

There is always something new to discover.

“What is the path? Residing in this very life, exactly as it is right now… liking or not liking has nothing to do with it.” ~Ezra Bayda~   

We humans are amazing, multi-faceted beings who are constantly in the process of helping one another to awaken. Notice your responses to those around you and, without judgment, simply seek to become a more conscious observer.

Your ability to greet the present moment with empowerment and peacefulness will continue to grow. There will come a point when you experience a situation that once was upsetting and come to recognize how differently you now respond to that person or situation. That is the power of spiritual awakening. It is a constant dance of experience, observation and right action.

Notice when you feel the need to complain about someone or something. Your reactive response demonstrates that something within you is ready to be healed or released. Rather than getting lost in the story, know that transformation is at hand and see the moment only as an opportunity to awaken.


The goal is to bring higher consciousness into your day-to-day life experiences.

“Stop playing it safe by trying to avoid adversity. Act from the heart and let circumstances unfold as they will.” ~Ezra Bayda~   

As you grow in awareness, you may discover that life will often provide an opportunity to see the new concepts that you have learned in motion. When you express a desire to cultivate your ability to love unconditionally, invariably  someone difficult to love will enter your life. This isn’t an obstacle, it’s a response to the awakening of your soul. Know that you already have the tools you need to navigate your life situations.

Practice allows you to strengthen your spiritual tools. The more you participate in life, the more empowered you become. Allow the give and take of energy to be your guide.

They say when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This is because everything and everyone is your teacher. The only change is that you now have the ability to recognize the gifts that surround you. The veil that clouded your perception dissipates allowing you to see more clearly.

Cultivating the art of patience

Patience is more than just being willing to wait. It is choosing to remain conscious and peaceful while waiting.

Often, the spiritual approach to life is the exact opposite of what we witness as physical beings. Our society tends to rush, to place great value on how quickly things are achieved… and then we rush on to the next thing. When we slow down and really pay attention, the entire construct of time begins to change. It slows down with us.

Make patience a focused aspect of your practice today. Observe when you feel you must “kill time” with your cell phone, talking or reading or playing a game while waiting and choose instead to be extra alert and aware. When someone is moving too slowly (figuratively or literally) for the pace you have set, consciously adjust to their pace. Become a receptive listener. When others speak, do not plan ahead what you will say when there is an opening. Listen with your whole being, pause, and then speak.

Because it goes against the grain of our human tendencies, cultivating the art of patience will not only provide valuable insight, but you will witness the varied miracles and synchronicities of life that are often missed in the rush.

Attachment brings suffering

The amount of disappointment you feel when a situation turns out differently than you expected is an indicator of how attached you were to a particular outcome.

“Seeing ourselves as the one who can get things done or being attached to the results of what we do will surely lead to frustration, disappointment and burnout.” ~Ezra Bayda~   

Life is a mystery. It cannot be controlled, understood or managed; therefore, we must learn how to flow with the energy of the events in our lives without creating additional resistance to the events that unfold.

When working from the level of mind, one may find oneself attempting to anticipate every contingency through pure focus and intellectual posturing. This can certainly work in many situations, giving the ego a false sense of control. As a feeling of security is created in this approach, invariably something will eventually unfold in a way that creates suffering, blame, frustration or anger when blockages are encountered. This is the moment of infinite potential. Will you stay attached or will you be open to something that is different from what you expected?

There is no ‘wrong’. There is only life and our response to it. If you can notice the challenge as it arises, observe your level of anxiety or frustration and immediately shift back into balance, you are doing exactly what was intended – practicing the art of moving to a higher level of consciousness.

Disappointment will happen. Change is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

Lucid Living

You are the dreamer and life is the dream.

“To awaken within the dream is our purpose now. When we are awake within the dream, the ego-created earth-drama comes to an end and a more benign and wondrous dream arises. This is the new earth.”~Eckhart Tolle~

Lucid dreaming is a term that means to be conscious of the fact that you are dreaming while still in the midst of the dream. As we awaken spiritually, we discover that life itself is a dream and learn to see beyond the illusion to the truths of our purpose here.

To be spiritually aware in the midst of illusion could be called Lucid Living. This means that we are no longer identified with the things of this world. Seek to bring a balance of your spirituality to your physical expression of life by being in the world but not of it.

Some spiritual seekers withdraw completely from life, shunning the trappings of unconsciousness: money, prestige, tangible items and the like; however, as we awaken the ego becomes more subtle. These same people can tend to develop a new ego-identity: one of “the enlightened one.” They may see themselves as “more evolved” than those around them which involves judgment.

The key is to function well in the world, to enjoy and even love the things of this earth without attachment, to be immersed in the present moment as an awakening soul while waking consciously in the midst of our physical playground.

We are in the process of discovering a peacefulness that transcends the human experience.

The measure of success

Your life is meant to be a beautiful manifestation of awakening.
Your life is a work of art.

“The enlightened person has the ability to interpret life from many different perspectives. As your vibration increases, new viewpoints become available. Reactivity is an automated reaction that is driven by the ego. Observe these initial responses to the challenges in your life. It’s likely that you’ll notice the intensity and duration decrease as you awaken.”

Your success in the human experience has nothing to do with what you’ve accomplished on the physical plane, but how conscious you have become. The ego distracts us from our purpose by feeding thoughts into our psyche that limit our ability to see clearly. Many become caught up in achieving physical goals – monetary, finding ‘the one’, seeking notoriety, leaving a legacy – and miss the only purpose of existence, which is to awaken.

Change how you measure success. Using peace, compassion and joyfulness as barometers, observe your responses to the situations you encounter. How conscious can you remain in the face of a challenge? Do problems immediately knock you off balance or have you discovered your innate ability to face them with courage and appreciation?

Consider those whom you admire. What is it about them that sparks awareness within you? If you spot it, you got it! Your inspirational teachers are showing you the seeds of your own possibility.

Living with enthusiasm

Many have forgotten their true innocence and childlike wonder.

“If you really want to know, you will have to drop all your knowledge; you have have to unlearn it. You will have to become ignorant again, like a small child with wondering eyes, with alertness. You will be able to know not only your own being but also the being the exists in the world…”  ~Osho~

The ego-driven mind loves to accumulate knowledge. It can then sound off facts and figures, delineate life and pump itself up by “being right,” especially when compared to the accumulated knowledge of others. In the midst of his or her pontificating, a child may come along and jump into the experience, laughing with delight and innocence. Who understands the magic of life more? The adult with important knowledge or the child immersed in the present moment?

Your true being is already activated and alert; however, it is a forgotten language – the language of being. Over time and through experiences, we have added layer upon layer of stress and tension which blocks us from seeing clearly.

Many spiritual masters such as Buddha, Christ, Lao Tzu and Guanyin were considered very simple people. Their teachings point simply to the truth of Being and the importance of stripping away all that distracts us from it.

When your ego wants to jump in and speak, sharing your opinions and past experiences, choose instead to be silent. See the moment through the eyes of a child and allow laughter and innocence to guide you deeper into the present moment.

The illusion of control

As we awaken, we learn to trust the processes of life.

“What is the path? Residing in this very life, exactly as it is right now… liking or not liking has nothing to do with it.”  ~Ezra Bayda~

As humans, our point of view is very limited. We interpret life through the filters of our perception and often seek to control the world around us based upon what we perceive our needs or desires to be.

Awakening calls upon us to be aware of our responses to life. Rather than seeking to dominate circumstances we learn to flow with them. Rather than attempting to bend others to our will we see the sacredness in each person’s path. The only thing over which you have any control is yourself, and that is challenging enough! We’ve all experienced the take over of the ego-mind and have temporarily lost consciousness; however, these moments of missing the mark become less intense and occur more rarely as we continue in our practice.

So give up your need to control. Cultivate your ability to trust and you’ll discover greater peace in your daily journey. Your purpose is to awaken and all that you experience facilitates that awakening.

Become the light

Enlightenment is not a destination. It is a state of being.

“When we begin practice, we are normally so caught up in our separate self – with all of our stories, complaints, entitlements and desires – that we can rarely get in touch with the love or appreciation that reflect our true nature. This is why we cultivate awareness of the heart, including emphasizing the importance of living from gratitude, loving-kindness and compassion.”  ~Ezra Bayda~

In every moment we have the opportunity to demonstrate what an awakened life looks like. Our actions and responses to life events mirror our current state of consciousness; therefore, choose to see every aspect of your journey as spiritual practice.

When we bring mindfulness to our daily experiences, we change the filter through which we interpret the world. The challenging person becomes a teacher. Painful emotions awaken new aspects of our ability to love. Boredom gives us space to bring a meditative awareness to the present moment.

This expression of light may spark the light within those you encounter. Your acceptance or kind words can remind someone of what they may have forgotten when caught in the midst of struggle. There is no greater gift that we can give.

The beauty of contrast

Your awareness and attention brings deeper meaning to all you experience.

“There is a rhythm in life, a certain beauty which operates by a variation of lights and shadows, happiness alternating with sorrow, content with discontent, distilling in this process of contrast a sense of satisfaction, of richness that can be captured and pinned down only by those who possess the gift of awareness.”  ~Louise Bromfield~

Every situation contains gifts of insight and awareness. As you search for meaning in the exploration of life, you’ll come to realize that your consciousness and perception gives meaning, rather than seeking it from outside yourself.

As we evolve, we see things differently. The chaos of modern life makes the stillness of a tree even more beautiful. We can lose ourselves in the contemplation of a flower – it’s sacredness and energy and ultimately learn to bring that awareness and stillness into daily life.

Observe things around you without labeling them. Simply see and experience them without the minds interference. This can take you deeper within the truth of your own nature. Imagine how you would walk through the world if you saw only the energy of the Divine in its various forms.