded her final bend,
and the last star in the sky has brightened its last night,
and every child who may ever be conceived
has been given ten thousand names…
we will have just begun.”
~The Universe~
(Mike Dooley)

With our limited human perception, it’s difficult to process the idea of eternity. Time is a construct of the mind and often it drives us to hurry through the present moment in order to get somewhere else; however, the present moment is all there is.

We are all participating in an exploration of separateness. The lifetimes we spend on this planet, the roles we play and the lessons we learn from one another are only the beginning of an incredible journey to rediscover Oneness.

“Gradually we’ll learn from one another what we forget. That we’re all one. Our relationships will enable us. The law of karma will teach us. Our challenges will focus us. Love will remind us.”
~Jose Stevens~

There is enough time. Everyone on the planet will eventually evolve through all earth-based soul ages: Infant, Baby, Young, Mature and Old to finally discover that we are all One. Tending to your own state of consciousness will ultimately aid in the awakening of all humanity. Have compassion for yourself and for one another.
Today my intention is to remember that the healing energy of the Divine unceasingly flows through every cell of this body, every dream and every experience.

Infinite possibility


You are a powerful co-creator of your life’s experience.

“When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

In a world filled with infinite possibility, the human condition is often one of repetition. Our purpose here is to awaken and that can only be accomplished by breaking free from patterns and dancing in the realm of the unknown.

In the midst of your daily routine, consciously and purposely sprinkle in some changes. Take a different route than you’re used to taking. Be creative with your appearance and the expression of Self you present. See if you can simply enter the flow of life without preconceived ideas or attachment and experience whatever arises with an open heart.

These little differences set expansive energy in motion. The resulting threads will begin to weave into your life’s tapestry in a way that is distinctive and unique. The willingness to try new things trains the mind to be more comfortable with the unknown.

The ego fears change, so be ready for some inner resistance. Observe it, smile and do things differently anyway. Something new awaits discovery.
Today my intention is to trust the processes of my awakening.

Be open

Willingly choose to be present with the experience you are having.

“The heart that seeks to awaken, to live genuinely, is more real than anything. That nameless drive calls you to be who you most truly are.”
~Ezra Bayda~

We evolve through a conscious willingness to be open with new ideas and new experiences. When we are able to listen without judgment or reaction, insight is possible. Honoring others’ paths as sacred allows us to explore and embrace the sacredness of our own path.

Do others see you as non-judgmental? Peaceful? Compassionate? These are the traits of an open person. Conversely, close-minded people are very opinionated, judgmental, often in conflict and travel through life without much empathy or understanding for others.

Our role is to be a living expression of the awakened life. Let your heart be open and joyous. Embrace what is. Be peaceful in the midst of drama. Learn to be comfortable with the unknown. Consistent practice will bring these innate gifts to the surface and your light will transform the darkness.
Today my intention is to be patient.

Life begins where fear ends

F.E.A.R – False Evidence Appearing Real

“Fear tells us to stop, to stay within the boundary of our protected cocoon-world. Yet when we feel fear, if we take even one small step toward it rather than yielding to our habitual pulling away, we move one step closer to the vast mind that lies beyond.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Fear is a by-product of thought. The ego attaches to a story which repeats until it becomes a belief. Rather than saying “I’m afraid,” shine the light of consciousness on the thoughts by saying “Fear is present” or “My ego is in fear mode.” This subtle but powerful change stops the reinforcement of  our identification with fear.

As we evolve, we learn to rise above the mechanisms of the mind. We discover that we can observe without becoming trapped and eventually free ourselves from limiting or sabotaging ideas.

Courage is not about being fearless; rather, it is experiencing the fear without self-criticism, judgment, opinions and reactionary behavior. From this state of awareness, we can turn and face the object of our fear and discover the joys of empowerment.
Today my intention is to remember that I am loved, supported and protected for each and every step of the journey.

Peace comes from within

You are responsible for your own experience.
“Clinging to notions of how life ought to be, of what you want, of what you hate, always leads to suffering.”
~Ezra Bayda~
When we go inward, we discover of a greater dimension of silence and peace. More than the absence of noise, the mind itself is quiet and we can commune with the infinite. Rather than seeking to experience this stillness far away from the intensity of busyness of the world, seek to find it within yourself and purposely bring it into your life experience.

The awakening soul learns how to access this sense of stillness and peace, even in the midst of chaotic situations. Yes, this takes practice but is well worth the exploration. Make a conscious choice not to allow another person or circumstance to dictate the level of your joy. Outside factors ebb and flow; however, inner grace is permanent, infinite and complete.
Today my intention is to spend some time in silence being a loving and conscious observer.

Personal responsibility

A new level of consciousness is waiting to be discovered.

“The experience right now – whatever it is – is the doorway to reality. If we try to avoid the mundane or if we seek out the special, we bolt this door.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The only thing over which you have any control is how you choose to respond to life. It’s important to drop all judgment and blame (which is projecting thoughts and beliefs outward) and embrace personal responsibility for whatever is unfolding in your experience. No blame should be directed inward either. Simply observe, take ownership and direct the course of your own life.
When we take full responsibility for our own experience, we put ourselves in a position of empowerment. Everything has a spiritual solution and serves a specific purpose in our soul’s growth.
This dance of awareness allows you to be a conscious co-creator of your own journey. Begin by fully accepting the present moment as it is. Complete each task mindfully and completely and be a source of light.
Today my intention is to begin with gratitude knowing that it demonstrates my willingness to be responsible for my own joy.

Be calm in the face of chaos

Stand in your soul’s truth.

“When strong emotions arise in the midst of a conflict, it’s generally best to keep quiet, to spend some time in meditation. It’s certainly better to avoid getting hooked into self-justification and blame – which is what is inevitably happens when we open our mouths while gripped by flaring emotion. When we relate to others from our small mind – with all it’s desire, opinions and judgments – we relate only to the small mind of the other. And thus we stay caught in a diminished life that guarantees distress. When we relate to another from the big mind – from spacious awareness – we relate to the deepest nature of the other as well. This is the path from conflict to communion.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Quiet awareness creates a space around any difficulties that arise. It allows us to view things differently and to respond differently. When we slow down and become more mindful, we discover that there are many ways to demonstrate love in any given situation.
The greatest spiritual masters were simple people; innocent, kind and consistent. This innocence is already your true nature. It’s time to release the layers of conditioning that block that beautiful expression of existence.
Keep things simple. Discover your own truths rather than adopting the collective viewpoint of others. Set yourself free from the illusions of ego, for a new consciousness is arising within you.
Today my intention is to live in sincerity, authenticity and openness.

Living within paradox

You are right where you need to be.

“It’s the paradox of the true spiritual path, but the more conscious we become of what limits us, the more limitless becomes our life.”
~Guy Finley~

Don’t try to change, simply be aware… awareness heals. Spiritual practice is often a blend of paradox – confusion and clarity, separation and wholeness, detachment and presence. The word paradox itself comes from the Greek para dokien which means beyond thought. See yourself as a physical expression of the Divine who wishes to experience life in all it’s forms. Allow yourself to look through the illusion yet act consciously within the present moment. Eventually the illusion will become easier to see through as we remember our true nature and mission. We are one and on a journey of wholeness.

So many suffer, lost within the “why’s” and entrapped by the mind. The same energy, knowledge and peace discovered by all the masters who have walked the Path of Transformation awaits you within the openness of your own heart. For all our searching, the answers lie within.

It can take great courage to learn to trust your inner wisdom. Teachers, circumstances and guides are all there to point to the inner awareness, but until one is willing to see, there it waits. Trust yourself, be gentle with yourself and open to the potential that joy brings. No matter what teachings you encounter, trust your own divine nature in order to align with your truth and integrity. Give yourself permission to live consciously within the paradox, without dissecting or analyzing it.

Today, make your practice one of flowing quickly to acceptance instead of getting lost within the why. Conscious spiritual practice allows the events we experience to simply be a celebration. We can learn to live joyfully within the paradox while remaining grateful for the love, lessons and laughter.

Today my intention is to trust myself spiritually more than ever before, to honor the processes of my awakening and take one more conscious step forward.

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness

Let your life be a dance of awakening.

“Joy is spiritual. It is different, totally different from pleasure or happiness. It has nothing to do with the outside, with the other, it is an inner phenomenon.”

It’s imperative to have a healing outlet for intense emotion and the tension that is created when trying to meet life’s many demands and expectations. Without healthy release, many people build up repressed energy until they manifest an explosion (usually over something small or unrelated to the core issue) in order to clear the tension.

Physical movement can be very helpful in these moments – beat a pillow, shake the body, jump, run or dance – anything to allow your energy to move freely. This conscious approach can alleviate the soul’s need to create a catastrophe in order to release negative energy.

The things we repress become burdens that influence our behavior. Consistent gratitude, meditation, conscious breathing or prayer aligns you with the Divine; however, it’s important too, to release the things which do not serve you.

All humanity struggles with the same issues – simply from varying degrees of consciousness and perception. When we recognize the commonality of our experience, our hopes and dreams, our fears and doubts, we are better able to see how we are joined together in the miracle of existence. What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all.

Celebration joins us. In joy, how can we harm one another (or ourselves)? As we find ways to create an attitude of laughter, of living and celebrating the present moment, we learn the power of acceptance and freedom.

Today my intention is to dance with the joy of life.

Embrace this moment as it is

Choose to see the perfection in the imperfection.

“Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.”

The awakened heart sees beauty and potential. In a world where many struggle in darkness, we must cultivate the ability to shine the light of consciousness in order to assist with the collective awakening of which we are all a part. Never doubt the difference your light can bring to a situation.
Old souls see the life from a higher perspective, and while your voice may seem to be in the minority, part of your journey is to learn how to maintain your faith in the face of opposition.
Sometimes it may to challenging to bring your grace, optimism and light to the present moment. Begin by being the change you wish to see. Operate from love and allow your conscious actions and measured responses to demonstrate a different way of being.
Gratitude opens our ability to see clearly. Appreciate the beauty that is around you with the knowledge that your energy will enhance whatever it is focused upon.
Today my intention is to embrace what is. This moment is filled with gifts from the Divine.