Unconditional love

Love is discovering who you are in the presence of another.

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”  
~Ezra Bayda~ 

Unconditional love calls upon us to honor each path as sacred. Regardless of how it appears, life is perfect and facilitates the perfect circumstances for our continued growth. Choose to allow enough space in your relationships for each person to thrive. The awakening soul provides a consistent place of safety and acceptance for the other.

This type of soul-based love has no opposite. It will never get triggered into hate or anger, nor will it become mired in the endless loop of desire. It allows the present moment to be as it is.

See those who grace your life as your teachers. Whether they stay for a moment or for a lifetime, you will be transformed. In the same way, never doubt the impact you have on those whose lives you touch. Be guided by the Celtic Vows of Friendship:

I honor your path as sacred
I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place
I drink from your well
I hold no cherished outcome
I will not negotiate by withholding
I am not subject to disappointment

Spiritual practice

Facing your own darkness is the only way to transform it into light.

“When we can willingly stay with the experience of fear, without suppressing it. wallowing in it, or judging it, our awareness becomes a wider container, the stillness, within which the energy of fear – its thoughts and sensations – can move through us and transform.”  
~Ezra Bayda~ 

Realize that everything you experience is part of your spiritual practice. More than mindfulness, meditation or spiritual studies, your life contains a richness that exceeds imagination. Our interactions often bring neglected energy to the surface of our awareness. From there, we can choose to see more deeply while utilizing the human experience as a powerful aspect of personal growth and evolution.

The awakened heart transforms challenging situations into wisdom. This alchemy of the spirit is powerful. It teaches us to take personal responsibility for our own journey and all that it entails. This moment contains the opportunity for a breakthrough. Embrace what is and the drive for awareness will lead you on an amazing journey.

Everything is purposeful

Everything and everyone in your life has played a specific role in your development.

“We do not create our destiny; we participate in its unfolding. Synchronicity works as a catalyst toward the working out of that destiny”  
~David Richo~ 

One of the most beautiful things about aging is the gift of hindsight. Through clear-sighted examination of our life’s journey, we can come to understand the beauty of each person and event that has sparked our awareness. The challenges that once seemed so insurmountable can now be viewed with detachment and grace as we see the value and purpose they have added to our experience.

The threads of coincidence that bind us together have been lifetimes in the making. For years I kept a journal, cataloging simple yet profound things that seemed meaningful at the time. So-and-so suggested a book, which led to another book, which led to meeting a specific person, etc. And while those people no longer grace my life, I’ve come to realize the purposeful gifts that came from these encounters.

Honor the sacredness of your path. Nothing was a waste of time. There are no mistakes. All that you have experienced has brought you here, Now… and you are right where you need to be. Your awakening plays its own part in the unfolding consciousness of those around you. You are a gift.

Enter the silence

Shine the light of your consciousness on all that you see.

“Whenever we moderns pause for a moment, and enter the silence, and listen very carefully, the glimmer of our deepest nature begins to shine forth, and we are introduced to the mysteries of the deep, the call of the within, the infinite radiance of a splendor that time and space forgot.”  
~Ken Wilbur~   

Live in such a way that you are constantly amazed. This openness will naturally cause you to experience the world with expansiveness, innate peacefulness and laughter. As Rumi once said, “Love is the bridge between you and everything.”

Seek to be a conscious expression of love today. Infuse your work, passion, play and spirituality with kindness and compassion and you will discover the deepest truth of who you are. Your soul will rise above and shine through the illusion.

We are engaged in a dance of form. Enjoy it! Spiritual awakening is a conscious blend of the mundane and the mystical, dark and light, intensity and peace. The contrasts we experience teach us the true nature of balance. There is always something new to discover.

Live in mystery

There are myriad ways to experience life. Choose one that makes you smile.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”  
~Albert Einstein~   
Those who live governed by the mind and trapped by opinion have created self-imposed prisons. They have decided upon a version of reality that blocks any other energy or concept from breaking through. We must move into compassion for those who have lost the ability to be a loving witness to the mysteries that surround us.

The most powerful way to deal with the darkness in others is to address the darkness within ourselves. This is a lifelong process that gets easier as we become more conscious. It’s helpful to take Einstein’s words to heart: Live as is everything is a miracle.

See those who grace your life as partners in the dance of awakening. Listen with an open heart because the universe often speaks through the unlikeliest of sources. These gifts of spirit blend to create a tapestry of exquisite design. One day you’ll step back and be able to recognize the mystery and the perfection of it all.


Self Discovery

Sometimes we have to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are.

“Call to mind the deepest, darkest, most negative truth about yourself – and know that this ‘truth’ is a lie.”  
~Ezra Bayda~

Everyone faces their own dark night of the soul as part of the quest to awaken. These moments can create feelings of loss and confusion; however, they are a necessary aspect of transformation. The ego will often play a script that says, “If only this person knew [what I’ve seen, been through, done], they’d see me differently.” And thus, we see ourselves as separate from one another because of our perceived deficiencies.

Nothing is further from the truth. Our very human struggles are what allow us to rise above, cultivate compassion and drop judgment. The more we work with our hidden wounds, the more we discover the love and Oneness that bind us together.
Be gentle with yourself. When someone appreciates beauty or courage or tenacity within you, know that it is a loving reminder of things you may have forgotten. You are a work in progress, a master in the process of awakening. And no matter how much you’ve learned so far, know this – you are just getting started.

Engages life’s magic

All you experience is part of a loving conversation between you and the Divine.

“The symbolic patterns that speak softly to us allow us to know what has or will come to pass and even what directions we should take in various areas of our lives. The key to empowering our life is setting up conditions that create a mental shift to a new way of processing information.”  
~Ted Andrews~   

When life gets overwhelming and you need to recharge, visiting a lake can connect you with the divine feminine and bring nourishment to mind, body and spirit. Water typically symbolizes aspects of healing and mystery, and specifically, lakes awaken creative expression.

If the distance is too great for a physical trip, utilize sound, visualization and meditation to take yourself there. Engages life’s magic. Whether you can see it or not, there is a world of infinite possibility just waiting to amplify your joy, playfulness and positive intention.

You have the power to create your own reality. Observe, listen, receive… messages abound and love rains down upon you from all dimensions.

All you need is already here

In stillness, we are transformed.

“The heart that seeks to awaken, to live genuinely, is more real than anything. That nameless drive calls you to be who you most truly are.”  
~Ezra Bayda~ 

Everything we experience is a reflection of our current state of consciousness; therefore, notice what inspires you, what soothes your soul and what brings you joy. Being fully present with life anchors you in the Now… What messages will you discover there?

Honor this moment as sacred for it is filled with innumerable delights. Each mindful breath creates a Oneness with the present moment that is transformative. This stillness and joy resides within you and is waiting to be expressed. Your spiritual awakening is a gift you give to the world.



Awareness is the first phase of transformation.

“The beliefs that are most deeply hidden often have the greatest power over us. Their strength dissipates as they are brought in to the light of awareness.”  
~Ezra Bayda~ 

Observe yourself without judgment. Beyond preferences, stories of the past, future aspirations and limiting beliefs lies a field of awareness. You are far greater than the role you play in this life.

Should you notice something that you would like to heal or release, begin by simply seeing yourself clearly. Without criticism, express gratitude for the lesson the energy has brought into your experience. You may say something like, “Even though I may not be completely aware of its purpose in my growth, I am grateful for ____. Thank you for the role you have played in my development. I release you with love.”

The technique of using awareness, gratitude and love creates space for a transformation to occur. It turns emotional and spiritual healing from a human, ego-based struggle into a conscious, loving process. When your precious energy is no longer tied up in perceptions that reinforce limitation or lack, all that remains is an infinite field of pure potential.

Awakening inner wisdom

Seek the gift within the challenge.

“Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand.”  
~Oprah Winfrey~ 

Challenges are a necessary aspect of enlightenment. They allow us to cultivate the tools of trust, patience, insight and empowerment. Don’t shy away from these moments of apparent darkness; instead, turn and shine the light of consciousness upon them.

Shamanic traditions utilize the energy and lessons of Jaguar to assist with transformation. This power animal represents sudden and intense change. When we call upon her for guidance, inspiration or assistance, she walks by our side and helps us find the strength to address adversity in such a way that we are changed by the experience. Having faced the dark night of the soul, we emerge transformed.

Our purpose is to awaken and life will always provide the perfect circumstances to facilitate our evolution. Know that you have the tools to navigate whatever unfolds in your experience and recognize these moments as opportunities to discover your true sacred nature.