Dream the world into being

In each and every moment we are dreaming the world into being. When we aren’t consciously shifting the dream, we struggle within the collective consciousness of fear and unconsciousness. You can shift your experiences with grace and courage and birth a new reality of joy from the matrix of creation.

It is said that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it. As we become more conscious, we make choices that are more conducive to a peaceful state of mind.

This morning, just prior to waking, I became aware that I was dreaming. Simultaneously I watched my dream as it unfolded, noticed the comfort of my bed and began considering what to write to today’s Wow Moment. And so it is with our awakening to higher consciousness – we learn to direct the flow of energy and create change.

In the process of your exploration, realize that you have the courage to dream a new world into being. In order to spot opportunities, we need to cultivate mindfulness and discover grace within the present moment.

Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.” ~ Mary Ane Radmacher

In everyday life you can engage in empowering acts that make a wonderful difference in the world. Perhaps you choose to forgive more quickly, say “I’m sorry” when you’ve missed the mark within a relationship, or set aside thoughts of judgment. It takes courage to honor another’s path and become more aware and responsible for your own. Validate your own actions and you’ll discover that you don’t need approval from anyone else because you have consciously stepped into the dream and participated in transforming it.

Today my intention is to dream from the level of soul.

Accept the gifts that life has to offer

The blessings that flow into your experience are a result of past work, effort and intention and you deserve to enjoy all the beauty that life has to offer. Be open and willing to receive this energy, for it is merely a return of what you have already sent out into the world.

Sometimes blessings are easy to spot, while others lie hidden within a perceived challenge. For this reason, an attitude of acceptance is a wonderful quality to develop. It allows you to move more quickly through the events of your life and reap the rewards that come from the process.

Gratitude cultivates a blessed state of mind. It gets us in the habit of looking at situations through the eyes of the Divine. The more aligned with are with the energy of Gratitude, the more open we become. Even when you are unsure of the reasons behind the circumstances of your life, trust that you are loved and guided each step of the way.

Today my intention is to be grateful for the abundance of gifts in my life.

Healing emotional wounds

Allow your wounds to be healed. When emotional pain rises to the surface, it is at that moment that it is ready and available to be healed. These deeply buried wounds of the past are repeatedly reflected in our life experiences until they are cleared.

In order to receive healing, we must choose to become vulnerable and open to the love of the Universe. Openness and acceptance create a space where we can dissolve the struggle and suffering once considered so necessary by the ego… and from this state of wholeness, we can help others to become whole as well.

When our energy is no longer tied up in defense, blame, regret, reactivity or trying to fix others, we become a channel for the power of the Divine and all that incredible life force flows into the present moment.

Procrastination tangles our lives within the gray and lifeless landscape of the mind and we can become caught in the web of endless decisions, ideas, worries, doubts and confusion. Clarity begins with your conscious state of awareness. Take responsibility for the choices that have been made thus far and choose to transform the situation (or your perception of it) into something new. When you feel stuck, begin moving forward in any direction and break free of stagnation. On the physical plane, this can be accomplished in many ways – changing a limiting habit, cleaning our closets or rearranging a room, taking a risk or finding reasons to be grateful… fortunately the options are infinite. All transformation first begins in the transformation of our thoughts.

Spiritual awakening is a process and it’s powerful to remain true to your unique journey. Joy is freedom that you can create for yourself in this moment. Every circumstance is meant to awaken your innate knowledge of the Divine energy that lives within you. You can choose to recognize this divinity and merge with the love of the Universe.

Today my intention is to remember that I am an infinite being on a journey of discovery. I am loved, supported and guided by the Divine every step of the way.

Simple messages of love and kindness

The higher the vibrational frequency of energy, the simpler things become. Whether someone’s personal story, the teachings we discover in books or through spiritual teachers or the language of the heart, one can determine the type of message based upon excessive input or the lack of it.

Ego-driven stories contain a lot of detail. There’s blame, defense, back story and drama. Those with lower frequencies seek to absorb energy from the people around them, and thus, this is why some people seem tiring or draining to be around.

The most loving gift you can give another is spaciousness. When we move into detached compassion, we allow those we love the ability to do their own spiritual work. Part of the journey is to learn to take responsibility for the choices we make and transform then when necessary. You can teach by example by consciously presenting your own energy in its highest form at all times.

Gossip too, is a lower frequency which is based upon excessive story. Refrain from sharing anything which is not supportive to yourself or others. The more aware we become of the energy that we send out into the Universe, the simpler things become. Delight in the successes of others and success will certainly be drawn to you. Share stories of breakthrough, strength, love and forgiveness only and see the effect it has on your own experiences and consciousness.

Today my intention is to be the change I wish to see in the world.

Divine timing

Divine timing ensures that you are right where you need to be. A missed opportunity is not a mistake, it is merely a missed opportunity. Drop any judgment or self-doubt and know that you have always done the best you can with what you have from where you are on your spiritual journey and your higher guidance is always operating behind the scenes.

The key to moving forward on your life’s path in a state of empowerment is to ensure that you are fully conscious and aware within the present moment. Awareness will allow you to recognize and quickly respond to Divine timing as it unfolds.

Most of us can review our life situations and personal history and see the hand of the Divine at work. Coincidences, inspiration, action and faith blend together to create opportunity. We need to develop the ability to trust and take risks as we traverse the Path of Transformation.

See the Universe as a brilliant navigational system. You provide the end result you desire (awakening, happiness and peace)  and as you travel, it adjusts and provides new routes that you can utilize to reach your destination. You can move quickly or take the long way, it doesn’t matter. The system will simply readjust, even if you should decide to take a detour. However… the more important aspect of the journey is this – you must start and keep moving in order to reach your destination.

So, go ahead and begin, trust that you’ll do the best with what you have from where you are. Allow for adjustments – perhaps choosing to view them as mini-adventures. When we travel in unfamiliar cities, we put a lot of faith in our navigational systems and often don’t know with certainty that we’ve where we need to be until we reach our destination. It is must the same with Divine guidance on our unique Path of Transformation.

Today my intention is to show up, stay aware and take one more step forward in faith.

Preparing for new levels of consciousness

In the advanced stages of spiritual growth we often go through a cleansing or purging process designed to aid us in releasing things which no longer resonate with our new vibration. You may feel that shift in many ways throughout the unique aspects of your life… weight loss, the desire the clean out closets, friendships may move in different directions, changing priorities… do not fear this process. It indicates profound movement within your soul’s growth.

Though this period of purification and initiation may seem challenging, you are creating a space in which something new can emerge. Expect to feel a greater sense of peace, spiritual transformation and personal connection to the Divine. These changes would not be here if your soul was not ready to reside in a higher state of consciousness.

On the level of form, we rarely see the whole picture. Your strength lies in the power of surrender and acceptance and it is time to walk forward with faith. Live from the heart and allow your new life to unfold.

Today my intention is to imagine the life of my dreams and live it now to the best of my ability.

Your beliefs are the law of your life

That’s Right! I am open to new ideas

That’s Right! Our infinite universe contains limitless possibilities

That’s Right! I enter into the joy of conscious union with the Divine

That’s Right! Life is open to me, rich full and abundant

That’s Right! I am free from the limitation of doubt

Your beliefs set the stage for your experiences. Many times, core beliefs are hidden deep within the unconscious, so if you are unsure of the energy you are emitting, examine the unfoldment of your life. Those who belief that they are supported and will be met with assistance, love and kindness draw in those very things. Others who carry the belief that life is a struggle will draw in the experience of struggle.

The energy of the Universe is there for you to utilize in any way that you wish. Like electricity, we plug in an appliance (our belief) and the energy flows into it for use. Keep in mind that electricity is neither good or bad; however, with it we can choose to cool a home or electrocute a man. The key is how we choose to direct the power.

The affirmations at the top of each Wow Moment! are meant to reinforce thoughts which are supportive, expanding and powerfully positive. It’s up to each of us to be aware of what we are asking the infinite energy of the universe to do for us. Your beliefs are the law of your life.

Faith is the most important thing in your life. It is impossible to arrive at the grandeur of its possibility through pretty thinking and small ideas… ~ Ernest Holmes ~

You can change the patterns of your thoughts. The power already lies within you and the greatest adventure of your life is learning how to use it with intention. Focus on the end goal – happiness – and choose it Now. Your energy will act as a magnet, drawing in the people, circumstances and situations that are aligned with you. All too often, we may focus on achieving a particular goal and then sabotage or negate the energy with limiting words and beliefs… something as simple as saying, “I need a new car…” is negated by further statements such as, “…but there’s no way I can afford the prices these days.” or “…and dealers always screw me over.” The opposing energy between desire and belief creates struggle within the experience.

Expect joy, greatness and love within your experience. Observe statements that project limitation and purposefully retrain the mind utilizing repetitive positive statements, intention and affirmations. Then, support the energy of those thoughts with conscious action. Marvelous gifts await.

Today my intention is to be simple and direct, to expect beauty and live authentically.


There is never a wrong time

It is the right time to be your authentic self. The sharing of your gifts can come through your work, relationships and ordinary, everyday occurrences. There’s no need to plan, simply be true to the guidance of your heart.

When you discover the light of the Divine within you, it transforms everything. Even death becomes nothing more than a doorway that allows you to reconnect with the universal spirit and become one with the source of all life.

The inner voice of your higher guidance speaks in the wordless language of the heart. It is accepting, loving and playful. It transcends dualities and allows you the ability to hear your truth in the midst of life’s confusion.

When you are living aligned with your truth, there is no doubt or fear. The Divine is expressing itself through you without the filters of limitation. See the spark of the infinite within yourself and expand your vision, seeking it too in others. Let your whole life become a prayer and share the unique gifts of your beauty.

Your experience of the world is one of your own projection. As your spirit awakens to Truth, you’ll notice that your viewpoint expands. When you realize that you can simultaneously perceive multiple perspectives, it allows the ability to make healthier choices. Awakening is something that we allow. Grace must be consciously acceptance and the time is right.

Today my intention is to remember that there is a difference between knowing your path and walking your path. I am willing to be the change I wish to see in the world.

Observation, awareness and transformation

As we change, the world around us is transformed. When we seek the Divine within our circumstances, it will surely be recognized. The dramatic shift in vibration shifts our relationship to the present moment and the result is nothing short of miraculous.

Imagine a life filled with acceptance, delighting in the Now, comfortable with the unknown, sharing your gifts and living immersed in faith… can you? Throughout the journey, we experience brief moments of complete connection that allow us to recognize the spark of the Divine within us and we simply seek to create them more and more often until it is our natural way of being.

  • Observe your interactions today. Notice the pleasures, the difficulties and how much others affect how you feel
  • Should you notice any judgments that arise, purposely shift to acceptance and see how that changes your energy. How does it change the energy of the situation?

Observations brings awareness. Awareness brings transformation. When we are balanced, confident and empowered, it becomes easier to remain peaceful even when faced with unconsciousness or challenging situations. One important aspect of finding empowerment is realizing the unique beauty of your journey, your attributes and what you bring to this experience of being human on planet earth. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anyone with your way of being in the world. Wherever you reside on the journey, celebrate the awakening master within you.

In this moment, you are right where you need to be. Whether engaged in the art of discovery, struggling with the past or at ease within the Now… all things serve your path. You are weaving the tapestry of your existence, and as you release the old patterns that no longer serve you, new patterns emerge. They are born of your experiences, but not limited by them.

Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred. The richness of our collective experience is but a glimpse of the infinite love and energy of the Divine.

Keep things simple

Mindfulness means keeping things simple. We consciously align ourselves in the present moment by slowing down, focusing on the task at hand and quieting the mind. In a world over-inundated with the proposed joys of multitasking, provide yourself a respite.

Spend a few minutes each day breathing consciously. Notice the rhythms of the body, the sounds around you and imagine that you draw in the light of the Divine with each breath… because you certainly do. See your heart filled with light and love and gratitude.

This moment offers a powerful connection to the Divine… it is always there, but few take the time to become aware of it. Each of us has our own unique way of tapping into this power, and however you choose to embrace stillness is perfection. Be the change you wish to see in the world and see yourself as an oasis of spaciousness in a busy world.

Today my intention is to take time to appreciate the small things and allow love to guide me.