Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

“I view all experiences as opportunities for me to learn and grow.” 
~Louise Hay~
Acting with integrity means that you’ve chosen the action that has the highest energetic frequency – authenticity instead of ego. From this place of power, our choices have more impact and there’s a calm strength which underlies each moment.
From this place of empowerment and conscious action you will simply know that you’ve done your best in any given situation. It’s very natural to vacillate between awareness and ego while on your unique and personal path of transformation, and it’s important to realize that we all do the best we can with what we have in every moment. There is always something new to learn.
If there is stress or unhappiness underlying your life situation, realize that the ego is likely feeding your fear and begin to examine your thoughts. Conscious attention disrupts the hold of ego’s story and allows you the space and awareness to change the timbre of your thinking.
Choose happiness first, for there is nothing more important than your joy. From this beautiful space of conscious presence comes the ability to accept what is, to move into compassion, to see the endless possibilities that are available for you in every situation.
In this openness change will happen. When we choose to flow with life instead of fighting against it, our energy is more balanced and we are able to walk through the shift connected to the quiet stillness which lies within.
Today my intention is to take one conscious step forward knowing that all things work to my highest good – always.

The spiritual seeker

Nothing is more important than your joy.
“I constantly find new ways of looking at my world. I see beauty everywhere.” 
~Louise Hay~
On the path of transformation we begin to see the value in detaching from the belief that success in life is tied to achieving certain goals. Instead, we discover that a successful life is determined by how we respond to the present moment. We begin to observe how we react to both the beauty and challenges which are experienced.
I once had someone tell me, “I don’t want to do the work” when canceling an appointment. I found that very insightful and I respected the honesty – for raising one’s spiritual consciousness is work. It’s playful, powerful, enlightening, freeing, frightening and life-altering, but it does need to be a daily part of one’s life.
The interesting paradox lies within the simplicity of the work. Many would rather have a list of things to do to achieve higher states of spiritual awareness instead of quieting the mind, trusting the process and becoming aware of what each moment offers.
“When life is simple.
pretenses fall away;
our essential natures can shine through.
By not wanting, there is calm,
and the world will straighten itself.
When there is silence,
one finds the anchor of the universe within oneself.”
~ Lao Tzu from the Tao Te Ching, verse 37
Today my intention is to keep it simple by loving what is. With each breath I honor my path of transformation as sacred – and I am grateful.

Mindful silence

In the stillness anything is possible, yet nothing is required.
“My thinking is peaceful, calm and centered.” 
~Louise Hay~
Recently I’ve watched a few different families struggle with conflict. The circumstances of each are significantly different; however, the imbalance always begins with an alignment with Ego instead of an alignment with Love.
Typically, when someone is off balance, they can be very vocal about it. Ego requires others to agree with it, to fight with it, to react to it – anything to feed it energetically. This can range from voicing strong opinions or expressing fear to outright attack.
For this reason I often counsel people to utilize silence or to teach by example. When one is secure in their perception and it is not ego driven, there is no need to talk about it. It shines through each loving action and others feel that sense of peace merely by being in their presence.
Everyone should have a confidant or a teacher off whom they can bounce ideas or thoughts which need discussion – the silence I speak of here is related more to everyday life and everyday situations.
“Learn to be silent. Let your quiet mind listen and absorb.”
~ Pythagoras (580 BC- 500 BC)
“All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone.”
~ Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
It is the space between the notes which creates the beauty in music. Without the space and intent, there is only noise. Learn to be the space in the symphony of your life – be compassion… be stillness and purposely align yourself with love.
Today my intention is to appreciate the silence and stillness behind the noise and movement of life.

Accept – Then act

Everything works toward your highest good.
“I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of ever-changing life.” 
~Louise Hay~
Life will provide whatever experience is most needed for the evolution of your consciousness. Whatever appears in your life is happening for you, not to you. So if you find yourself wondering “Why me?” see if you can move into acceptance as quickly as possible asking instead, “What am I trying to see here?”
We do not need to spend a lot of effort rearranging the circumstances of life to meet a certain pre-conceived expectation. Once you realize who you are at the deepest level, peace is discovered… and then everything flows much more smoothly.
“Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane than to create inner resistance to what already is? What could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life – and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you. Any action is often better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy situation for a long time. If it is a mistake, at least you learn something, in which case it’s no longer a mistake. If you remain stuck, you learn nothing.”
~ Eckhart Tolle
I can think of nothing more beautiful than taking a risk. When we step out of our comfort zone, it creates a space in which something new can occur. The ego will often arise with the fear, the what-ifs, or reasons for procrastination; however, shining the light of consciousness upon the stories of the mind will lessen their hold upon you. Ego is nothing more than old, conditioned thought patterns. Awareness and ego cannot co-exist in the same space.
Allow yourself an hour to be fully present today. Notice when the mind creates a story of resistance or pain, notice whose energy lifts you up or how you feel in different rooms of your home, take a moment to hug a tree and feel the grounding energy of mother earth. This attention to your state of consciousness is a powerful tool than will begin to set you free.
Today my intention is to embrace the present moment without expectation. With each breath, I choose to accept whatever life offers.


The extent to which you are willing to be supported is an indication of the love you have for yourself.
“I always have wonderful, harmonious relationships. The person I am looking for is now looking for me.” 
~Louise Hay~

I awoke this morning thinking of the joys of friendship. Often it seems there are an amazing number of synchronistic occurrences that have to fall into place in order for two souls to cross paths. Then, recognizing a kindred spirit – or perhaps a karmic contract – they choose to embark upon a segment of the journey together.

I’m grateful for those who are kind enough to bring laughter and support into my world. These infinite soul connections create an energy and harmony that plays the soundtrack of my life. I often visualize them as a symphony – every instrument is vital and important and while the music continues if someone is missing, the energy shifts significantly. The nuances of the whole allow greater depth of experience.
My soul support group of 12 – love, knowledge, compassion, mentor, beauty, child, humor, discipline, anchor, healer, enlightenment, muse – has changed significantly throughout the years. It’s interesting to notice how, when it’s time for someone to leave your life, another person enters to fulfill that role.
I can’t express enough the importance of allowing others to support you on your personal path of transformation. Ultimately, the momentum of change is created within; however, these supporting characters provide the springboard for the discovery of new direction, thoughts, opportunities and perceptions.
Today my intention is to send love to friends both near and far. Thank you for walking with me on this amazing journey.


Suffering is the result of insisting that life be other than what it is.
“Everything unfolds in the perfect way at the perfect time.” 
~Louise Hay~
Mindfulness is the substance of Zen. Consciously observing and experiencing the ebb and flow of breath is the easiest way to bring oneself present. When you practice in this way, your mind and body come into alignment, your mind quiets and you are at your best.
Deep within the Now, peace awaits. Here are a few simple Buddhist practices from Living Buddha, Living Christ. Silently speak these sentences with each mindful breath:
Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment,
I know this is a wonderful moment.
Breathing, smiling, present moment, wonderful moment…
Breathing in, I am aware of my heart.
Breathing out, I smile to my heart.
I vow to eat, drink, and work in ways
that preserve my health and well-being.
Engage in these mindfulness exercises throughout your journey today. The most beautiful gift that we can offer to others is the art of mindful interaction in the present moment. This energy inspires, awakens, opens and allows the love of the Universe to flow through you into all you say and do.
Today my intent is to embrace each moment with mindfulness, awareness, ease and grace.



Fear – False Evidence Appearing Real
“When I find harmony and balance in my mind, I find
it in my life.” 
~Louise Hay~
Have you ever noticed that life often forces you to face what you fear the most? Many people put a lot of energy into avoidance, preparing themselves for every possible contingency and then, when “the worst” arises, they realize it wasn’t as bad as they expected.
As painful as it may be to face one’s fears, it’s far more debilitating to the spirit to avoid them. Until you understand that fear is a product of illusion, it limits your ability to love. Love and fear cannot coexist in the same space.
Fear begins with a story in the mind – “What if…?” If left unchecked, the story repeats until it is eventually accepted as truth. The mind responds by creating tension, anxiety, rapid heartbeat… all the usual products of a fight or flight response. When the body is in fight or flight, all the normal and healthy functions of the body stop doing their jobs and instead rush to the area believed to be “in need” creating an energetic imbalance.
Unbalanced energy shows up on the physical plane as insomnia, avoiding interactions, poor health, challenging relationships and projection.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
In the shamanic tradition, the power animal of the West is Jaguar who stands for sudden transformation, life and death. When I’m working with clients who are facing fear, I will often call on the spirit of Jaguar to walk by their side. Jaguar is said to devour fear, anger and grief while transforming toxic energies into light.
You can choose freedom. If there is a situation in your life that causes fear to arise, call upon the guidance of Jaguar. There are many ways to tap into that energy – dream work, meditation, studying their attributes, keeping a picture of one nearby- whatever unique way that inspires you. Jaguar can help you reclaim your true power.
Today my intention is to walk in the light of truth with joy.

Lessons comes from everywhere

Recent events reminded me of a Wow Moment from years ago….

“Every experience I have is perfect for my growth.” 
~Louise Hay~
Perhaps 15-20 years ago I stayed home sick from work. While channel surfing I ran across the Oprah Winfrey Show and watched her speak with a family of white supremacists. Of course, there was a lot of anger, yelling and hateful energy. I remember thinking, “Those kids never had a chance. They will never change. The imprinting of hatred is too strong to overcome.” I moved on to another show and forgot about it completely. A year later I got sick again. Same scenario – on the couch, a little bored, channel surfing… and once again I came across Oprah who said that she was bringing back a guest from the year before to discuss how the experience altered her life.
This piqued my interest. I had only watched the show that one time, and my immediate thought was “Wouldn’t it be interesting to see one of the people I saw last time?” Sure enough, it was a teenage daughter of the family who had spewed so much hatred.
She was completely changed. Her energy was soft, kind and compassionate. Her demeanor was authentic and even her clothing was a completely different style. Oprah showed a clip from the previous year and the contrast was so apparent that it brought tears to my eyes.
I had judged this girl a year earlier thinking there was no hope for her. She simply explained, “I never knew that there was a different way to think.” The opposition her family experienced from the crowd in the original show planted the seed of awakening. She had the courage to stand alone in her family and transformed hatred into love. She was an amazing teacher.
I often think of the delightful “coincidence” of those two days of illness and how everything works to our highest good… all the time. I learned that anyone can shift at anytime from any interaction. It took a year for this particular lesson to be made clear to me and of course, I didn’t even know that I was in the midst of a lesson under after it was completed.
This is the beauty of what life offers you… that teachers can be found in the unlikeliest of places, that even a head cold can have purpose and meaning far beyond what we perceive and that hatred and violence can be transformed in an instant. Wow.
Today my intent is to marvel at the wonders of life, to embrace every moment, relationship and experience as sacred – because they certainly are.


Inner grace allows us to remain peaceful, even in the face of the unknown.

“I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of ever-changing life.”
~Louise Hay~

There is great peace in discovering the Law of Detachment. In a world that’s evolving faster than ever before, old structures are dissolving. What was once considered stable is now as impermanent as shifting sand. Many are being swept along in this energy, not realizing that the intensity and transformation are leading them to golden shores of new possibility.
When we learn the art of detachment, we begin to live in the present moment without rigidly imposing our vision of how we believe things should be. To participate with detached compassion allows the opportunity to clearly see all the pathways which become available.
Yesterday a grasshopper joined me during my gratitude walk. For a few steps he kept pace with me, nimbly weaving in and out between my feet before going off to explore whatever his world had in store for him.
Grasshopper teaches us to trust our inner voice and take leaps forward or sideways (never backwards) in an unexpected manner. The ability to leap into the unknown is a powerful part of their mechanisms for protection.
Today my intention is to allow uncertainty to be an essential ingredient of my experience. I am willing to see what emerges from the chaos. Choosing to allow uncertainty to be my path to freedom opens me to infinite possibilities and I am ready to experience all the joy, adventure and mystery of life.

The Zen Manifesto

Be willing to achieve, believe, conceive… receive.

“I easily flow with new experiences and new opportunities.”
~Louise Hay~

“Zen knows only a vast life
which contains all kinds of contradictions
in a deep harmony.
The night is in harmony with the day,
and life is in harmony with the sky.
The presence is in harmony with the absence.
This immense harmony,
this synchronicity,
is the essential Manifesto of Zen.
This is the only way of life which respects
and loves,
and denies nothing, condemn nothing.”
~Osho: The Zen Manifesto~
There is great joy to be discovered on your life’s journey. Filled with limitless possibility, we can explore all the nuances of experience. Every situation, regardless of how it appears, contains a gift. Are you willing to receive it?
Today my intention is to experience life as a joyous dance.