Allow space for the unknown

This morning I awoke loving the dark stillness of the morning. I entered the gap between thought and action and took the time to breathe.

There is nothing more beautiful than discovering the endless facets of our infinite nature. Surround yourself with those who are spiritual seekers – immerse yourself in new perceptions – and take the time to allow yourself to shine.

Conscious breathing is a great place to start. It draws the attention to the heart chakra and begins to slow down the pace of the mind. I am thrilled to live this adventure, and see life as far more expansive than I could possibly imagine.

Whenever you feel tempted to do things in the same old way, out of perceived comfort, familiarity or the belief that you’ve mastered some aspect of your life, ask yourself if there’s any value in repeating the past… or might you learn more from taking a risk, discovering new capabilities or opening to new knowledge. This beautiful journey never ends – no matter how much we know, we’ve barely begun to experience the infinite.

Today my intent is to allow space for the unknown. In the midst of my plans, I choose to pay attention to the messages from the Universe and to give my time, love and attention to the Now. My awakening continues each and every moment and whether my teacher is Zen Mistress Minky or Mr. Kizmet needing attention, a moth fluttering at the window or a lesson in calm patience from the trees standing as sentinels of time, I choose to embrace the magic of life.

The roles we play

Every lifetime we get immersed within the roles that we play. The ego becomes attached to being a husband or wife, victim or abuser, pious or sinful, rich or poor… and it can become difficult to escape the identities with which we have aligned ourselves.

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts…             ~ Shakespeare

As spiritual beings, we use this world as a playground of discovery. We arrange specific karmic contracts such as teacher/student, rescuer/rescued, jailor/prisoner, and accept yet others as we walk through the events of our lives (such as the idea that we must be the good child, the one who changes the world, the one who’s never good enough, the fixer, etc.)

All roles are utilized as vehicles of healing and discovery. But at the source of your experience, you are far greater than the roles you have chosen to play. As divine, infinite beings created from the source of love, our true purpose is to learn to drop the need and attachment to our roles and see one another (and ourselves) as aspects of the Divine who are in the process of awakening.

Over the course of a lifetime, these roles can get stripped away. Those who had ego-fulfillment through their work lose a sense of identity after retirement and must find new authenticity in the daily walk in order to remain happy. Breakups cause some to question their role when no longer identified with a specific person, and victims forget their true power when they remain identified with victimhood.

There is great beauty to be discovered when we drop our attachment to particular identifiers. You can still be an excellent and loving parent by seeing both yourself and your children as souls on a journey of discovery, letting go of expectations and being the support that allow those you love to explore the world on their own terms. The ego will tell you that you are nothing if your lose your role – this is what causes some people to remain stuck in limitation… they cannot see beyond the role to the limitless possibility of the infinite. Give yourself the gift of seeing through the roles that others play. See them instead as spiritual beings choosing to have a physical experience for the sole purpose of healing and discovery… just as you are.

Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred.


Choosing joy – the story of Shane

A few days ago amongst the chaos and fear filling the news, I came across a story about Shane Michael Haley. He was a baby diagnosed with a birth defect that would only allow him a few hours of life. Knowing this, his parents decided to create a “bucket list” for him and fulfill all that they could while he was still in the womb.

One by one they went on fun-filled adventures together sharing the gift of love and of life. When he was born, the family gathered together to welcome him, baptize him into their faith and say goodbye. What an amazing example of love, conscious choice and acceptance.

Consider the impact this little soul had by choosing these particular parents and the lessons provided by the situation, not only for his family but for the 700,000 people who followed their blog and offered support and prayers along the way. We can this a Radical Incarnation… a soul chooses to teach through adversity and shift consciousness even though his time on the planet was quiet short. (As an additional thought, should that spirit choose to return to the family in a new body down the line, all the energy generated by these moments and memories will certainly come too, adding to the bonds of love.)

Every moment contains infinite possibilities. No matter what the circumstance, we can choose love. That’s not to say that sadness or disappointment don’t arise in life, only that we purposefully choose an empowered way of walking through our challenges. Acceptance opens the door for creative ways to handle the present moment and I am honored to have witnessed this wonderful example of higher consciousness from afar.

Today my intention is to embrace what is knowing that all things work to the highest good.

The gifts of adversity

What gifts await discovery? Four years ago I had no idea that I would write and while I’m still in the process of learning, it has become an important part of my spiritual growth and work. The temporary loss of a friendship prompted me to delve into that previously unknown aspect of myself and showed, once again, how everything works to the highest good of all involved regardless of how it appears. When I think of how many people’s lives have changed as a result of that original misunderstanding, I smile, appreciating the brilliance of the soul contract that was in play at the time.

From a spiritual viewpoint, things are often the opposite of how they appear on the physical plane. I’ve seen people lose jobs and security only to discover that they were meant to be entrepreneurs. Others encounter betrayal from lovers or family and discover relationships of authentic love and connection in the space that was created by the apparent loss. Rejection only means that something better awaits us down the road. Chance encounters become life-changing adventures.

I rarely have clients come trying to gain spiritual understanding when things are going well in their lives. It’s the bumps and bruises that capture our attention and send us on an inward journey searching for answers. Bless the challenges that arise within your experience for they are the gifts of your growth and have only appeared because you are ready to discover something new.

Today my intention is to remember that (in the words of Louise Hay) “In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete.”

Our purpose is to awaken

Everything you learn about yourself adds another piece to the puzzle of who you are and each facet shimmers with beauty as it reflects the light within you. The interesting thing about this process of discovery is that we initially don’t recognize our talents and potential until we go through some sort of challenge. The burdens created by the mind are transformed into gifts which guide us as we walk the journey of awakening.

There will come a time when you no longer need to manifest hardship in order to grow. As you drop the layers that block you from seeing yourself clearly, it will become easier to explore and discover the truth of your infinite nature when things are going well. This process of unveiling frees you from the mechanisms of the mind. The ego will still be there, chattering away; however, it will no longer have the ability to trap you in perceived limitation for extended amounts of time.

Make your joy in this moment your top priority. Allow your choices to be based in love rather than fear and seek wholeness within every situation. Joy, of course, is not the egoic definition of happiness resulting from things going the way you believe they should, but an authentic connection with the peace and silence of the Presence within you.

You have come to this planet with a specific purpose in mind – to awaken and contribute your unique perception and experiences to the whole of collective consciousness. When you step back to view completed tapestry we are weaving, you will discover that you are a gift of exquisite design.

Today my intention is to celebrate the journey. Every event has led me to this moment of perfection and I am grateful.

Our thoughts create our reality

When you shine the light of consciousness into the darkness something miraculous occurs. Instead of shame, you discover compassion. What once seemed to create limitation now sets you free. Embracing life’s opportunities and circumstances allows us to take back our power, realize our dreams and live with passion.

As a child, I was terrified of the dark. Shadows on the wall seemed to dance in maniacal glee, I was always expecting a hand to reach out and grab my ankle as I got into bed (so much, in fact, that I eventually chose to remove the bed frame and keep the mattress safely on the floor….) and yet, I lived for horror stories, scary movies, ice cream and childhood crushes, somehow finding my center in the perilous childhood balance between light and dark.

As a young woman, I decided to overcome my fear. I would camp alone in Yosemite (my place of healing); listening to the sounds of the forest in the dark, afraid of each snap, unknown possibility and the life and death dance of the nocturnal creatures. Eventually my fear transformed into delight. I learned to love the moon and the otherworldly shadows created by her soft radiance. I learned to breathe slower and see all the beauty that I had been missing during those long years of shaking fearfully in the face of the unknown. Somewhere along the line, I learned that I could walk forward in spite of the fear.

The ego loses its power when we are no longer divided internally. After you walk through the fire and step through to the other side, you are forever changed, awakened and empowered. The steps:

  • Stop projecting and blaming
  • Honor your feelings
  • Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is
  • Love yourself – release all judgment
  • Step into the present moment with gratitude

Today my intention is to dance with the joy of life.

Releasing limitation

Limitation is nothing more than outmoded conditioning. Somewhere down the line, one accepts an idea that blocks them from seeing their true nature. Over time, they manage to that idea, create self-fulfilling prophesies and reinforce the belief with myriad examples that become their perception of truth… “That’s the way I’ve always been.”

The teacher’s purpose is to hold up a mirror so that you may see your own divinity. Even then, the filters of belief are initially so strong that many have trouble believing the image which is shown… and yet, there is a resonating response from the deepest part of the soul which propels each of us down the path of healing.

Spiritual awakening is a process. Celebrate the moments of connection, insight, authenticity and breakthrough. Periodically look at your life and compare where you are now to where you were a year ago, or five or ten. There will come a day when old patterns shatter and you realize that you’re no longer reactive to the same issues.

Once you’ve released a limiting belief, you’ll never fall prey to its mechanisms again. Old layers of energy surrounding the core issue may surface, but instead of falling back into old behavior, you’ll simply be conscious that another aspect has come to your attention because it’s ready to be released.

This is how you create the life of your dreams. Imagine it, accept it, and live it in this moment to the best of your ability. Find ways to explore that bring fulfillment and know that your unique journey of awakening has just begun.

Today my intention is to bless and release the things which no longer serve me.

The tapestry of our creation

Things have a way of falling into place perfectly when we get ourselves out of the way. With our intention and actions, we set energy in motion and it can sometimes be amazing to witness what unfolds. You have many gifts to share, and that sharing (done with an open heart) should happen effortlessly.

Everything is a doorway to the Divine. Gather your inner courage and trust in the process of your awakening. You’ll find that the light of consciousness transforms all that is within or around you.

When we recognize the common source of our humanity and experiences, it allows us to join together in a synchronistic dance of gratitude. There are wonderful things to discover when we drop our fear and combine the knowledge and riches that each of us contribute to the whole.

Today my intention is to remember that we are one… all linked together in the exquisite tapestry of our creation. In celebration we meet infinite possibility.

Harm none, know thyself

Harm none, know thyself… Taught in various spiritual and philosophical systems throughout history, these simple premises have been handed down throughout the generations. All cultures share similar teachings wrapped in the flavor of their experience and yet, for anyone who has observed history, the one thing that replays is the harm that mankind does to itself, one another and the environment. Harm is always based in a lack of understanding, imbalance or fear.

The evolution of our species began with the mysticism of the ancients who lived and walked in harmony (and at time, at the mercy of) the natural flow of the planet. These ancient peoples are sometimes referred to as Wisdom Keepers and they pass down and continue to share their memories with those who are ready to receive.

As we collectively matured, we went through a phase of first creating and then breaking free from old laws and structure, rebellion and discovering our power. In the process, we forgot that early Divine connection as new information and experience took over.

Then began the journey of healing, the struggle with self-expression and finding our personal integrity. During this process we strove to get back to basic, simplify and realign with our true natures. As we continue to evolve, it’s important to integrate the knowledge and experience we have gleaned along the way. Every experience becomes a beautiful facet of who you are and who you are becoming. The acceptance of it all brings about internal balance and harmony which will sustain you through each and every moment. Honor your past and the teachings of those who walked before, but ultimately consider that nothing is more important than your unique connection to the Divine and your joy in this moment.

Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred.

Conscious Presence

Everything emits its own energetic vibration. The lower the frequency, the heavier the energy and the more limitation one encounters. The ego loves to feed our fears – creating “what if” stories around possible personal loss, world events, frightening future scenarios, etc. This energy then becomes a heavy weight that one carries and all of life is then experienced through the filter of fear.

The way to detach from the cultural providence of the egoic mind-set is to remain fully present. Instead of focusing your precious energy on past choices, perceived mistakes or missed opportunities, it’s important to take responsibility for your own state of consciousness in the Now. Nothing is more important for one’s health and balance and peace of mind.

Likewise, fears about the future equally destroy the happiness available within the present moment. Our thoughts create our reality, so when you notice the voice of the ego (and this can be generated internally or come through other people, the news, etc.) it’s empowering to observe it and shine the light of consciousness upon it.

Whenever you become aware of suffering that is going on in the world, rather than tuning out or enthusiastically joining in, notice what personal stories arise within you. All of life provides the opportunity to learn more about compassion, faith, love and acceptance. We must be the change that we wish to see in the world and this begins by doing our own inner work. Old pain or fear that has been suppressed will often resurface when we witness challenges that others are going through. These moments of awareness are the moments of transformation, both personally and collectively.

Knowing that all things work to our highest good, the greatest gift that you can give those who grace your life is conscious Presence. Often, spiritual seekers are called upon to be frequency holders who carry a field of peacefulness that can transform others’ energetic fields. From this place of balance we can share healing energy, light and prayers while holding the space of love for those who need it the most.

Today my intention is to walk in the light of love.