The Journey

Courage is not about fearlessness.
It is the willingness to move forward in spite of any fear that may arise.

“Fear tells us to stop, to stay within the boundary of our protected cocoon-world. Yet when we feel fear, if we take even one small step toward it rather than yielding to our habitual pulling away, we move one step closer to the vast mind that lies beyond.”     
~Ezra Bayda~

Each journey is unique and will undoubtedly lead us into uncharted territory from time to time. This is the souls way of moving into a state of higher awareness. When we grow too familiar with our routines or become stagnant in our growth, life will present an opportunity to shake things up in order to break us free of the status quo.

Should fear arise, simply notice it without judgment. Any internal resistance indicates that something potentially life-changing is unfolding. Whatever choice you make, let it come from the level of love rather than motivated by fear or lack.

Approach these moments of transition with the knowledge that you are loved, guided, protected and supported. Even if you cannot see the outcome, choose to take one conscious step forward and enter a new realm of experience. Something beautiful awaits discovery.


Peaceful Joy

Observe the sacredness in yourself and in the world around you.

“The moment you enter the Now with your attention, you realize that life is sacred. There is a sacredness to everything you perceive when you are present. The more you live in the Now, the more you sense the simple yet profound joy of Being and the sacredness of all life.”     
~Eckhart Tolle~ 

Beyond the mechanisms of the mind, beyond the cacophony of life and the intensity of emotion and desire, a stillness resides. Limitless possibility resides within this spaciousness and we can choose to enter this stillness at any time.

Cultivate the ability to quiet the mind and be comfortable in the present moment. This will allow you to see beyond illusion to recognize the sacredness of your true nature and will ultimately bring a greater sense of peace and joy into your life experience.

Mastery calls upon us to take personal responsibility for our state of consciousness in the present moment. Clarity arises from accessing inner stillness where we joyfully discover that no matter how things may appear, all is well.

Be The Light

Be the light you wish to see in the world.

“I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion – and where it isn’t, that is where my work lies.”     
~Ram Dass~ 

Each of us must demonstrate personal responsibility by observing the energy we bring into our life situations. Mastery calls upon us to take ownership of our state of consciousness in the present moment. We can then take right action knowing that we have a definitive impact on those around us.

Every circumstance offers an opportunity to discover the infinite facets of love. Periodically check in and ask if you’re bringing the best version of yourself to the present moment. It’s empowering to observe, see clearly and shift when required. These are some of the many gifts of expanding awareness. As you awaken, you’ll have access to greater perception. Don’t be surprised if you have a significantly different view of the world than others around you. Let your life be your message and bring gentleness to your journey – beginning within.

Each of us plays a role in the collective awakening of humanity. Some heal through adversity, some through loving example and teaching while others let the light of the divine shine through them by bringing kindness and compassion into daily activity. Find your truth and live it to the best of your ability.


The greater the challenge, the greater the breakthrough.

“Change, freedom, invention and liberation are all attributes of [disruption]. The inner strength you have funded until now in your life is your support and guide at a time when everything you’ve taken for granted is being challenged.”     
~Ralph Blum~   

When challenges feel intense and overwhelming, know that you are on the verge of creating something completely new in your experience. These forays into the unknown bring our strengths to the surface and allow us to cultivate an empowered way of walking through the world.

We set change in motion; therefore, it’s helpful to utilize grace and acceptance in the present moment. Know that stumbling blocks are ultimately transformed into stepping stones. The light of your consciousness illuminates the infinite possibilities in anything that it shines upon.

Part of higher awareness is learning to navigate intense life situations while remaining open and vulnerable. In that space of openness we discover our ability to rise above and break free from the illusions of separation and limitation.

Healing Tears

There are times when we must go inward, feel deeply and allow healing to begin.

“Experiencing our emotions fully, without wallowing in them or turning away, allows us to break through the layers of protective armor and connect with the heart. Fully felt, our emotions can clear the path to the deep well of compassionate love that is the essence of our being.”     
~Ezra Bayda~   

The most profound spiritual work is often done alone. It’s helpful to enter the stillness of the present moment, step away from the input of others, feel deeply and undergo a cleansing. Getting near water can be helpful with this process – visit the ocean, step into a stream, immerse yourself in a lake or even use your shower as a conscious place of healing.

In times of uncertainly and re-evaluation, allow the element of water to inspire a free flow of feelings. This cleansing process begins to heal old wounds while creating a space where clarity can emerge. Tears are powerful. They come when we need emotional release as well as being  spontaneous indicators of the flow of love from the Divine in times of breakthrough and joy.

Give yourself freedom to cleanse mind, body and spirit. Honor your tears as sacred for they indicate the depth of your openness and willingness to grow.

Destiny vs Free Will

Life will always present the perfect situation for your souls growth.

“Karmas do not have to be initiated. If you see yourself heading towards a karmic situation, you can stop and decide not to pick up that karmic thread – whether it is a creation or a clean up. Once you begin a karma, however, you will stay with it to the end.”     
~From Michael, The Basic Teachings~ 

Prior to birth, we arrange the perfect circumstances to facilitate the growth we wish to achieve in this lifetime. We work with our angels, spirit guides, healing masters and soul group to create a blueprint that will guide us throughout the journey.

As humans, we are unaware of the perfection and nuance behind the circumstances of our lives because we are so immersed in the physical experience. From the level of soul, we typically feel drawn to particular people and circumstances and attempt to adhere to the blueprint. This is what many refer to as destiny.

Free will comes into play in a few different ways. First, we choose whether or not we will engage in karmic situations – sometimes we will decide to address them in another lifetime. Secondly, when we engage in a karmic agreement, we can choose how we will respond. Will we add additional layers of drama or will we create freedom and balance? It’s important to remember that once one begins a karma, it must be seen through to the end.

The more awareness you bring to your life situation, the greater the opportunity to grow from the experience. Once a karma is complete, you’ll notice that the intensity dissipates, the energy will feel very neutral and you’ll move on to the next lesson.



It is time to rediscover your innocence.
“See the world through the eyes of your inner child.
The eyes that sparkle in awe and amazement as they see love, magic and mystery in the most ordinary things.”     
~Henna Sohail~ 

After years of adding layers of knowledge and experience the spiritual seeker comes to realize the value of simplicity, childlike wonder and innocence. Thus, the path of awakening calls upon us to drop all the heaviness we have amassed and return to our true nature.

Playfulness is an important aspect of discovery because it allows us release all pretense and let laughter guide us into new realms of no-thought. Often, our striving actually pushes what we desire away from us. This energy can be reversed by moving into a state of ease and receptivity. Consider all the times you focused considerable energy trying to remember something only to have the word, idea or name dance out of reach. And then after moving on to something new, it comes to you effortlessly.

Bring this openness into your daily experience by choosing to see through the eyes of a child. Explore the immense difference between intellectualizing and hugging a tree and let your heart lead the way.



Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

“The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is.”     
~Eckhart Tolle~   

We live in a world of limitless possibility; however as humans, our vision is often very limited by our interpretations, expectations and desire. Trust that your soul knows what it is doing and break free from the need to have everything planned out.

This openness allows you to operate from a place of enlightened doing. When you choose to act from the heart and observe how life unfolds, you leave space for the unexpected to show up in your experience. New insights and chance encounters will lead you to explore new facets of yourself.

Miracles await. When we really pay attention, everything and everyone becomes our teacher. Never stop learning for the dance of life has just begun.

Love, Light and Laughter

Each of us is a unique expression of the Divine in human form.

“A world full of Love, Light & Laughter. Its time has come. Let’s make it happen.”     

Kindness is never wasted. Pausing to smile or sharing a kind word increases your own store of happiness. When you’re fully immersed in the present moment, it’s easy to become a channel for the love, light and laughter of the universe. The right words will flow and your loving energy will plant seeds that may take root.

When you purposely recognize the sacredness in another, your conscious interaction engages their energy and a healing exchange occurs. These preemptive acts of love are a masterful way of gently guiding your day to unfold in the manner you desire.

Disengage the mind and allow your intuition to assist in your daily navigation through life. You’ll know the appropriate time for stillness, observation, kindness, action or holding space. One barometer of Presence is the ability to act and move forward without second guessing yourself. Once divine energy has expressed itself through you, the transaction is complete.

The Winds of Heaven


Honor those who grace your life by allowing them room to grow.

“Friendship is the highest form of love. Let friendliness become a quality of your being, a climate that surrounds you, so you are friendly with whomsoever you come in contact.”     

Share your joy, your dance and your light with those who are ready to receive your beautiful energy. The art of friendship begins with gratitude. It must be a sharing. When you demonstrate love and friendliness toward all of life, it is reflected back to you in myriad ways.

The light of your consciousness transforms all that it shines upon. Rather than being trapped by neediness or desire, you become love and your love transforms the energy of those with whom you come in contact.

In every relationship, allow enough room for the winds of heaven to dance in between you. When you come together, enjoy discovering who you are in the presence of the other and when you have time apart, celebrate the fact that your friendship is an expression of trust, harmony and sharing.